I want to and inject myself. What you need to know about immunity before and after vaccination

Does immunity decrease after vaccination?

They say that after vaccination, immunity decreases. So a common cold can become a problem?

O. Nazarova, Ryazan region.

Evgeniy Timakov, infectious disease specialist, pediatrician, candidate of medical sciences, answers:

– When vaccinated, the body begins to work to develop immunity against the infection for which the vaccine was given. Depending on the organism and how the vaccine is made, this process takes from several days to two weeks. If suddenly at this time a person catches another virus, then the immune system may switch to a more aggressive factor. And then the vaccine may not work, that is, immunity will not be fully developed. However, if the vaccine is the main “aggressor” for the immune system, then yes, the common cold will be more severe. Because the body will throw less effort at a mild virus. This is what is meant when we talk about decreased immunity. But there is only one conclusion. After vaccination, for the first time you should try to reduce the viral load on the body and wear a mask and maintain social distance.

We are experiencing the epidemic again. The reason for the jump in diseases was a new strain Read more

Should we expect “black mold” in Russia?

I read that most patients are now infected with the Indian strain. Does this mean that there could be a side effect in the form of that terrible “black mold” that originated in India?

I. Kuzmenko, Saratov

Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Gorelov answers:

– Mucormycosis, or so-called black mold, often accompanies Covid in India. This is a fungal infection that affects not only the central nervous system, but also the eyes, joints, and other organs. The disease develops against the background and as a result of the use of mechanical ventilation or massive antibacterial therapy. It was also used in people suffering from diabetes; in them it can cause severe sepsis with a fatal outcome.

Hypothetically, “black mold” can develop in a person in any country. However, in Russia, during the time that we know about this disease, only two cases have been registered. This is still largely an infection characteristic of a certain climate with high temperatures and very high humidity. Russia has different climatic conditions. Nevertheless, we cannot completely eliminate the risk of developing “black mold”.

How long does the vaccine protect, and six more questions about immunity to COVID-19

How long does immunity last if you have COVID-19?

According to many experts, anyone can get sick with coronavirus again. However, opinions differ on how long immunity will last after the first infection:

  • Director of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor Vasily Akimkin: “ From three to five months , then it gradually begins to go away” (quote from TASS).
  • Director of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Pasteur Areg Totolyan: “In 15–20% of those who have recovered from the disease, antibodies disappear within a month or two ” (“News of the Week”).
  • Rospotrebnadzor believes that the duration of immunity can vary significantly among different people, as it depends on various factors. At the same time, there is a high probability that after six months immunity will be significantly reduced .
  • Head of the Gamaleya Center Alexander Gintsburg: “People are so diverse not only externally, but also physiologically. For some it’s three months, for others it’s six months , it’s primarily related to the form, the severity of the disease” (RIA Novosti).
  • Immunologist Maria Polner: antibodies after the first infection with COVID-19 disappear after about eight months , after which re-infection is possible again (“Gazeta.Ru”).
  • Study from the La Jolla Institute of Immunology in the USA: immunity to SARS-CoV-2 can last eight months or longer, up to several years (bioRxiv).

How long does immunity last if vaccinated?

Gamaleya Center virologist Alexander Butenko told Sputnik radio that vaccinated Russians have a higher level of antibodies than those who have recovered from COVID-19. According to him, as a result of developing immunity to the coronavirus, the population of people susceptible to it and who can get sick from it is limited. Even if the antibodies disappear after some time, a person may not get sick from COVID-19. Coronavirus, according to the virologist, is an acute viral infection, after which patients rarely get sick again.

“The authors of the Sputnik V vaccine have shown with a fairly large amount of material that after vaccination the level of antibodies is higher than in those who were ill naturally,” Butenko is convinced.

On the website stopcoronavirus.rf about the effect of the Sputnik V vaccine, which is used to vaccinate the population of Russia, it is stated: “The two-dose administration regimen allows for the formation of long-term immunity. Experience with the use of vector vaccines (with a two-dose administration regimen) shows that immunity lasts up to two years .”

Can I get sick after getting the vaccine?

There are several known cases where Russians fell ill with coronavirus after receiving the Sputnik V vaccine. Thus, infections were recorded among vaccinated doctors in Kuzbass. The Ministry of Health then explained that the Sputnik V vaccine is two-component, the second injection is given 21 days after the first. In this case, the patient is considered protected from coronavirus three weeks after the introduction of the second component .

In addition, three vaccinated doctors became infected with coronavirus in Altai. “The immunity of sick doctors who were vaccinated probably did not have time to develop . Only this could have caused the infection of doctors,” explained the regional Ministry of Health.

Is it possible to infect someone else if I have been vaccinated?

Back in November last year, the chief therapist of Russia, Oksana Drapkina, told Rossiyskaya Gazeta: “The answer right away is no! A person who has been vaccinated will not be infectious to those around him ; there is no need to be afraid of this.”

However, later, vaccinologist Evgeny Timakov told Gazeta.Ru that it is necessary to wear medical masks even after vaccination against COVID-19, since vaccinated citizens can still be carriers of coronavirus infection . The fact is that the vaccine does not lead to the appearance of local immunity of the mucous membranes - that is, once the virus gets into the nose of a vaccinated person, it is able to multiply. As a result, when a vaccinated person sneezes or exhales, they can transmit SARS-CoV-2.

Those vaccinated themselves will not get sick from COVID-19, said allergist-immunologist Vladimir Bolibok.

Vaccinated people " may be even more dangerous spreaders of the virus because they are lulled into a false sense of security," Dr. Yvonne Maldonado of the American Academy of Pediatrics told The New York Times.

Is it possible to infect someone else if you have had COVID-19?

Rospotrebnadzor stated that those who have recovered from COVID-19 and have antibodies can still be carriers of the infection for some time. “ This is an extremely rare, but possible option ,” the department believes.

According to the leading expert of the Center for Molecular Diagnostics CMD Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor Mikhail Lebedev, those who have recovered from coronavirus have no advantages over those who have not been ill in terms of using personal protective equipment. During a pandemic, absolutely everyone should use masks : infected and uninfected, sick and already ill.

If you have had ARVI or the flu, can you develop immunity to coronavirus?

The website stopcoronavirus.rf says: “First of all, you need to remember that the influenza virus is also dangerous. Therefore, you need to be vaccinated against it. At the same time, if a person already has immunity from the flu (he has been ill or been vaccinated), then this can be a good help for the body in case of coronavirus. However, protective immunity against coronavirus is not formed as a result of influenza .”

At the same time, in October 2020, Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation, citing research by US scientists, reported: “A recent study by American scientists showed that, having had seasonal ARVI, a person can acquire immunity to infection with many coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2 . However, researchers cannot yet say how effective such immunity is” (quote from RIA Novosti).

What is herd immunity and when will it develop?

Herd immunity, also known as herd immunity, is indirect protection against an infectious disease that occurs due to the development of immunity in a population either as a result of vaccination or as a result of previous infection.

Website stopcoronavirus.rf: “Collective immunity will be developed when more than 70% of the population is vaccinated .”

The head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova said that vaccination against coronavirus in Russia should be organized so that collective immunity is formed by the fall. She believes that 60% of the country's population can be vaccinated in the first year.

The World Health Organization believes that in 2021 the world will not achieve collective immunity to coronavirus . “Even when vaccines begin to protect the most vulnerable people, we will not be able to achieve any level of population immunity in 2021,” said WHO chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan. According to her, if herd immunity occurs in a few countries, “it will not protect people around the world.”

The President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Alexander Sergeev, believes that Russia will not develop collective immunity to coronavirus for a year or several years . He suggests that in the fight against coronavirus, we will most likely have to rely on approximately the same tactics that have been used “for decades in relation to the flu,” writes RBC.

What do pensioners need to know about vaccination?

Interested in everything about vaccination of older people. Can vaccination make a chronic disease worse?

E. Vasina, Kaluga

Answered by the director of the Russian Gerontological Research and Clinical Center of the Russian National Research Medical University named after. Pirogova, chief geriatrician of the Russian Ministry of Health Olga Tkacheva:

– Very old age, the presence of geriatric syndromes and multiple chronic diseases are not a contraindication for vaccination, but before vaccination it is necessary to consult with your doctor. If a decision is made to vaccinate, this should be done during the period of remission of a chronic disease. In general, from experience, most older people tolerate the vaccine well. In rare cases, on the 1st–2nd day after vaccination, weakness, malaise, a slight increase in temperature, and discomfort in the injection area may occur.

Temporary offers. The Ministry of Health announced the rules for vaccination against COVID -19 Read more

How many times should you be vaccinated?

Table of contents

  • How long does the vaccine last?
  • Who needs revaccination?
  • Is immunization required for those who have been ill and were already vaccinated before infection?
  • Preparation before revaccination
  • Possible side effects after revaccination
  • Advantages of contacting MEDSI

The re-introduction of vaccinations against coronavirus is an issue that is relevant today throughout the world. The current situation proves that over time, antibodies are removed from the human body, and it can no longer fully resist the dangerous disease. How many times should you be vaccinated against Covid? Let's figure it out.

How long does the vaccine last?

It all depends on what drug was administered.

, who is the developer of EpiVacCorona, for example, claims that immunity after vaccination lasts for a year. At the same time, the Center’s specialists plan to monitor this fact by conducting research at certain intervals.

So how many times should you be vaccinated with EpiVacCorona? Once a year!

The head of the Gamaleya Center said that their drug was created on the same platform as the vaccine against the Ebola virus. It has already been proven that protection after it lasts for two years, and possibly more.

How many times should I be vaccinated with Sputnik V? Once every 2 years!

But the answer to the question regarding the validity period of the drug “Covivak” still remains open. Specialists at the Chumakov Center have not yet provided information on the number of required repeat vaccinations.

How many times should I be vaccinated with Kovacak? There is no exact answer!

Important! All of these vaccinations require two doses. The only exception is the drug “Sputnik Light”. It is administered once.

What does the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation say? Its representatives claim that revaccination is necessary once every 6 months. At the same time, both those who have already had it and those who have had the disease should get vaccinated. After the epidemiological situation in the world improves, revaccination will become possible once every 12 months.

Who needs revaccination?

It turns out that everyone! Those who want to protect themselves, their loved ones and relatives from infection should be vaccinated against coronavirus again. The head of the Moscow Department of Health confirms this opinion. He reports that re-vaccination should be carried out for all categories of citizens 6 months after the first immunization.

Is immunization required for those who have been ill and were already vaccinated before infection?

Yes! There will definitely not be an extra vaccination. In this case, the choice can be made in favor of the drug “Sputnik Light”, which is a single-component drug (implies the administration of one dose).

What if there are antibodies?

At the moment, previous infection (within the last 6 months) and the presence of antibodies are not contraindications to immunization. That is, anyone can go and get vaccinated if they wish. He will not receive a refusal from the doctor. At the same time, the vaccination itself will not have a negative effect on the body.

If 6 or more months have already passed since the disease, then you should get vaccinated to protect yourself and your loved ones. This is due to the fact that at this time the risk of contracting coronavirus again increases significantly. Vaccination, in turn, can provide protection to the body, as it trains memory T cells and promotes the production of virus-neutralizing antibodies.

Is it necessary to measure antibody levels before revaccination?

Not necessary! The patient can decide to undergo the test independently. This is due to the fact that the level of antibodies in those who have recovered or have already been vaccinated does not determine the degree of protection of the body.

Preparation before revaccination

If a person feels healthy and does not experience symptoms of disease, then a simple examination by a therapist is sufficient. The doctor will determine pulse, blood pressure, saturation and other important indicators. This will ensure that the patient currently has no contraindications to vaccination.

If a person suffers from chronic diseases, comprehensive diagnostics and examinations by specialists may be required. This will eliminate the presence of contraindications and risks to the patient’s health.

To exclude the asymptomatic early stage of infection (including in those already vaccinated), doctors advise taking a PCR test 48–72 hours before vaccination (it can be performed after administering both the first and second doses of Sputnik V). Vaccination will be contraindicated if a positive result is obtained. Immunization will be possible immediately after recovery.

Possible side effects after revaccination

Each patient may have individual reactions. However, side effects after vaccination are absolutely safe. The patient just needs to be prepared for this.

The main side effects include:

  • increase in body temperature
  • pain at the injection site
  • slight skin redness and swelling
  • headache
  • weakness and feeling tired

Despite the fact that the side effects after vaccination with Sputnik and other drugs are mild, it is necessary to monitor your well-being over time. If after a few days it does not improve, but on the contrary, the condition worsens, you should consult a doctor. It is possible that at the time of vaccination you were already infected with coronavirus infection, and the pathology is currently actively developing.

Advantages of contacting MEDSI

  • Diagnostic capabilities.
    Before getting vaccinated, you can perform the necessary examinations, undergo examinations by doctors and consult with them.
  • Medical examination.
    He will tell you how many times you need to be vaccinated against coronavirus and when to go to the clinic again
  • Experienced specialists.
    Vaccination is carried out by paramedical personnel (nurses) with the necessary knowledge and skills
  • Immunization preparation programs
  • Comfortable conditions for the procedure.
    Vaccination is carried out without queues and long waits on a convenient day. To undergo the procedure, each patient can choose the nearest clinic

To clarify the conditions for getting vaccinated or making an appointment for it, just call +7 (495) 7-800-500. Our specialist will answer all questions. Recording is also possible through the SmartMed application.

How to obtain a certificate of contraindications?

Who and how can obtain a certificate of contraindications for vaccination?

I. Marchenko, Voronezh

To obtain a certificate, you need to contact your doctor or local physician. There are few absolute contraindications to vaccination. According to the chief therapist of the Ministry of Health, Oksana Drapkina, these include a severe allergic reaction, taking medications and treatment that affects the immune system. There are situations when you can get a temporary medical outlet. For example, you cannot vaccinate during an acute respiratory viral infection or an exacerbation of some chronic illnesses. In case of exacerbation of chronic diseases or ARVI with fever, this is usually 2-4 weeks after recovery or remission. In the case of acute infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, vaccination is allowed after the temperature has normalized. Vaccination is not indicated during breastfeeding and for children under 18 years of age, but research is underway, and the situation may soon change.

Experts spoke about the duration of immunity after vaccination and contraindications

Recommendations for vaccination against COVID-19 using the drug “Gam-COVID-Vac” (“Sputnik V”) are published on the website of the Ministry of Health. They also contain answers to a number of questions, including how long protection lasts, what are the age restrictions for using this vaccine and whether it will prevent infection with mutated strains, a correspondent of the Minsk-Novosti agency reports.

The recommendations given were prepared by specialists from the Republican Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health.

Is it possible to get sick with COVID-19 after vaccination and transmit the virus to others?

People who receive the vaccine cannot get sick from COVID-19 or shed SARS-CoV-2 from the vaccine because it does not contain a live virus. The named vaccine was obtained biotechnologically without the use of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is pathogenic for humans.

After the first dose is administered, the body needs time to form protection, so you can become infected with the virus in the days after and before vaccination. Full specific immunity is formed in 92% of vaccinated people 7–21 days after administration of the second component of the vaccine.

The second dose of the vaccine is also important: it provides maximum protection against the development of COVID-19.

Vaccination forms the individual protection of the vaccinated person, preventing the disease, its severe course and unfavorable outcome.

For those who have been vaccinated, it is essential that they continue to practice social distancing, use respiratory protection, wash their hands, and avoid crowded areas until the end of the pandemic.

How long does the vaccine provide protection?

There is evidence of the preservation of immune protection for at least nine months, and according to the results of mathematical modeling, possibly up to two years. It is worth noting that, unlike immunity after an illness, the vaccine allows you to develop immunity without infection and the possible development of complications. In addition, it is expected that post-vaccination immunity will be stronger than post-infection immunity, because the immune response to the drug is more selective and powerful than during natural infection.

It is planned to monitor the vaccinated volunteers for two years to obtain the necessary information to confidently answer questions about the characteristics of immune protection.

How does Sputnik V work?

This vaccine is based on recombinant viral particles of human adenovirus serotype 26 (first component) and serotype 5 (second component), which is a vector. The genetic structure of this adenovirus has been changed so that it cannot cause infection in humans.

The adenovirus carries the S protein gene of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which allows the vector virus to produce coronavirus spike proteins, which are located on its surface and play a leading role in the infection mechanism.

Vaccination trains the human body's immune system to recognize the spike protein and mount an immune response. This will prevent the development of infection if the virus enters the body.

The vaccine induces humoral and cellular immunity to coronavirus.

What part of the population needs to be vaccinated?

In 2021–2022 It is planned to vaccinate at least 60% of the population of Belarus as a whole and each of its regions against COVID-19. With less coverage of residents, it will not be possible to form “collective protection” and influence the intensity of the spread of the virus.

Does vaccination protect against infection by mutated variants of the virus?

There is no evidence yet that immunity after vaccination does not prevent infection with known mutated strains of SARS-CoV-2. Research continues.

What are the intervals for immunization after coronavirus infection?

You can get vaccinated 3-6 months after suffering from Covid, regardless of its severity.

A minimum interval of three months is reasonable for those at high risk of contracting mutated variants of the virus with a high potential for spread. These are people engaged in raising fur-bearing animals who travel abroad.

If COVID-19 develops after the introduction of the first component of the vaccine, but before the second, its administration can be planned no earlier than six months after the infection.

The vaccination course should be completed, since the introduction of one component and the infection may not have formed full long-term protection. Relevant studies are ongoing.

About the occurrence of an acute disease or an exacerbation of a chronic disease between the introduction of the first and second components

The second component must be administered after recovery in an acute disease or the beginning of the remission stage in a chronic disease. In individual cases, it is possible to introduce the second component 1–4 weeks after recovery in an acute disease or the beginning of remission in a chronic disease (depending on the severity of the disease). The risk of COVID-19 and severe infection must be taken into account.

The maximum interval between the introduction of components is not regulated.

Is it necessary to determine the presence of antigen or antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 virus?

There is no advisability of such examination before vaccination.

Should I be vaccinated if I have immunoglobulin G?

The presence of a certain amount of virus-neutralizing IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in those who have recovered does not guarantee protection against re-infection 3–6 months after a previous infection. Therefore, vaccination is also indicated for such citizens, and vaccination will allow them to form more lasting immunity.

The risk of re-infection in the next 3-6 months after illness is low. In most survivors, the protective immune response persists for 90 days after the illness, then it is advisable to schedule vaccination.

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Are allergic reactions in the past to medications or foods a contraindication to vaccination?

Vaccines, like any medicine, can cause allergic reactions in people with very high sensitivity to the active substance or any of the components of the drug.

Safety data obtained from clinical trials do not indicate an increased risk of an allergic reaction, but given the limited number of vaccine doses administered to date, very rare allergic reactions (less than 1 case per 10 thousand vaccinated persons) cannot be ruled out.

The general rule for the use of any parenterally administered vaccine is to ensure immediate medical attention if necessary and a minimum of 30 minutes of observation after vaccination.

What are the contraindications to administering the vaccine in people with chronic diseases?

One of the contraindications is exacerbation of a chronic disease. In this case, a preventive vaccination may be prescribed 2–4 weeks after remission.

It is also taking medications that suppress the function of the immune system (for vaccination, you must stop taking such medications at least a month before and after vaccination).

In addition, autoimmune diseases, malignant neoplasms (vaccination may pose a risk for patients with this pathology, the possibility of vaccination of these patients is being studied).

The general characteristics of the drug indicate that in the presence of chronic diseases, vaccination is carried out with caution. The patient must be on basic therapy, adhere to it, and be in stable remission - this is the main condition for vaccination. In such situations, admission to vaccination can be approved by the attending physician (a specialist in the profile of chronic pathology). The decision to vaccinate each patient should be based on a benefit-risk assessment.

Are blood and urine tests necessary before administering the vaccine?

It is prescribed to each patient by a doctor after a survey, medical examination and study of medical history.

Laboratory and/or diagnostic tests may be required in some cases for patients with chronic pathology to assess the intensity (period) of the course of a chronic disease.

Vaccine manufacturers have not yet announced the need to routinely perform laboratory tests (general blood and urine tests, biochemical blood tests) before vaccination.

Vaccination of first-level contacts

Such persons can be vaccinated no earlier than the end of the observation period in the absence of clinical manifestations of the disease. Their preliminary testing for the presence of antigen or antibodies is impractical.

Age restrictions for using Sputnik V

This vaccine is indicated for the prevention of COVID-19 in people over 18 years of age.

Should I go to a therapist?

Do I need to visit a doctor before revaccination?

S. Tsarenko, Volgograd

Sergei Yakovlev, professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy at Sechenov University, answers:

– If a person is not worried about anything, he tolerated the first vaccination well, and did not get sick for the next six months, then you can sign up for revaccination without visiting a doctor.

COVID-19 vaccination: 11 questions and answers about the vaccine Read more

What happens if you combine different vaccines?

My daughter worked in Belgium, where she was vaccinated. Now I'm back home. However, we do not accept her vaccination certificate, because the vaccine must be Russian. It turns out that she needs to be vaccinated with Sputnik on top of it? Is that allowed?

I. Passportnik, Balashikha

Answered by Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases in Children, Russian National Research Medical University named after. Pirogova, Candidate of Medical Sciences Ivan Konovalov:

– On the one hand, over the entire experience of using various vaccines - both domestic and foreign - no adverse effects have been documented with any combination of drugs. Nowadays, even children are sometimes given several vaccine preparations in one injection, for example, against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus. But more research is still needed. There is no clear answer to this question yet.

Vaccines do not reduce immunity, but rather activate the immune system

European Immunization Week starts on April 26, during which a broad information campaign will be carried out to increase vaccination coverage. Elena Averina, an immunologist and pediatrician at City Hospital No. 5, told a correspondent of the Center for Public Health and Medical Prevention about the importance of immunization and the myths around vaccinations.


There is a lot of controversy surrounding the topic of vaccination. Some are in favor, others are categorically against...

Having worked in vaccinology for 32 years, I can confidently say that vaccination really saves lives and this is a fact, and a fact is a stubborn thing. At the end of the 50s of the last century, about 750 thousand cases of measles were recorded in the United States, approximately 400-600 children died.

Currently, due to vaccination, only 50-60 cases are recorded annually in the United States. Another example, in Russia in 1995 there was an anti-vaccination campaign, as a result of which the coverage of vaccination against diphtheria decreased - a large number of deaths from this disease were observed. When coverage increased, cases of diphtheria were reduced to single cases.

Parents need to understand that vaccines are a million times safer than the diseases we vaccinate against. What is better - to get vaccinated against chickenpox, or in case of illness, take a child care leave for 10 days, watch how he suffers: the temperature rises to 40 degrees, painful ulcers appear in the mouth and the mucous membranes of other organs? The answer is obvious.

If you want to be healthy and protect yourself and your child, you must be vaccinated in accordance with the “National Calendar of Preventive Vaccinations of the Russian Federation.” And remember that at certain times of the year vaccinations are necessary due to epidemic indicators. However, it is impossible to demonstrate the effectiveness of vaccination using the example of one person.

Sometimes parents come to me and say similar phrases: “I haven’t been vaccinated, and everything is fine with me.” This is not an indicator. Real results can only be seen on large numbers of people.

Those who understand the dangers of the environment get vaccinated. Now the tick season is about to begin, and responsible parents are getting vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis.

There is a myth that you cannot do many vaccinations in a short period of time. Like, does it overload the immune system?

It is impossible to overload the immune system. When we go to the supermarket or visit public places, we encounter a very large number of antigens, foreign viruses and bacteria - we exchange this flora.

And our immune system simultaneously responds to a large number of antigens. Therefore, you can be vaccinated with different vaccines at the same time. Parents are often afraid of this, but in vain. During the coronavirus pandemic, many people are also afraid to get vaccinated and vaccinate their children against other pathogens.

We must understand that there is such a thing as cross immunity.

That is, activation of nonspecific immunity also protects against COVID-19, or at least reduces the likelihood of death.
Therefore, during the pandemic, we do not stop any vaccinations; we vaccinate against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, tuberculosis and other vaccine-preventable diseases. Vaccines do not reduce immunity, but rather activate the immune system by activating monocytes and macrophages. Simply put, people who train their immune system have a higher chance of avoiding death than those who are not vaccinated.

However, there are parents who are categorically negative about vaccines. How do you work with such people?

There are absolutely convinced parents who don’t even want to hear anything about vaccinations. It is extremely difficult to talk to them.

Our task is largely to fight for the general immune layer. So that as many people as possible are vaccinated so that a protective shield of antibodies is formed.

Even if a child is not vaccinated, thanks to this shield he will not get sick. If the number of people who refuse to be vaccinated increases, then infections will accordingly “raise their heads” - the number of sick people will increase. In addition, herd immunity will not help against tetanus.

No children are insured against injury. And if a child catches this disease, it will be necessary to administer anti-tetanus serum, which is much more aggressive than the tetanus vaccine. Anti-vaccination campaigns cause great harm to the healthcare system.

In Israel, refusal to vaccinate is common among sectarians who are closed to their community. In our country, anti-vaxxers sometimes try to impose their opinion even through the media, which are not entirely competent in this matter. Therefore, I would like to limit access to anti-vaccination advertising in the media.

Another popular topic is whether it is worth getting vaccinated against COVID-19 if a person has already been ill?

I urge absolutely all city residents to get vaccinated against coronavirus. I got vaccinated myself, and so did all my family members. Not all of those who have been ill have developed antibodies, so vaccination is necessary. This will only strengthen and protect our citizens from this terrible disease.

How will European Immunization Week take place in Sevastopol?

The campaign will take place in children's and adult clinics. The emphasis is on the importance of vaccination, vaccination schedules, why you need to be vaccinated, against what infections, what side effects may be.

It is also planned to hold a round table in which city specialists will take part. Of course, our experts are ready to communicate with journalists and talk about all aspects and nuances of vaccination, especially since vaccine production in Russia is at a high level.

Interviewed by A. Pribilova

“Sputnik-V”, “EpiVacCorona” and “CoviVac”: how vaccines against coronavirus differ, read the article.

Is it possible to wash?

Why can't you wash after vaccination?

A. Kharitonova, Sudak

You can wash yourself. But for several days after vaccination, it is not recommended to go to the sauna, bathhouse, that is, to influence the injection site.

What symptoms may the Delta Plus coronavirus have? More details

What symptoms should you be wary of?

Is it true that the coronavirus now manifests itself differently? They say that pain in the abdomen signals illness.

S. Vasilyeva, Kursk

Indeed, experts note that the Indian strain of coronavirus “delta” for the most part manifests itself initially not as a cough or lack of odors, but as a gastrointestinal tract disorder. This may include abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea. According to infectious disease doctor Evgeniy Timakov , due to a new mutation, the coronavirus began to cleverly “disguise” as a regular viral infection. The main symptoms of the disease were a runny nose, sore throat and intestinal disorders. But the loss of smell faded into the background. That is why doctors began to be more suspicious of patients with ARVI symptoms. The main differences between Covid and a cold are an intense dry cough, a temperature above 38.5°C, severe weakness and a feeling of lack of air. But the interpretation of symptoms is a matter for doctors, not for the sick. Therefore, in Moscow, all cases of acute respiratory viral infection are now considered as potential coronavirus and patients must remain in isolation until test results are received.

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