Medical advice from vaccination against COVID-19: answering frequently asked questions

Vaccination of adults

Vaccines included in the national vaccination calendar of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

For adultsMultiplicityVaccinations against diseasesVaccines
Adults over 18 years of age. Revaccination every 10 years since the last vaccination RevaccinationDiphtheria TetanusAD-M, ADS-M Adasel
Adults from 18 to 55 years old, not previously vaccinatedVaccinationViral hepatitis BEuvax Regevak
Women from 18 to 25 years old, have not been sick, have not been vaccinated once against rubella, and have no information about vaccinations against rubellaVaccinationRubellaRubella MMP-II
adults under 35 years of age (inclusive), who have not been sick, not vaccinated, vaccinated once, and who do not have information about vaccinations against measles; adults from 36 to 55 years (inclusive), from risk groups, not sick, not vaccinated, vaccinated once, with no information about measles vaccinations Vaccination RevaccinationMeaslesMeasles Divaccine MMP-II
adults working in certain professions and positions (employees of medical and educational organizations, transport, public utilities); pregnant women; adults over 60 years of age; persons subject to conscription for military service; people with chronic diseases, including lung disease, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders and obesity VaccinationFluVaxigrip Ultrix Grippol Plus
People over 18 years of age if they have not been vaccinated against these diseases previouslyVaccinationHepatitis AAlgavak-M
Havrix 1440
VaccinationTick-borne encephalitisEnceVir
VaccinationHuman papillomavirusCervarix
VaccinationChicken poxVarilrix

What vaccinations do adults need?


medical journalist Daria Sargsyan

14 minutes


Adults, like children, need to be vaccinated regularly. And we’re not just talking about the so actively advertised protection against influenza. Vaccination can prevent infection with hepatitis B, tick-borne encephalitis, pneumonia, etc. In adults, the indication for vaccination is not only age (most vaccinations are given to pensioners), but also pregnancy, special working conditions, sex in homosexual couples, etc.

It is highly desirable that an individual vaccination schedule be drawn up by an immunologist. Some vaccinations can be combined and given on the same day. In all cases, allergic reactions to vaccine components are a contraindication. It is important to understand that, despite the proven effectiveness of vaccinations, only in rare cases is there a 100% guarantee of success. However, it is almost always more than 50%.

In each country, the vaccination calendar is compiled depending on its epidemiological characteristics, financial capabilities and the opinion of leading experts. In Russia, the list of officially approved vaccinations for adults is somewhat sparse.

We found out what is recommended in other civilized countries. All the vaccines described here are available in Russia, but mainly in non-governmental medical centers

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Vaccination for adults

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Age from 55-65 years, studying at a university or college, pregnancy

Vaccination age

after 55-65 years
Other indications for vaccination

  • studying at a university or college
  • work in the medical field
  • working in crowded places
  • pregnancy (except live attenuated vaccine)
  • long-term heart disease, lung disease, etc. (except live attenuated vaccine)
  • weakened immune system (except live attenuated vaccine)
  • moderate to severe malaise

1 injection (or nasal spray) every year

Side effects

Rarely may occur:

  • muscle pain
  • slight fever
Countries where such vaccination is officially recommended

Almost all civilized countries, incl.
Russia Hide information

Pneumococcal infection (pneumonia, sepsis, meningitis)

Age from 60-65 years, diabetes, smoking, asthma, alcoholism

Vaccination age

after 60-65 years (Russia)

Other indications for vaccination
  • long-term heart disease, kidney disease, etc.
  • diabetes
  • cochlear implant
  • impaired functioning of the spleen or absence of this organ
  • smoking
  • asthma
  • alcoholism
  • weakened immune system (due to immunodeficiency - primary/acquired - or severe treatment such as chemotherapy)
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding
  • malaise and fever
  • 1 injection, however, in case of impaired functioning of the spleen or absence of this organ, chronic renal failure, etc. - every 5 years
  • regardless of previous vaccinations - 1 time after 65 years
Side effects

Rarely may occur:

  • slight fever
  • redness, hardness, or swelling at the injection site
Countries where such vaccination is officially recommended

Almost all civilized countries, except Russia
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Age from 50 years

Vaccination age

70, 79 years (UK)
after 60 years (USA)

after 50 years (Czech Republic)


Weakened immune system (due to immunodeficiency - primary/acquired - or severe treatment such as chemotherapy)

  • 1 injection
Side effects
  • headache (10% of people)
  • redness, pain, swelling, itching, burning at the injection site (in 10% of people)
Countries where such vaccination is officially recommended
  • Great Britain
  • USA
  • Czech
A comment

If a person is already sick, the vaccine will shorten the duration of illness and alleviate symptoms.
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Hepatitis B

Age 18-55 years, sex in male homosexual couples, pregnancy, diabetes mellitus, frequent change of sexual partners

Vaccination age

18-55 years old (Russia) - if there have been no previous vaccinations
At any age (USA, UK)

Other indications for vaccination
  • drug addiction (using syringes) or sexual relations with a drug addict
  • everyday interactions with a person suffering from hepatitis B
  • being in prison
  • work in the medical field
  • sex in male homosexual couples
  • pregnancy
  • regular transfusions of blood and its components
  • liver disease
  • chronic kidney disease
  • diabetes
  • HIV
  • long-term heart disease, kidney disease, etc.
  • frequent change of sexual partners

3 injections (schedule depends on the type of vaccine, usually takes 4-6 months). After the 3rd injection, blood is drawn to check for antibodies (protection). It is recommended to repeat vaccination every 5 years.

Side effects

Rarely may occur:

  • redness and pain at the injection site
Countries where such vaccination is officially recommended
  • Russia
  • Great Britain
  • In many civilized countries, it is recommended that some tourists be vaccinated when visiting Russia.

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Tuberculosis (BCG)

Age up to 35 years

Vaccination age

up to 35 years of age in the presence of such indications as

  • work in the medical field
  • work in prison
  • working with the homeless
  • previous tuberculosis
  • receiving a live vaccine within the last 3 weeks
  • pregnancy
  • oncohematological disease
  • serious illness
  • weakened immune system (due to immunodeficiency - primary/acquired - or severe treatment such as chemotherapy)

1 injection, before vaccination it is necessary to take a Mantoux test, which will show whether such vaccination is required

Side effects
  • scar at the injection site
Countries where such vaccination is officially recommended
  • Great Britain

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Chicken pox

At any age, working or living with children, childbearing age

Vaccination age

Any age

Indications for vaccination
  • contact with patients with weakened immune systems
  • work in the medical field
  • working or living with children
  • childbearing age
  • pregnancy (after vaccination, 1-3 months should pass before pregnancy)
  • weakened immune system (due to immunodeficiency - primary/acquired - or severe treatment such as chemotherapy)
  • moderate to severe malaise

2 injections: 0.4-8 weeks

Side effects
  • redness and pain at the injection site (25% of adults)
  • mild rash (5% of adults)
  • heat
Countries where such vaccination is officially recommended
  • Great Britain
  • USA
  • Greece
A comment

Lifelong immunity to chickenpox is acquired during illness, so the vast majority of adults do not need this vaccine.
To check for antibodies to this virus, you need to take an appropriate blood test. Hide information

Whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus (DPT, AADT)

At any age, pregnancy

Vaccination age

Any age

Indications for vaccination
  • 28-32nd (ideally, but possible up to 38th) weeks of pregnancy
  • work in the medical field
  • serious wound or burn
  • working with children up to 12 months
  • 1 injection: diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough vaccine, every 10 years - diphtheria and tetanus vaccine
  • 1 injection per pregnancy
Side effects
  • short-term fainting
  • slight pain at the injection site (in 33% of adults)
  • slight redness and swelling at the injection site (20% of people)
  • minor headache (in 30-40% of people), moderate headache (in 10% of adults)
  • fatigue (in 20-30% of people)
  • nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain (10% of adults)
Countries where such vaccination is officially recommended
  • In almost all civilized countries, incl. in Russia
  • When visiting Russia, many countries recommend revaccination against diphtheria and tetanus.

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Human papillomavirus

Age up to 26 years (preferably before sexual activity)

Vaccination age

up to 26 years of age (preferably before the start of sexual activity)

  • pregnancy
  • moderate to severe malaise

3 injections: 0.1-2.6 months

Side effects
  • slight pain and redness at the injection site
  • mild fever (10% of people)
  • dizziness
  • nausea
Countries where such vaccination is officially recommended

Almost all civilized countries except Russia

A comment

Oncogenic HPV types (6, 11, 16, 18, etc.) often cause the development of several types of cancer: cervical, anal, female genital and oropharyngeal cancer.

(For women, Cervarix is ​​recommended for HPV-16 and HPV-18; for women and men, Gardasil is recommended for HPV-6, HPV-11, HPV-16 and HPV-18.)

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Measles, mumps, rubella

Age 18-25 years, childbearing age

Vaccination age

adults up to 35 years old (Russia) when vaccinated against measles (if vaccination was not carried out in childhood and the patient did not suffer this disease)
women 18-25 years old (Russia) when vaccinated against rubella (if vaccination was not carried out in childhood and the patient did not tolerate this disease)

Indications for vaccination in other countries
  • childbearing age (if vaccination was not carried out in childhood and the patient did not suffer all these diseases)
  • pregnancy (after vaccination, 4 weeks must pass before pregnancy)
  • malaise

1-2 injections: 0.28 day (the second dose is recommended for medical workers and in some other cases)

Side effects
  • mild fever (17% of people)
  • minor rash (5% of people)
  • temporary pain and stiffness in joints (25% of people, mostly teenagers and women)
Countries where such vaccination is officially recommended

Many civilized countries, incl.
in Russia Hide information

Meningococcal infection (including meningitis)

Age up to 24 years, first year in a student dormitory, military service

Vaccination age

up to 24 years old (France)

Other indications for vaccination
  • first year in student dormitory
  • Military service
  • impaired functioning of the spleen or absence of this organ
  • HIV
  • exposure to meningitis during an outbreak
  • moderate to severe malaise

1-2 injections

Side effects
  • slight pain and redness at the injection site (50% of people)
  • short-term fainting
Countries where such vaccination is officially recommended
  • USA
  • France
  • Cyprus
  • Russia

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Hepatitis A

At any age, sex in male homosexual couples

Vaccination age

Any age

Indications for vaccination
  • sex in male homosexual couples
  • injecting drugs
  • chronic liver disease
  • hemophilia
  • work with primates
  • working with the homeless
  • moderate to severe malaise

2 injections: 0.6-12 months (protection for 20 years), but a single vaccination is also possible

Side effects
  • slight pain at the injection site (50% of adults)
  • headache (17% of adults)
Countries where such vaccination is officially recommended
  • Russia
  • Czech
  • USA (also recommended when visiting Russia)
  • In many civilized countries, tourists are recommended to get vaccinated when visiting Russia.

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At any age, dog bite, bat bite, presence of a dog in the house

Vaccination age

Any age

Indications for vaccination
  • bite of a dog, bat and some other animals
  • speleology classes
  • work in veterinary medicine
  • having a dog in the house

3-4 injections: 0, 7 and 21 or 28 days (0, 3, 7 and 14 days for bite)

Side effects
  • pain, redness, itching and swelling at the injection site (in 30-74% of people)
  • headache, nausea, abdominal and muscle pain, dizziness (5-40% of people)
Countries where such vaccination is officially recommended
  • Many civilized countries, incl. Russia;
  • These countries also recommend that some tourists be vaccinated when visiting Russia.

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Tick-borne encephalitis

At any age, being in an area where there is a high risk of infection

Vaccination age

Any age

Indications for vaccination
  • being in an area where there is a high risk of infection



3 injections: 0, 1-3, 5-12 months (after the second injection) or 0, 1-7, 12 months (after the second injection). Protection for 3 years.

Side effects
  • pain, redness and swelling at the injection site
  • fatigue
  • headache
  • muscle pain
  • nausea
Countries where such vaccination is officially recommended
  • Many civilized countries, incl. Russia;
  • These countries also recommend that some tourists be vaccinated when visiting Russia.

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Poliomyelitis (OPV)

At any age, being in an area where there is a high risk of infection

Vaccination age

Any age

Indications for vaccination
  • work in the medical field
  • being in an area where there is a high risk of infection
  • pregnancy
  • moderate to severe malaise

1 oral vaccine, every 5-10 years

Countries where such vaccination is officially recommended
  • Austria
  • France
  • Russia

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Benefits of vaccination in any pediatric healthcare setting


  • vaccination is carried out only in specially equipped and licensed pediatric medical centers
  • All drugs used are approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation and have the necessary certificates.
  • the quality of drugs, expiration dates and storage conditions are carefully controlled
  • medical personnel performing vaccinations are certified as “vaccination nurses” and undergo regular additional training and certification
  • Before vaccination with any vaccines, all patients are required to be examined by an immunoprophylaxis doctor. The purpose of the examination is to make sure that the patient’s body condition is normal, there are no contraindications or medical exemptions from vaccination, and there is no risk of developing post-vaccination complications.
  • After vaccination, the patient must remain in the medical center for at least 30 minutes under the supervision of a vaccination nurse
  • the next day after vaccination, the vaccination nurse will definitely call you, check your health status, and make sure that the vaccination was successful.
  • in case of need or development of post-vaccination complications, a pediatrician, an immunoprophylaxis specialist, will come to your home free of charge within 24 hours after vaccination and provide the necessary assistance.

Call a doctor at home Make an appointment with a doctor or call +7 (812) 331-17-74

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