How to give injections in the thigh correctly intramuscularly, to yourself, where to inject. Photo, video

To inject yourself into the thigh muscle tissue, you must have basic skills in using a syringe, needle and injection solution. It is recommended to resort to these therapeutic actions only in extreme cases, when there are no close people or medical workers nearby who can administer the drug intramuscularly.

Independent use of injection solutions requires compliance with safety rules, as well as a number of preparatory procedures that minimize the risk of complications.

Can I inject myself?

Injections into the muscle tissue of the outer thigh can be performed independently without the help of strangers. In order to administer the drug by injection to yourself, you should study in detail the provisions of the instructions that regulate the conduct of this kind of therapeutic measures.

Only if you have basic knowledge about the anatomical structure of the hip, the location of the lateral and deltoid muscles, and the possible risk of developing unwanted complications, can you begin independent treatment.

If you have the slightest doubt, a feeling of fear or an attack of panic that appears at the sight of a medical needle, it is recommended to refuse to inject the medication without the help of strangers.

Scheme for determining the injection site

First of all, we need to decide where we will inject: into the thigh or gluteal muscle. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, you should choose based on your own preferences.

To choose the right place for injection in the buttock, you need to mentally divide it crosswise into four parts. The injection area is in the upper outer corners.

To give an injection into the femoral muscle, you need to mentally divide the anterior-outer side of the thigh into three equal parts. The needle should be inserted into the middle one.

Correct needle insertion site

The insertion of a syringe needle for the purpose of a therapeutic procedure can be carried out into the muscles of the buttock or the outer side of the thigh. These are the main areas of the human body that are best suited for intramuscular injections. In some cases, shoulder tissue may be used.

Where to give injections in the thigh

If there is a need to inject into the outer side of the thigh, then it is necessary to use that part of the lower limb that is located at a distance of 20-25 cm below the hip joint. This area of ​​the leg has sufficient muscle mass density, and the injection of a medicinal solution will be as convenient and safe as possible.

Fighting the first signs of aging

After 25 years, you can begin the fight against aging prevention - mesotherapy and biorevitalization will help with this. With their help, you can maintain skin turgor and maintain a fresh complexion.

Biorevitalization or, as this procedure is often called, hyaluronic acid injections, is one of the most popular injection procedures among the fair sex. The syringe contains pure medium-density hyaluronic acid with the addition of peptides, amino acids and vitamins. This “cocktail” intensively nourishes from the inside and saturates the skin with moisture. Due to this, the skin becomes moisturized, elastic, facial wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin texture is evened out.

Biorevitalization of the area around the eyes. Performed by Bolgova Daria Sergeevna.

From 25 to 35 years of age, mesotherapy and biorevitalization can be done prophylactically once every 2 years. After 35 years - once a year.

With the help of injections, you can restore beauty not only to the face, but also to the neck, décolleté, and hands.

Face&Body cosmetology uses original certified injection drugs from leading brands: Yvore, Juvederm, Ial-System, Viscoderm, Meso, Profhilo, Restylane, Teosyal, Hyalual. There are medications to solve various skin problems. As well as specialized products for use on various areas of the face and body. The brand and type are selected by a cosmetologist after examining the skin condition of a particular patient.

What is required for the procedure?

It is necessary to give injections in the thigh to yourself only after carrying out high-quality hygiene of the surface of the hands.

To carry out this therapeutic procedure, you will need to have the following items available:

  • a sterile disposable syringe with a capacity of 2, 5, 10 ml, complete with a standard medical needle intended for intramuscular administration;
  • a bottle or ampoule with a liquid medicinal solution that is indicated for use for therapeutic purposes;
  • detailed instructions for using the drug to be injected into the outer thigh (before giving the injection, you must re-read the section on the dosage regimen);
  • a pack of sterile medical cotton wool or pre-prepared napkins, tampons, which are used for antiseptic treatment of the skin surface of the thigh;
  • ethyl alcohol 96% concentration, intended for disinfection of the tissue area into which the medicinal solution will be injected;
  • a pair of medical gloves, the packaging of which is opened immediately at the time of therapeutic manipulations.

A medical needle for performing an intramuscular injection must have a length of at least 3 cm. This will minimize the appearance of unpleasant sensations after its introduction into the muscle tissue, and will also ensure the deepest possible application of the drug.

The components of the injection solution will act much faster, which will significantly increase the likelihood of a positive therapeutic effect.

Using a syringe with a needle that is too short can lead to the injection of an injection solution into the area of ​​subcutaneous fatty tissue, which will subsequently cause local tissue inflammation, as well as the development of other undesirable complications.

Instrumentation for the procedure

So, the very first and most important thing for correctly performing an injection in the buttock without any consequences is preparation. All tools should be conveniently located at hand for greater convenience. And among the tools there will be sterile gloves, which are sold in any pharmacy.

You will need a well-cleaned and disinfected plate on which you put everything you need. You will need several alcohol wipes, namely six pieces.

You need an ampoule with medicine and, if it is difficult to open, a special diamond file. On those ampoules that are easy to open without a file, there is usually a circle of paint or a stripe at the opening site.

In modern times, these are the majority of ampoules. In addition to all this, you will need a syringe with a needle and an additional sterile needle; they are available in large quantities in pharmacies.

To treat your hands after an injection, prepare laundry soap and antiseptic, as well as a towel. And be sure to prepare a container for garbage collection in the place where the medicine will be collected.

It’s better not to think about how to inject yourself in the buttock yourself, but if this is required, try to perform the following steps with precision.

Preparation for the procedure

Injections in the thigh should be given to yourself only after high-quality preparatory measures have been completed. This is a prerequisite for successful treatment without the help of medical personnel.

Preparation for self-administration of an injectable drug into the outer side of the thigh muscles involves the following steps:

  1. You need to take a bar of laundry soap and thoroughly wash your hands using warm water. Dry your skin with a clean and dry towel.
  2. Then you will need to open the package of medical gloves and put them on your hands, ensuring maximum sterility.
  3. The ampoule with the drug is shaken to ensure uniform mixing of all components, and then its surface is wiped with cotton wool, which has been previously moistened in 96% concentration of ethyl alcohol. These actions are aimed at disinfecting the bottle of medication.
  4. The tip of the ampoule with the injection solution must be carefully filed with an abrasive element, which should come with the drug, and then its glass top must be broken off.
  5. Open the package with a disposable sterile syringe.
  6. Place a medical needle on top of the syringe, remove the protective cap, and then insert it into the glass ampoule with the injection solution.
  7. Pull the plunger of the syringe so that a sufficient amount of liquid medication enters its cavity. In this case, it is necessary to remember the dosage regimen of the drug, avoiding the use of too large doses.
  8. Squeeze out the remaining air bubbles from the syringe that got into it during filling with the injection solution. These actions stop immediately as soon as the first drops of medication begin to flow from the needle hole.

At this stage, the specified organizational measures aimed at preparing for self-administration of the drug into the muscles of the outer thigh are considered completed.

To maintain maximum sterility, the injection is recommended to be given immediately. The disposable syringe is disposed of immediately after injecting the solution into the tissue of the lateral or deltoid muscle.

Beauty injections for skin treatment

According to the law of the Russian Federation, injection procedures can be done from 18 years of age. Upon reaching adulthood, you can do mesotherapy and plasma therapy for therapeutic purposes (at this age we are not talking about fighting the signs of aging).

Plasma therapy (PRP therapy) - the essence of the method is to introduce a person’s own blood plasma into the problem area. The plasma is pre-enriched with platelets using the ReGenLab apparatus. The injections trigger a powerful impulse for the regeneration of the epidermis. In young patients, this technique is used to treat acne. In older adults, for comprehensive rejuvenation: reducing the depth of wrinkles, improving the oval of the face, eliminating sagging skin.

Dermatovenerologist and cosmetologist Daria Bolgova performs plasma therapy.

On the contrary, mesotherapy is recommended after the inflammatory elements have passed. To get rid of stagnant acne spots, improve the condition and even out the skin after treatment. Injections involve the introduction of hyaluronic acid of low density and concentration. As a result: the relief improves, the elasticity of the skin increases, inflammation disappears, and the pores narrow. Mesotherapy is an excellent prevention of age-related changes.

“Beauty injections” not only rejuvenate, but also heal the skin.

Basic safety rules when injecting yourself in the thigh

Injections in the thigh must be given to yourself with extreme caution so as not to damage large blood vessels and peripheral nerves.

A prerequisite for self-therapy with injection administration of drugs is compliance with the following safety rules:

  • it is strictly forbidden to reuse a disposable syringe and needle, since such actions are fraught with infection of the tissues in the area of ​​the injection;

  • if it is necessary to carry out long-term drug therapy using intramuscular injections, it is necessary to alternate the left and right sides of the thighs in order to eliminate the factor of the formation of extensive hematomas;
  • You should not inject into the same point of the thigh tissue, as this will lead to the appearance of symptoms of acute pain and will also cause the development of inflammatory processes;
  • use imported syringes, as they are distinguished by sharper and thinner needles that do not cause severe pain in the area of ​​their insertion, having minimal trauma to epithelial and muscle tissues;
  • before intramuscular administration of the drug, it is always necessary to perform an antiseptic treatment of the skin surface to avoid complications;
  • If minimal signs of an inflammatory process or the onset of subcutaneous bleeding or the formation of an extensive hematoma appear, you must immediately seek medical help.

It is important to remember that at the moment of self-injection into the outer thigh, the lower limb should be relaxed. For this purpose, the leg is placed on a flat surface, since excessive tension can provoke involuntary contraction of the muscle with damage to its tissue structure. A similar reaction occurs immediately at the moment of needle insertion.

Intramuscular injection: algorithm of actions when performing the procedure

  • Select the injection site.
  • Treat the patient's skin with antiseptic wipes twice. First treatment - an area of ​​about 10*10 cm is wiped with a napkin in the same direction. Then the second treatment - with a second napkin, the same area is 5 * 5 cm.
  • Stretch the patient’s skin in the area of ​​the intended puncture with the thumb and index finger of one hand to increase the volume of the muscle and facilitate insertion of the needle.
  • Take the syringe in the other hand (index finger on the piston, little finger holding the needle cannula, the rest on the cylinder), place it perpendicular to the surface of the patient’s body. For intramuscular injections into the thigh and shoulder, the syringe must be held at an angle, like a pen, to prevent damage to the periosteum.
  • With a quick, easy movement, insert the syringe needle at an angle of 90 degrees to 2/3 of its length. Pull back the plunger slightly to make sure there is no blood in the syringe.
  • Holding the cannula of the needle and pressing the piston, slowly inject the medicinal solution into the muscle.
  • Pressing the antiseptic napkin to the puncture site, quickly remove the needle.
  • Continuing to press the napkin, lightly massage the injection site.
  • Place the napkin and syringe in the waste tray.
  • If necessary, apply a sterile adhesive bandage to the puncture site.

How to give an injection correctly?

The most common methods of administering drug therapy in the form of injection solutions are injections into the deltoid, gluteal and lateralis muscles.

During a long course of treatment, the use of these areas of the body can be alternated to avoid the development of an inflammatory process in the tissues of the muscular system. At the same time, it is always necessary to follow the rules for the safe administration of medications that are available in the form of medicinal solutions.

Injection into the deltoid muscle

The deltoid muscle covers the entire front and side of the shoulder and is also distinguished by its dense tissue structure.

In order to inject yourself into this area of ​​the body, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Carry out all organizational activities dedicated to preparing for the injection of medication.
  2. Soak a piece of sterile cotton wool or a previously prepared swab in 96% concentration of ethyl alcohol.
  3. Perform an antiseptic treatment of the skin surface of the shoulder, wiping it thoroughly.
  4. Visually divide the deltoid muscle into 4 even squares.
  5. Bring the syringe with the exposed needle to the skin surface of the shoulder.
  6. Using a smooth and precise movement, insert the medical needle of the syringe into the upper right segment of the deltoid muscle to a depth of 2 cm.
  7. Slowly administer the injection solution contained in the cavity of the disposable syringe. Depending on the type of medication, a faster or slower injection of the medication may be required. In this case, you must carefully read the instructions for use of the drug.
  8. After administering the injection solution, it is necessary to slowly remove the syringe needle from the deltoid muscle tissue.
  9. Immediately cover the injection area with a clean piece of cotton wool, which has been previously moistened in 96% concentration of ethyl alcohol.
  10. Hold the cotton wool for the next 10 minutes, and then dispose of it in the prescribed manner. If signs of bleeding of the tissues located at the injection site appear, it is necessary to re-moisten the cotton wool in ethyl alcohol and hold it on the surface of the wound for another 10-15 minutes.

After injection of the drug into the deltoid muscle, mild discomfort may persist in the tissues of the shoulder. The appearance of more severe symptoms in the form of acute pain that does not stop for several days requires additional examination by a general practitioner or surgeon.

During the injection, the hand into which the drug is injected should be in the most relaxed state. This will reduce the severity of pain.

Injection into the lateralis muscle

It is not difficult to give injections in the thigh to yourself, but performing this type of procedure requires composure, a steady hand and maximum concentration. In order for the injection of the drug to be carried out technically correctly, the following instructions must be observed:

  1. Take a piece of sterile cotton wool, soak it in 96% concentration of ethyl alcohol, and then perform an antiseptic treatment on the outer surface of the thigh.
  2. Visually divide the lateralis muscle into 4 identical segments located 20 cm below the hip joint.
  3. Place the lower limb on a flat surface, completely relax its muscles, and place a cushion made of a towel or a piece of dense fabric under the knee joint. This will avoid reflex muscle contraction, which can occur immediately at the time of the injection.
  4. Insert a medical needle from a disposable syringe into the lower right segment of the lateral muscle, immersing it into the body to a depth of 2 cm.
  5. Slowly and without sudden movements, administer the injection solution until it is completely injected into the tissues of the lower limb.
  6. Smoothly remove the needle from the outer side of the thigh, and wipe the injection site with sterile cotton wool soaked in a 96% alcohol solution. Then you should press the cotton wool against the wound to avoid increased bleeding of the damaged area of ​​the body.
  7. Hold the cotton wool for the next 10-15 minutes.

During the injection, it is necessary to keep the syringe as level as possible. The needle should not be directed at an acute angle, as in this case the injection will be too painful and may cause undesirable complications.

After injection of the drug, you should refrain from sudden movements for 20 minutes. The leg should be on a flat surface without being subject to physical stress.

How to do an intramuscular injection into the buttock: step-by-step instructions and detailed explanation

When you have already prepared everything, there is no need to gather your strength for a long time and waste time. Your movements should be careful and measured, but fast.

Do not panic under any circumstances, because the entire success of the procedure depends on the accuracy of your actions.

  • Visually divide any baby’s buttock into four identical square-shaped sectors, that is, as if drawing a cross in the middle to make four identical squares.
  • Your task is to inject into the center of the uppermost square or quarter of the gluteal muscle, since it is there that there are no vascular nerve bundles, which, if you get into them, can provoke bleeding, cause pain, numbness of the limb and other unpleasant consequences.
  • Wipe the area where you will inject with a cotton swab soaked in rubbing alcohol.
  • Try to secure the child as much as possible so that he does not accidentally jerk during the injection and break the needle. It’s good if someone from your family helps you - while you administer the medicine, the baby needs to be held, distracted, and comforted.
  • If you give the baby an injection yourself, you can put him on his tummy on your lap and hold him in place with your other hand.
  • After massaging the baby’s buttocks, with your free hand grab the area you will be injecting into - the upper outermost part of the butt, and gather it into a fold.
  • Then, with a precise and quick movement, insert the needle two-thirds into this thick fold at a strictly ninety-degree angle.
  • Continue to hold the needle perpendicular to the plane of the butt, release the buttock, and fix the syringe in your hand with your index and middle fingers, while keeping your thumb on its piston.
  • Slowly press the plunger and inject the medicine.
  • Press the area on the butt where the needle was inserted with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, and with a quick, clear movement, pull out the needle.
  • Massage the injection site with a cotton swab a little so that the alcohol can disinfect the wound and the medicine can be absorbed faster.
  • Cap the syringe needle and throw away the used syringe.

That's all, the unpleasant procedure is over, but if you do everything correctly, the child should feel virtually no pain.

Possible complications

Technically incorrect execution of the injection, or failure to comply with the basic rules of preparation for intramuscular injection of an injection solution, can lead to the development of various kinds of negative consequences.

The table below lists the main types of complications that occur in patients who perform self-injections into the outer thigh or deltoid muscle of the body.

Types of possible complicationsCharacteristics of the pathological process
HematomaThe formation of a hematoma in the area of ​​injection of the drug occurs due to the fact that when the needle penetrates the muscle tissue, damage to a large vessel occurs. The blood enters the subcutaneous tissue, coagulates and forms a dense lump, which is quite painful to the touch. The lack of treatment for this complication leads to more severe consequences in the form of the development of an acute purulent-inflammatory process. In this case, the help of a surgeon may be required to sanitation the damaged tissue. For faster resorption of the resulting hematoma, regular treatment of the painful area with ointments and gels with angioprotective properties is recommended.
Isolation of infiltrateOne of the most common complications that arise after self-performing intramuscular injections is the release of infiltrate, which accumulates in the subcutaneous space and soft tissues. The sacral fluid enters the surface of the epidermis and is distinguished by a rich reddish tint. A similar complication develops after a medicinal solution is injected into the same place for several days in a row without making a sufficient indentation. The release of infiltrate indicates the initial stage of the inflammatory process, which tends to progress. To eliminate this complication, a warm compress is applied to the surface of the outer thigh or deltoid muscle, and a mesh of medicinal iodine solution is also applied.
Broken medical needle baseA complication in the form of a broken syringe needle may occur due to a violation of the technical rules for performing the injection. For example, if at the time of the injection the muscle tissue of a person’s lower limb was in a state of tension, or the needle was inserted into the body at an acute angle until the very beginning of its cannula. If such an unusual situation arises, it is necessary to remove the needle fragment using medical tweezers. If the metal part goes too deep into the tissue, then you should use the services of a surgeon.
Purulent inflammationThis complication occurs due to the fact that a person who independently performs injections on the outer side of the thigh does not follow the rules of antiseptic skin treatment. During the injection of the drug, infection of soft tissues occurs, which are subsequently affected by bacterial, viral or fungal microorganisms. Purulent inflammation of the injection site is accompanied by the formation of a dense abscess, an increase in general and local body temperature, and the beginning of the process of tissue necrosis.
Lump formationThe appearance of lumps in the area where the drug was injected without signs of acute pain is possible if a person independently administered injections, but did not follow safety rules. In conditions of prolonged hypothermia of the body, the solution hardens in the muscle tissues, and their natural trophism is disrupted. Ultimately, compactions form in the lateral or deltoid muscle, the elimination of which requires the use of drugs with absorbable properties or the method of their surgical removal is used.
Nerve damageIn order to prevent this complication from occurring, it is necessary to inject directly into the muscle where there is no passage of peripheral nerves. A person who does not have knowledge about the anatomical structure of his body may mistakenly insert a syringe needle next to a nerve. As a result of performing these actions, an attack of acute pain occurs, a reflex contraction of the muscle tissue of the limb occurs, and their edematous state develops. The pain syndrome may persist for a long period of time.

The occurrence of the above complications can be avoided if injections are performed technically correctly and safety rules are followed.

What are the types of injections for young children: the main types of injections and their features

First of all, it is worth understanding some important nuances and types of procedures.

The process popularly referred to as an “injection” is called “injection” in medical terminology and means the introduction of liquid into the body using a syringe.

The purpose of injections is considered a rather controversial and ambiguous issue, since the achievements of modern pharmacology make it possible today to do without injections in most cases of diseases, including even pneumonia and other equally serious diseases.

The desire to limit the number of injections as much as possible and narrow the range of indications for them is forcing the best pharmacological companies in the world to create new fast-acting drugs that will have the same effective effect as injections, but without the possible unpleasant injection consequences:

  • for example, the risk of infection during manipulation due to violation of sterile conditions is not at all uncommon - we can talk about both banal staphylococcus and such terrible diseases as viral hepatitis B or AIDS;
  • sometimes body tissues react to the injection with severe redness, irritation and swelling, and in addition, if the medicine is administered incorrectly, a hematoma or abscess may form at the injection site, which is fraught with new troubles and problems;
  • if the pills or mixture can simply provoke an allergic reaction, then the injection can cause anaphylactic shock with a fatal outcome;
  • many injections have a whole range of side and specific effects, such as magnesia or hot injections of calcium chloride;
  • drugs in injections are always more expensive than their tablet counterparts, plus - take into account the work of the nurse if for some reason you cannot administer the medicine yourself;
  • after all, not only children, but also adults are afraid of injections, because it is a truly unpleasant and very painful process.

However, even taking into account all the above-mentioned disadvantages of injections, many are still at the mercy of the stereotype, believing that there is no effective treatment without injections, and doctors prescribe them, wanting to play it safe and please demanding patients. Although, of course, there are cases when injection is practically the only way to help.

Therefore, you should not use injections to be on the safe side, because to prescribe injections there must be certain indications:

  • if immediate therapeutic effect is necessary;
  • if a small patient cannot take the medicine due to loss of consciousness / severe vomiting, etc.;
  • the medicine cannot be taken orally because it does not have the ability to be absorbed into the blood or is destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the drug will have a stronger effect or its effect will be much longer when administered by injection.

Types of injections

If we talk about types of injections, there are several of them. The following three types are considered the most common.

  1. Subcutaneous administration of the drug (abbreviated as s/c).
  2. Intramuscular injections (IM).
  3. Intravenous administration of drugs and solutions (IV).

The first type of injections is mainly represented by vaccinations. It is used in cases where an immediate effect from the administered drug is not required, since it can only begin to act when it enters the blood, and there are fewer blood vessels under the skin than in the muscle.

To give such an injection, you need to slightly pull and fold the skin on the shoulder, under the shoulder blade, on the thigh or side of the abdomen, and then place the needle between the muscle and the skin and inject the drug under the skin.

The second type is the most common: doctors prescribe intramuscular administration of vitamins and antispasmodics, antibiotics and antipyretics. The popularity of intramuscular injections is also explained by their availability and relatively simple technique, so if you wish, you can and should learn how to do this type of injection yourself.

Intramuscular administration of the drug, as a rule, occurs in the area of ​​the buttocks, that is, in the butt, since it is in the gluteal muscles that there is the most powerful layer of muscle tissue, which has a small number of nerve endings. However, drugs can be injected into both the hip and shoulder.

Intravenous administration of medication requires professional medical training, so it is recommended that such procedures be performed only by nurses and doctors. There are two subtypes of intravenous injections:

  • “jet” injection of medicine with a syringe into a vein - the manipulation is performed at least slowly, but not for long;
  • infusion or administration of a large volume of liquid using a dropper - used in cases where the drug will be more effective when administered slowly and diluted.

In addition, there are some other types of injections: for example, tests for sensitivity to antibiotics or before the introduction of therapeutic serums are done intradermally, and an injection can also be made into the spinal canal (for meningitis) or into the joint cavity (for arthritis), and if necessary local anesthesia, as in the case of dental treatment, the doctor will inject directly into its nerve trunks.

Why does my leg hurt after an injection and what should I do?

Pain that persists for more than 1 hour after intramuscular injection may be caused by injury to a blood vessel or peripheral nerve. In this case, you need to seek medical help from a surgeon.

To give yourself an intramuscular injection into the outer thigh or deltoid muscle of the shoulder girdle, you must have basic knowledge of the anatomical structure of the human body. In this case, you should follow the rules of the instructions for inserting a medical syringe needle into soft tissues, and carefully carry out all stages of preparation for this therapeutic procedure.

Failure to comply with antiseptic body treatment measures, reuse of disposable syringes, prolonged hypothermia of the body can provoke the development of complications in the form of local inflammation, the formation of a purulent abscess, and multiple lumps.

Carrying out the procedure

Let's start looking at how to give an intramuscular injection in the buttock. Place a syringe with medicine, three open alcohol wipes on a sterile plate and cover everything with a sterile gauze wipe.

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The patient should take a position that is comfortable for him - standing or lying down. The one who will give the injection after this also adjusts according to his convenience.

In order not to make a mistake with the injection site, draw a cross on the buttock with iodine. Medicine will be injected into the upper extreme part.

Now the entire upper part of the buttock is wiped with a napkin, then just the other part of the injection site. The syringe needle is inserted three-quarters of the way into the tissue at a right angle, while the skin is slightly stretched with two fingers.

Next, the medicine is administered at an average pace. We press the skin with a new napkin and carefully remove the needle, after which we apply the napkin to the injection.

So that you have it at the right time, pinch it with your little finger. Now all that remains is to throw away everything that is left after the injection. Injecting a child in the buttock is a little more difficult, but the principle is the same.

End of the procedure

  • Place used needles in a Class B sharps waste container using a needle remover.
  • Place syringes, gloves, used wipes in a Class B waste container.
  • Wash your hands hygienically and dry with a disposable towel.
  • 10-15 minutes after the procedure, inquire about the patient’s well-being and his reaction to the administration of the drug. If there are complaints about the patient’s health, inform the attending physician.
  • Enter information about the intramuscular injection procedure into the medical documentation.
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