Why does swelling appear after DTP vaccination and what to do to get rid of it as quickly as possible?

The DPT vaccine protects the child from such deadly diseases as tetanus, whooping cough, and diphtheria. However, many parents are afraid to undergo such vaccination, since a large number of children often experience adverse reactions. What should you do if your child’s leg is swollen after vaccination?

First of all, calm down and don't panic. The DTP vaccine sometimes leads to such a reaction in the body. To make sure that the baby’s health and life are not in danger, consult your pediatrician. For vaccination to be effective, vaccination must be carried out comprehensively - 3 injections with a break of 1.5 - 2 months. The fourth DTP can be done only after 12 months.

Is it normal to have redness?

The body's response to vaccination is most often insignificant. In this case, the injection site becomes red and thickens.

Fever, cough and gastrointestinal disorders are also possible. Thus, the immune system reacts to the administered drug and begins the synthesis of antibodies.

The body's response in the form of redness is considered normal. Such changes are caused by the fact that the tissue at the puncture site begins to swell.

The size of the discolored area of ​​skin can reach up to eight centimeters in size.

After a maximum of a week, the skin acquires a natural shade.

Doctors say that it is much better if there is a reaction to the serum than a complete absence of an immune response.

Red spot on the thigh after DPT vaccination: normal or complication?

DTP is the vaccination to which a small patient always reacts to varying degrees of intensity. The area where the vaccine is injected often turns red. A slight swelling may form. This is very frightening for parents, but only for those who do not distinguish a normal local reaction from a truly serious complication to the vaccine.

DPT vaccine

Redness at the injection site is not dangerous if it does not exceed 6-7 cm. Normally, it should be about 2 cm in diameter. Why does the skin turn red? This is the body’s reaction to artificial infection (and this is vaccination) with pathogenic microorganisms.

There are three of them in DTP: whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. This is a serious test for the baby's immune system, since it needs to produce antibodies for each type of pathogenic bacteria. Redness is evidence that the body has begun an “attack” on infectious elements. How to distinguish a normal reaction from a complication?

Observe the injection site. The redness should fade and disappear quite quickly - within 2-3 days. This is typical for inactivated vaccines (including DPT). And this is how they differ from “live” drugs, in which similar reactions occur after a week.

Redness and hardness at the injection site (according to statistics) are diagnosed in every 4th baby. This shouldn't scare parents.

It is also important to know that such a reaction will be more pronounced with the 2nd and 3rd vaccinations

This is understandable, because when DPT was introduced for the first time, the immune system was just beginning to “get acquainted” with pathogens and did not have time to develop protection in the form of specific cells - lymphocytes.

But with subsequent vaccinations, their number has already become sufficient to “repel” strangers - antigens. And outwardly this manifests itself in redness of the puncture site. But such a reaction is expected, because it indicates a “correct” immune response.

If the redness goes away in the first days after the injection, then we can assume that the procedure went “excellent”.

Is there anything I need to do?

If the redness around the injection does not exceed eight centimeters in size and does not cause discomfort, then no measures need to be taken. After time, the unpleasant symptoms will disappear on their own.

You need to be wary if there is a large red spot that provokes pain and a number of other unpleasant moments.

General recommendations

If the baby's injection site turns red after vaccination, but the red zone does not exceed 8 cm, there is no need to seek medical help. In addition, you should not use any ointments or lotions.

You need to do the following:

  1. Choose loose-fitting cotton clothing for your baby.
  2. Make sure that the child does not scratch the affected area.
  3. When your baby tries to scratch the injection site, simply stroke the red spot through the clothing.
  4. Do not give your baby a lot of food. Let him eat more often, but in small portions.
  5. During the first 24 hours after immunization, avoid walking outside.
  6. On the first day, do not bathe the baby or wet the injection site.

What can you anoint?

Troxevasin ointment will help eliminate redness on the leg. It should be applied to the affected area twice a day with gentle movements, which are performed until the product is completely absorbed. As a rule, such actions are performed in the morning and evening.

You should not use the ointment if you are allergic to its components, or if a rash or dermatitis appears. The very next day after using the local drug, a significant improvement in the condition of the skin is noted.

Why does a reaction occur after vaccination?

The appearance of a red spot after a flu shot indicates the development of an allergic reaction to the drug. There are two types of allergies:

  1. Internal.
  2. Local.

The first type is accompanied by increased body temperature, severe weakness and headache. In the second case, itching, hives or redness appear in the area where the vaccine was administered.

The listed symptoms are the body’s natural reaction to the antigen. When faced with a weakened virus, it begins to produce antibodies and build an immune system against infection. Therefore, elevated body temperature or general weakness are normal phenomena.

If an adult's injection site becomes red and swollen after a flu shot, this signals a protective reaction of the skin to the needle.

Complications after vaccination also occur in the presence of an allergy to egg white, since this substance is present in the composition of the drugs. Such patients should inform the doctor about the problem, since it is a contraindication.

Another reaction to the flu shot in adults is a red spot. This phenomenon confirms that at the time of injection of the vaccine the person was infected with a strain of influenza and the body demonstrates a response to the antigens. If an adult or child has a swollen hand, the specialist may not have used enough disinfectant.

Less commonly, a reddened spot indicates that the vaccine has been improperly stored or has expired.

Alarming symptoms appear only 1-2 days after the injection. If after vaccination there is no fever, but your arm hurts, seek medical help.

The impact of vaccination on well-being

If a killed or weakened virus enters the body, this is accompanied by a response. Moreover, it appears both immediately after the vaccination and after a couple of hours.

According to statistics, 1% of Russian patients experience general symptoms after vaccination, and 4% experience local symptoms.

Among the most common side effects of the influenza virus are:

  1. Increased body temperature (up to 37.5 ⁰C).
  2. Weakness and chronic fatigue.
  3. Decreased appetite.
  4. Problems with sleep and sweating.
  5. Chills, coldness in the feet and hands.

In the injection area there are:

  1. Red spots.
  2. Rashes and itching.
  3. Traces of inflammation and thickening of the skin.
  4. Painful sensations.
  5. Minor swelling.

These symptoms are explained by the development of immunity to influenza. The response lasts for 24 hours and is not accompanied by complications.

Is redness and thickening normal after vaccination?

If after a flu shot your hand turns red or swelling appears at the injection site, this is not a cause for concern, but a common phenomenon that affects both young and adult patients.

Immunization is an effective preventive measure designed to protect people from viruses and infections. Using an injection, a special drug that contains a weakened influenza virus is injected into the body. When interacting with a foreign object, the body produces antibodies that help fight the infectious disease in the future.

The injection site is red and swollen

If the baby not only has a red spot, but also a swollen thigh or arm after vaccination, this is most likely an adverse reaction to the serum. If the swelling is small, then it can be considered as an immune response of the body.

You can also anoint the vaccination site, which is swollen and hot, with Troxevasin ointment..

In addition, the following methods will be effective:

  1. Lotions using novocaine. The gauze needs to be moistened in the solution and fixed on the leg. Thanks to this, the baby’s condition will improve and pain will be relieved.
  2. Cabbage leaf. It needs to be scalded with boiling water, kneaded well and after it releases the juice, applied to the affected area. This way it will be possible to eliminate inflammation.
  3. Iodine. Using a cotton swab, you need to draw a mesh at the vaccination site to help reduce swelling.

Is it possible to alleviate a child’s condition using traditional medicine?

Traditional recipes for disorders resulting from DPT can only be used with the permission of the pediatrician. It is important to understand that self-medication will most likely provoke the opposite effect, that is, it will only harm the baby.

The most popular natural remedies against complications of vaccinations:

  • applying a cabbage leaf bandage at night to reduce the manifestations of soft tissue infiltration;
  • a compress of honey and rye flour (to make the remedy, you need to mix both ingredients in equal quantities, after heating the honey);
  • the compacted formation will decrease if you apply a mixture of warm honey, egg yolk and olive oil wrapped in parchment to it;
  • It is recommended to keep cottage cheese heated in a water bath over the irritated area until it cools down.

It is prohibited to use polyethylene materials (plastic bags, cling film, etc.) to apply bandages. They are able to create a greenhouse effect and intensify the symptoms of the inflammatory process with the transformation of the infiltrate into an abscess.

The appearance of a lump or compaction

In cases where the injection site is not just swollen, but a lump has formed on it, we can say that the changes are due to an allergic reaction, improper administration of the drug and an excessive reaction of the body to the vaccine.

The following tools will help you cope with the situation:

  1. Troxevasin ointment . Promotes resorption of the tubercle and suppression of pain.

  2. Aescusan . The drug is prescribed in cases where there is a side effect from serum entering fatty tissue. With its help, the blood circulation process is stimulated and the compaction becomes smaller in size.

  3. Fenistil . The medication relieves inflammation, reduces the size of the lump, eliminates itching and other unpleasant sensations.
  4. Traumeel-S . A remedy from the homeopathic group of drugs that can eliminate tubercles resulting from immunization.
  5. Heparin ointment and Vitaon . These medications can reduce the size of the lump and relieve pain. They act on a principle similar to analgesics.
  6. Tavegil or Zodak . Antihistamines are used in the presence of an allergic reaction. It can also cause lumps to appear. As a rule, rashes are also observed on the skin.

Video on the topic

About actions after vaccination at Dr. Komarovsky School:

DTP vaccination is difficult for children to tolerate, as they are accompanied by fever, aches and other side effects. But you can help your child and give him the necessary medication so that the child comes to his senses faster.

There are a huge number of different remedies for side effects after this vaccine. Therefore, it is important to choose one that will help your child without causing allergies or other unpleasant ailments.

Redness appears after a day

As a rule, the reaction to the vaccine appears on the first day, but sometimes such changes can be observed only the next day. Their appearance is due to the immune response and the production of antigens.

Also, similar symptoms are observed when the doctor’s recommendations regarding the post-vaccination period are not followed.

Walking immediately after the vaccine is administered can cause problems.

Redness also appears if the child was bathed on the day of immunization.

To avoid unwanted consequences, it is extremely important to properly prepare for vaccination and follow all the rules that must be followed after vaccination.

Redness around the injection site

The appearance of redness around the vaccination site is observed for a number of reasons:

  1. The serum contains aluminum hydroxide, which provokes such changes. In order for immunity to develop, the absorption of the drug into the bloodstream slows down. Due to this, similar symptoms begin to appear.
  2. The vaccine component, intended to develop a protective barrier to the development of whooping cough, is based on immobilized bacteria that cause this disease. They can provoke the appearance of similar symptoms.
  3. Penetration of serum into the subcutaneous fat layer. This is possible if the injection is given in the buttock or if vaccination rules are not followed due to the inexperience of the medical worker.

When you need a doctor's help

You should consult a doctor if the following changes appear in your child:

  • the appearance of a red spot exceeding eight centimeters in diameter;
  • pronounced pain syndrome, manifested by palpation of redness;
  • the baby cries continuously for three or more hours;
  • temperature exceeds 39 degrees Celsius;
  • the development of an allergic reaction is observed;
  • convulsions appear.

The occurrence of such manifestations is a reason to immediately contact a medical institution.

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