Why does it occur
It is believed that a small lump that appears after vaccination is harmless. It usually goes away on its own without causing harm to the patient. However, the resulting lump is often pronounced. In addition, after the injection, the injection site may be painful. In this case, even a high temperature and a number of symptoms reminiscent of serious diseases (for example, polio) are possible. If severe symptoms appear: fever, inflammation, bumps and redness on the skin, we can say that a complication has arisen. Why does it appear?
In most cases, the lump is the result of infiltration. This happens after an injection. The graft takes time to dissolve, which means that after the injection, compaction occurs.
A lump under the skin can form as a complication as a result of the vaccine getting into the adipose tissue. It is known that the DTP vaccine is placed in the muscle, but sometimes it can also get into the subcutaneous tissue. In this case, its resorption slows down, and painful redness occurs that does not go away for a long time. However, this is not the worst thing. More serious complications are possible after DTP.
How to help a child with complications from DTP
What can be done to eliminate compaction after DTP? To eliminate the undesirable effect after DPT vaccination, doctors recommend using the following options to help your baby:
- if there is a small seal, you need to massage, rubbing the sore spot;
- the development of infiltrate requires the application of special compresses to promote its resorption;
- a large lump should be smeared with ointments, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or made independently.
Before treating a bump and redness after a vaccine at home, you should consult a pediatrician. It is he who will advise the most effective treatment option in each specific case, taking into account the severity of the lump, its size and the individual characteristics of the immunized child’s body. If the lump is inflammatory in nature, it is strictly forbidden to treat it with alcohol compresses.
It is strictly contraindicated to give children an alcohol compress.
What threatens
In addition to the fact that the baby may be overtaken by a tumor-like formation after the injection, the child may also receive negative reactions after the polio vaccine, which coincides in timing with the administration of DTP. Very often, both vaccinations are given in one injection, which can lead to severe inflammation and hardening at the site of the vaccine. It should be noted that after polio vaccination, not only swelling at the injection site may occur, but also a number of other unpleasant symptoms:
- allergic reactions;
- temperature increase;
- diarrhea after polio vaccination is also a common occurrence;
- weakness and general malaise;
- loss or decreased appetite.
Very often, the drug that prevents the occurrence of polio is offered to children not in the form of injections, but in drops. They have a sweetish taste and are poured directly into the child’s mouth. However, in many cases, a polio vaccine is given, together with DPT, and this can cause a painful bump to appear at the injection site.
In most cases, such a lump disappears on its own, but it can also have dire consequences. In particular, after vaccination against DPT and polio, an abscess may develop. This is due to non-compliance with sanitary standards, as a result of which an infection got into the wound at the injection site. In this case, a compaction appears under the child’s skin, inside of which there is pus. Of course, you can’t expect it to go away on its own, so the little patient needs to be shown to a doctor as soon as possible after vaccination.
In such situations, after vaccination, if a lump forms, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. As a rule, it can be located on both the arm and leg if vaccination was carried out there. If the lump is large and very swollen, a possible treatment would be to open the abscess to drain the pus. Usually after this the child recovers quickly. The lump no longer hurts and quickly disappears.
Complications after vaccination can include not only swelling on the skin, but also, for example, allergic reactions: swelling, rash, anaphylactic shock. As a rule, they make themselves felt a few hours after the administration of DTP. That is why the child and his condition must be monitored with special care.
Video “Baby’s reaction to a lump”
If you notice redness, thickening and other reactions in your child after the injection, you can help your child cope with this problem. For this purpose, there are some ointments that can participate in the process of restoring the skin after DPT vaccination. In particular, the injection site can be lubricated with Troxevasin ointment. It has a beneficial effect on the resorption of the tubercle after the injection and helps fight redness. The ointment also copes with seals and pain.
If the cause of the development of a lump is the penetration of the drug into the fatty layers of the skin, Aescusan can cope with this. The drug helps increase blood circulation, which helps reduce the compaction formed after vaccination.
What else can you do to help your child? Fenistil copes well with the task. It also helps reduce redness and size of the bump, and also relieves itching and discomfort. He copes well with the wound if it hurts.
To treat compaction, you can use Traumeel-S ointment. This homeopathic medicine helps to cope with various bumps that have formed on the skin after vaccination. If the injection has caused the child to itch, which is especially common on the leg, then it is worth applying a gauze bandage to the injection site to prevent the baby from scratching the wound.
Vitaon balm and heparin ointment are another option for treating the consequences after an injection. Typically, both of these drugs act on the lump, reducing its size. If the injection site hurts, then they cope with this, as they act on the principle of an analgesic.
What to do if you notice a rash on your child’s body, and not just redness? Yes, it has been noted that in some cases complications can indeed be allergic in nature. For this reason, a lump may also appear.
If you notice redness of the skin after the injection, as well as a rash, in this case you need to take antihistamines - Zodak, Tavegil, etc.
You can also do some physical therapy to reduce pain and redness in the injection area. True, under no circumstances should you make compresses yourself at home - this can lead to suppuration. It is known that some complications can arise precisely from improper therapy.
Non-traditional treatment methods can also help deal with lumps after vaccination. The resulting lump can resolve if a cabbage leaf is applied to the injection site. Another treatment option is honey cake. It can be made from egg yolk, with the addition of honey, honey, flour and a tablespoon of butter. The finished dough is applied to the injection site, and the complication in the form of compaction after vaccination should disappear.
If home therapy is powerless, and the cause of the bump lies in bacteria getting under the skin after vaccination, then it is best to consult a doctor. The doctor prescribes antiseptic drugs, which are usually aimed at combating redness, inflammation and various complications after the vaccine. As mentioned earlier, surgical interventions are also possible, the purpose of which is to excise the abscess, remove pus and restore the patient’s health after side effects of the vaccine.
How can you help your baby?
Most often, a lump or redness in a child at the vaccination site does not require special treatment. We were warned about such a reaction in advance. In addition, my son’s redness and swelling appeared only after the third DPT vaccination, when he was 5 months old, and everything went away the next day.
It is important to observe special conditions for caring for your baby during and after vaccination:
- Increased drinking.
- Moderate nutrition.
- Limit your baby from walking on the first day after vaccination.
- You should not bathe him in the first days after vaccination.
- But if the little one demands boobs, then do not refuse him extra breastfeeding.
As for medications, if you still want to alleviate the situation, you will need:
- Troxevasin ointment. It will help dissolve the compaction and reduce pain, and will also normalize the color of the skin at the injection site.
- Aescusan ointment. It is mainly prescribed when the vaccine gets into the fatty layer. When using it, blood circulation will increase and compaction will decrease.
- Gel Fenistil. When applied, it will reduce redness and the size of the lump, and also relieve the feeling of itching or pain.
- Ointment Traumeel-S. Homeopathic medicine. It will also have a good effect.
- Heparin ointment and Vitaon balm reduce the size of the compaction and promote rapid resorption.
Video “DTP vaccination - Doctor Komarovsky”
The video presents the opinion of the popular pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky. You will find out what this vaccine is and what effect it can bring to the child.
A normal reaction to the DPT vaccine is the following in your baby:
- elevated temperature;
- weakness and lethargy;
- diarrhea, vomiting;
- redness or induration of 8 centimeters at the injection site.
Children are given an injection in the outer part of the thigh, so a bump appears on the baby’s leg after the DTP vaccination. The consequences after administration of the drug are not considered dangerous to the child’s health. The reaction to the vaccine goes away within a day or two.
The main complications caused by DPT vaccination are: compaction and redness.
Compaction after DTP vaccination photo
- After such a vaccination, the temperature may rise and this phenomenon is considered to be quite normal, since this is how the body reacts to the introduction of the vaccine into it. But fever does not help the development of immunity against infections, and therefore, if it appears, the child should be given an antipyretic. Sometimes doctors do not advise lowering the temperature if it does not exceed 38C, since there is no risk that the baby will develop seizures. But the World Health Organization recommends reducing even the slightest increase in thermometer readings that occurred after DTP.
- Lump at the site of DTP vaccination The lump that sometimes forms at the site of vaccine administration resolves within two weeks. Such a reaction is quite normal, since a process of localized inflammation begins at the injection site. It decreases as the vaccine is absorbed.
When to go to the doctor?
After the vaccine is administered, it is necessary to monitor the baby’s condition. You should be concerned when a large infiltrate appears on the thigh after the first vaccination, measuring nine to ten centimeters. In this case, the injection site becomes very red. The child is worried, irritated, crying. The baby's body temperature rises to 39 degrees or more. A severe allergic reaction leads to seizures.
In older children, after a tetanus shot, a lump appears under the shoulder blade because the vaccine is injected into this area. If there are complaints of malaise or severe fever, immediately call an ambulance or take the child to the hospital.
Symptoms often result from the drug being injected under the skin rather than into the muscle.
An abscess may appear in the center of the infiltrate, which indicates the development of an abscess at the vaccination site. The reason for the formation of pus is improper storage of the drug, failure to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards and vaccination. In some cases, an abscess occurs due to the individual characteristics of the body’s reaction to the DTP vaccine.
In any case, the development of a purulent tumor in the area where the vaccine was administered is a signal to contact a surgeon or pediatrician.
What to do if a child develops a lump on the leg after DPT?
Hello dear readers. Today it’s time to talk about one of the body’s responses to the DTP vaccine. In this article we will look at what needs to be done if a child has a lump at the injection site after a DPT vaccination. Some parents literally panic when he appears. But, as a rule, doctors warn in advance about the possible development of such a consequence and say in which cases this is the norm, and in which manifestations it is a deviation.
Therapy for a bunion on the foot
A poorly absorbable drug at the injection site must be helped to disperse throughout the body. To do this, use means to treat compaction:
- One simple step is to draw a grid with iodine in the injection area immediately after vaccination.
- Lotions of magnesium solution help soften the hardened area.
- Properties of Heparin ointment in eliminating swelling and redness.
- Fenistil gel is applied to the skin around the swelling. The components of the product have antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effects.
- In order for the bump on the leg to resolve faster after diphtheria vaccination, it is necessary to increase blood flow in the injection area. To do this, lubricate the swollen area with Aescusan ointment.
It is under no circumstances recommended to warm up the injection site, otherwise the child will scratch the sore spot and it will become more inflamed.
Severe redness of the limb and fever
After vaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough, and tetanus, redness and thickening occur on the leg, which is associated with a normal reaction to the penetration of foreign substances into the child’s body. But tissue hyperemia at the injection site occurs without swelling and disappears in two to five days.
The lump on the leg after the DPT vaccination does not go away, becomes inflamed and festers, which means that another disease has arisen against the background of preventive vaccination. Then the body temperature will rise to 39 degrees and above. A complication occurs when the child was unwell before vaccination. Redness and itching of the skin of the limb appears as a result of seasonal or food allergies.
The pertussis component of the vaccine provokes the development of urticaria, accompanied by loss of consciousness. If a lump appears after diphtheria vaccination, then we are talking about improper injection, injection of the drug under the skin.
It is recommended, according to statistical data, to use the combination drugs Pentaxim or Infanrix IPV to prevent redness from occurring. They combine vaccines against whooping cough, diphtheria, and tetanus. Vaccines cause fewer complications.
If a high temperature occurs, the child is given antipyretic drugs Nurofen or Paracetamol. To eliminate pain and reduce redness, lubricate the injection area with Troxevasin gel. Applying a compress with Novocaine to the limb will alleviate the child’s condition.
If the first vaccination gives a small percentage of complications, then revaccination is fraught with an increase in their frequency.
The use of folk remedies
There are time-tested methods for treating swelling and redness after vaccination. To eliminate inflammation in the injection area, apply:
- cottage cheese heated and wrapped in gauze;
- a clean leaf of white cabbage;
- half of washed and peeled potatoes;
- white clay;
- flatbread made from rye flour and honey, taken in equal quantities;
- a compress of baking soda moistened with warm water.
If there is severe redness on the thigh, then it is better not to wrap the area where the compress is applied with woolen cloth, otherwise the hyperemia will spread to neighboring areas of the body. It is enough to tie the compress to the leg with a bandage.
The juice from aloe leaves will help dissolve the thickening. They lubricate the injection site in the morning, and in the evening - with honey. Before smearing the bump after DTP vaccination, it is worth checking the body’s reaction to honey.
Before using folk remedies for the resulting infiltration and redness, it is necessary to discuss the effectiveness of such therapy with your doctor. After all, folk remedies are not suitable for every child and can cause dangerous consequences.
What is forbidden to do after vaccination?
In order not to think about the consequences of vaccination for a child, you need to monitor the baby and follow the rules of behavior, because all responsibility for complications after vaccination falls on the shoulders of the parents.
Do not overfeed the child in the first days after administration of the drug. It is enough to feed him vegetable soup and liquid porridge.
It is recommended that if a child’s body temperature is low, take him for a walk, avoiding crowded streets. It is better to take a walk in a park or forest, where there is a lot of oxygen and few passers-by. And the day of the walk is chosen taking into account weather conditions.
In order to prevent the occurrence of an allergic reaction in a child, it is worth giving him antihistamines, preferably Zyrtec or Fenistil.
When a lump does not go away after a tetanus vaccination, Troxevasin ointment will help the lump go away. The injection site is lubricated with it. But you cannot treat the swelling with an alcohol solution, otherwise swelling and redness will spread.
Redness and thickening after vaccination: Komarovsky
Pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky also calmly reacts to such complaints from parents. Pain, swelling, redness are classic post-vaccination reactions that do not pose any danger.
Komarovsky clarifies: nothing needs to be done in this case. Just make sure that the child does not scratch the injection site and avoid any impact on it (compression and friction with clothing, mechanical damage, etc.). After a few days, the inflammation will go away. But be prepared for the fact that sometimes the process drags on for several weeks or even months. However, if the child’s general condition is satisfactory, then there is no reason to worry. And in order not to worry without reason in the future, Komarovsky advises parents, before vaccination, to study information about the vaccine being administered: its manufacturer, technique and rules of administration, required preparation, likely consequences. All responsibility for the child’s health lies with the parents, the pediatrician sums up.
Lump after DPT vaccination in an adult
Question. Why might a lump (lump) appear after DTP vaccination? Answer: A lump after an injection can appear for various reasons: 1. A lump after DPT can form when the vaccine gets into the subcutaneous fatty tissue rather than into the muscle. There are much fewer blood vessels in the fatty layer, the rate of absorption of the vaccine is also sharply reduced. The medicine does not dissolve, but accumulates at the injection site and, as a result, a lump that does not go away for a long time is formed. 2. At the time of vaccination, the integrity of the skin, muscle and fat layers is disrupted, as a result of which the unformed, loose and even slightly watery tissues of the baby become deformed and swell. In addition, the tissues may be compressed by the vaccine fluid, which may cause compaction after vaccination and an enlargement of the puncture site. Lymphocytes also encounter foreign bodies and become activated, which also causes changes. 3. Due to the use of the wrong needle, new generation needles should be used. 4. Due to a violation of the medication administration technique. 5. A lump can also form if the vaccine was administered without following the rules of asepsis and dirt got into the injection site. In this case, the lump is an inflammatory process; pus forms inside it, which must be released and the wound treated.
Question. Should you worry about the lump after the injection, consult a doctor, try to act on it yourself, etc. Answer: Post-vaccination infiltrate is a normal local reaction of the body to the administration of the vaccine and, as a rule, goes away on its own within 3-5 days. This compaction does not require any treatment. It is not dangerous and resolves on its own. When carrying out any vaccinations, the main thing, in the early stages after vaccination, is the general reaction (kimovna). If the general condition is not disturbed, then there is no reason for fuss. If the child is no longer bothered, do not take any action. As the drug dissolves, the compaction will go away on its own, and the redness will also go away. There is no need to carry out any actions in this case - no lotions, much less Vishnevsky ointment, should under any circumstances be applied. Your actions can turn normal inflammation and a normal vaccine reaction into an abscess (in other words, an abscess). Just don’t touch the injection site – don’t press, crush or rub! The only cause for concern is the formation of a purulent abscess at the injection site.
Question. What can be done to reduce compaction and speed up resorption? Answer: Normally, it is not recommended to smear the injection site with anything, treat it or carry out any other manipulations. If the child scratches the injection site, it can be covered with a light gauze bandage. If the infiltrate persists for more than 6 days, it is recommended to use locally absorbable therapy. 1. Local application of Troxevasin ointment will help relieve discomfort in the area of edema (charming mother, OxanchikSib). 2. To increase blood circulation at the injection site, you can apply Aescusan ointment. 3. Sometimes pediatricians recommend lubricating this area with fenistil gel to relieve swelling (mamamili), but not lubricating the injection site itself, but only the skin around it. Fenistil will relieve redness and itching, because... very often the “bump” can itch and your baby will experience discomfort. 4. Traumeel-S is a homeopathic medicine. 5. You can also use heparin ointment or Vitaon balm (both drugs are harmless). Heparin ointment for resorption, it also acts as an analgesic and relieves pain (yant). 6. Do not warm up or apply compresses under any circumstances - the less you touch this area, the faster the bump will go away. 7. It is possible, in some cases, to use: – antihistamines, for example Tavegil (O_l_g_a), Zodak (Basechka); – physical treatment; – compresses with dimexide (starka, Ollik, Polovink@). How to use? 1) Dimexide solution diluted 1:8, simply moisten a cotton cloth and apply for no more than 15 minutes. Or warm solution of magnesia for 15 minutes. It helps very well, can be used after any injections (jakonya1980); 2) make a compress of dimexide 1:8 diluted. Three times a day (Leshkina’s mother, Zhenya Lyutikova) - a compress of camphor oil (strekozka); – vodka compresses 1:1 (SSM); – dry heat (ManGo, Lavender 2229).
All this – only after examination and doctor’s prescription!
Do not self-medicate and do not heat, otherwise you can heat it to the point of an abscess! (Natakio, Nina Richie) The main thing to remember is that moderation is important in everything! Don’t panic and start “healing” the child. Do everything one by one and do not forget that all of the above is just advice; if you have any doubts, consult a doctor.
Question. Are there any traditional methods for treating lumps after an injection? Answer: Tested by mothers: – apply a cabbage leaf (olesya o) (cut the cabbage leaf with a knife until the juice appears. Then apply it to the injection site overnight. If the leaf is smeared with honey, the effect will be even more effective); – iodine network (Sea, Ollik, loka). To do this, you will need to dip a cotton swab in an iodine solution and draw something like a “mesh” at the injection site. After the grid disappears, you need to draw a new one in its place. But keep in mind that not all children are recommended for iodine, for example, those who are registered with an endocrinologist. The iodine net warms well, keeping the heat in the squares. By the way, it is better to dilute iodine with water to 2.5% (ManGo). - honey cake. The lump after the injection will resolve perfectly if you apply a cake made from a mixture of egg yolk, honey, flour and a tablespoon of butter to it. To do this, you will need to knead a soft dough and make a flat cake. Place it on the seal site, cover with plastic wrap and secure the bandage; – pickled cucumber (Cut the pickled cucumber into circles along with the skin, select the circles according to the size of the lump, apply to it and secure with a band-aid. This procedure is carried out at night, by the morning the lump should disappear after the injection.)
Question. How long does it take for a lump to resolve? Answer: As a rule, the bumps gradually disappear on their own within a month, but you need to be on the safe side and see a doctor if a large bump appears or if the bump does not resolve for too long, more than a month. Magdalena: you don’t need to do anything with the cones, nothing at all. Just make sure that the lump decreases in size and does not increase and, moreover, does not become inflamed. Question. What to do if after an injection a lump appears, the injection site is hot to the touch, the temperature rises, and pus is released from the injection site? Answer: In this case, no self-medication! You need to see a doctor urgently. This may be a sign of individual intolerance to the vaccine, an allergic reaction, the occurrence of a side effect, or the beginning of an infectious process.
Question. The first DTP vaccination was successful. Can there be bumps with subsequent DPT vaccinations? Answer: It is necessary to take into account that with each revaccination the dose of the administered toxoid increases, therefore the body’s reaction to the administration of the vaccine may become more pronounced.
How to reduce compaction after DTP, what to do to make the lump resolve?
Compaction after DTP vaccination photo
- The injection site can be lubricated with Troxevasin ointment.
- Sometimes a lump is formed if the vaccine gets into the fatty, subcutaneous tissue, and not into the muscle. There are much fewer vessels in the fat layer, and therefore the rate of absorption of the drug decreases sharply, resulting in a lump that may not go away for a long time. You can try to smear this area with Aescusan, then blood circulation will increase, the drug will begin to be absorbed faster, and the lump will gradually disappear.
- A lump also forms if vaccination was carried out without observing basic aseptic rules, that is, when dirt got into the injection site. The lump in this case is a real inflammation, pus appears inside it, it needs to be released, and then the wound should be treated.
- Redness after DTP vaccination. This phenomenon is also considered quite normal, since a mild inflammatory reaction develops at the injection site, and it is always accompanied by the formation of redness. If nothing else bothers the baby, then no action should be taken. As the vaccine dissolves, the inflammation will go away on its own, and with it the redness will disappear.
- Pain at the site of DTP vaccination. The pain is caused by the same inflammatory reaction, it is expressed in a weaker or stronger form, it all depends on the personal characteristics of the baby. There is no need to force the child to endure, it is better to give him analgin to drink and apply ice to the vaccination site. If the pain does not go away for too long, then you should call a doctor.
- Cough after DTP vaccine. Sometimes infants develop a cough throughout the day in response to vaccination if they have chronic respiratory diseases. This is due to the reaction of the child’s body to the component that resists pertussis infection. But this condition does not require special treatment; it goes away on its own within a few days. If the cough continues to develop, it means that the baby contracted some kind of infection at the clinic.
Normal body reaction to DTP vaccination
Several drugs are used to immunize children: DPT, Pentaxim, Infanrix, Infanrix IPV, Infanrix Hexa, Tetrakok and Bubo-Kok. Pentaxim, in addition to whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus, protects against Haemophilus influenzae and polio, Infanrix Hexa protects against polio and hepatitis B. The injection is given in a specific area of the body: for children the vaccine is injected into the outer part of the thigh, for older children and adults - into the shoulder.
It is common for a young child to have a reaction to a vaccine. Side effects that occur after vaccination and do not pose a threat to the health of the baby:
- rise in temperature;
- runny nose, cough;
- loss of appetite;
- weakness, lethargy;
- diarrhea, vomiting, colic;
- redness or swelling at the injection site.
Loss of appetite, runny nose, weakness, drowsiness, slight swelling, redness are symptoms that often appear after DTP, but are not dangerous.
The leg where the injection is given usually hurts for two to three days. Also, after the injection, an allergic reaction on the skin sometimes appears. Allergies occur after the second or third vaccination. If the injection site is red, to alleviate the condition, the child is given antihistamines, for example, Fenistil or Zyrtec (we recommend reading: how should you give Fenistil before DTP vaccination?).
Prevention helps to avoid adverse effects after DPT vaccination, such as bumps. Prepare your child for vaccination (start giving him antihistamines three days before it) and make sure that sanitary standards are observed during the procedure. The child's health is carefully monitored for several days after immunization. It is not recommended to wet or rub the injection site on the first day.
Swelling of an area of the thigh or swelling of the entire leg
It happens that after the administration of DPT or Pentaxim, the area of the thigh where the drug was injected, or the child’s entire leg, swells. This is the body's immune response, meaning the vaccine has started to work. How long the swelling will not subside depends on the baby’s immunity, as well as on how correctly the procedure was carried out.
Infiltrate (bump, lump) at the injection site
Sometimes the lump that appears after DTP does not disappear within two weeks. If the compaction is not very large (no more than 8 cm), it does not pose a danger; this is a natural reaction of the body. To ease the pain in the leg and reduce the size of the compaction, doctors recommend using simple means, for example, making an iodine mesh at the site of infiltration formation.
Redness and itching
At the site where the DPT vaccine was given, slight redness (a red spot 2-4 centimeters in diameter) and itching appears, caused by mild local inflammation due to the procedure. This is also not a cause for concern; the redness around the injection will subside within a few days. If the redness is severe, anoint the skin with a special anti-inflammatory ointment.
What to do if a lump on your hip does not go away for a long time?
The compaction does not always go away within a few days.
Sometimes (albeit in rare cases) the situation drags on for months. The lump usually forms after 2 or 3 graftings. It gradually goes away, but not completely. After 6-9 months, a painless compaction (3-4 cm) remains at the injection site.
Doctors say that the lump does not pose any threat to the baby and advises to continue the local therapy prescribed by the doctor..
But if the lump does not go away for more than a year, then in this situation it is unlikely to disappear on its own. Most likely, the patient had a hematoma in which calcium was deposited over time. This formation is subject to surgical removal.
In any case, the problem should be resolved together with the pediatrician. Only a specialist can correctly assess the severity of the reaction and give professional advice. Often you just need to be patient and treat the lump with the remedies your doctor recommends.
Abscess as a complication after vaccination and methods of its treatment
If a child develops a lump with pus on his thigh after vaccination, a cold abscess develops - purulent inflammation of the tissue. As a rule, this happens if sanitation rules are not followed. An infection gets into the injection site, causing inflammation. An infiltrate filled with pus appears under the child’s skin. The lump on the leg does not disappear on its own. It must be opened and the wound washed, the operation is performed by a surgeon.
A post-vaccination abscess is dangerous because it can burst at any time. In this case, its contents will fall into closed cavities, which will lead to a purulent process in them. After surgical procedures, the patient is prescribed antibiotic therapy.
What does post-vaccination swelling of the thigh or entire leg indicate?
This complication appears both at the injection site and throughout the baby’s leg into which the drug was injected. Severe swelling is an immune response to the vaccine entering the body, confirming that it has begun to work. How long the symptom will persist depends on several factors, including the correctness of the vaccination and the particular state of the child’s immune system.
Helping a child with a pronounced reaction of the body to DTP
To reduce the unpleasant symptoms that occur after vaccination, you can use the following options to help your child:
- get a massage;
- apply a compress to the injection site;
- smear the leg in the place where it is swollen with a special ointment.
Ointments and gels to eliminate bumps and redness
If after vaccination a child’s temperature rises above 38.5°C, the redness intensifies and the leg is very swollen, you can anoint the sore spot with Troxevasin gel or make a compress with novocaine. This will eliminate redness and ease pain. Also give your child the antipyretic medicine Nurofen or Paracetamol in syrup form. You can use a rectal suppository with paracetamol.
If the compaction that appears after DTP does not go away, in addition to the indicated drugs, the following remedies can be used:
- for allergic itching, swelling and redness, infants will benefit from Fenistil in drops, for babies over 1 year old - 5 drops of Zyrtec 1-2 times a day, and for children over 2 years old - Claritin syrup, a teaspoon once a day;
- Aescusan ointment and Troxerutin gel improve blood circulation and accelerate wound healing;
- Rescuer ointment reduces inflammation and resolves bumps;
- Heparin ointment enhances tissue microcirculation and relieves swelling.
Other ways to combat post-vaccination reactions at home
Often parents, when a child develops an infiltrate at the injection site, resort to folk remedies:
- Cottage cheese compress. The product should be heated in a water bath, wrapped in soft cotton cloth and applied to the seal until the curd cools.
- Honey compress. Heat the honey, add the egg yolk and a little olive oil. Mix everything, form a cake, wrap it in cotton cloth and apply it to the pine cone, covering it with parchment on top.
- Cabbage leaf. Apply to the infiltrate before going to bed.
- Compress made of honey and flour. Mix heated honey and rye flour in equal proportions. Make a cake and apply it to the seal before going to bed.
- Soda compress. Dilute a teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm water, moisten a cotton handkerchief in the soda solution and tie it to the swelling until the bandage dries.
Do not use film or plastic bags when applying a compress. They create a greenhouse effect, which intensifies the inflammatory process.
Traditional methods
Experts do not recommend using traditional medicine without consulting a pediatrician. Unknowingly you can only harm the baby. In addition, there may be individual intolerance, for example, your little one cannot make compresses with honey because he is allergic to this product.
I bring to your attention several methods from traditional medicine, but remember that you should not self-medicate and if there are serious complications, for example, the onset of a purulent process or high temperature, these methods will not be effective.
- One of the best methods is to apply a cabbage leaf to the area of compaction. To do this, you need to pierce the leaf in several places and apply it to the problem area. It is recommended to cover the top with parchment paper.
My grandmother always used a similar method. When my son had a lump, she also decided to apply cabbage, even though the doctor said that this phenomenon was not dangerous and that everything would go away in a day or two. I don’t know if this is due to the application of cabbage or if everything was just supposed to return to normal, but after a day the lump was practically unnoticeable, and by the evening it had completely resolved.
- Compress with cottage cheese. For this procedure, you will need to slightly warm the cottage cheese, preferably in a water bath. Then it must be wrapped in two layers of cotton fabric. All that remains is to apply it to the sealing area until the cottage cheese cools down. It is important to cover the compress with a towel to retain heat longer.
- Honey compress. In addition to heated honey, you will need olive oil and raw yolk. It is necessary to mix everything thoroughly, wrap the resulting mixture in cotton and place it on the seal area before going to bed. It is advisable to place parchment paper on top of the compress.
- Honey-bread compress. You need to mix heated honey with rye flour in a 1:1 ratio. Now knead the resulting dough. It must be applied before going to bed (at night) on a sealed area, covering the top with parchment.
A compress of grated potatoes or a soda compress (per 100 grams of warm water - a tablespoon) may also be suitable.
In general, doctors do not recommend making compresses yourself for the reason that this can lead to the formation of a purulent process.