Does a rabies vaccination (vaccine) help a dog or not?

The decision to have a pet comes with a lot of responsibility. It is necessary not only to provide the animal with fresh and high-quality food in a timely manner, to take walks, and to give physical exercise, but also not to forget about its health and to prevent the risks of diseases.

To protect your pet from such serious and life-threatening diseases as rabies, it is necessary to carry out annual vaccination, which will build immunity to external infectious agents.

What is rabies in dogs

Rabies is otherwise interpreted as a fear of water. It belongs to the category of deadly diseases. The source of the disease is a neurotropic virus belonging to the rhabdovirus family. First of all, the organs of the central nervous system are affected without the possibility of starting recovery processes. Rabies is caused by sick animals spreading the virus through interaction with healthy dogs. Such animals include birds, cats, dogs, and predators.

Incubation can last from several days to 2–4 months; the virus in saliva is detected 5–6 days before the first symptoms of rabies appear.

Infection occurs during a bite through the mucous membranes. As a rule, the virus is formed in the salivary glands. A small part of it is also excreted in urine and feces. The virus, penetrating the body, not only travels through the blood, but also involves nerve endings and affects the spinal cord and brain.

The virus tolerates frost well, but dies at temperatures above 56 degrees Celsius within 15–20 minutes. Direct sunlight, standard disinfectants, and alcohol also help fight the virus. But! Resistant to phenols, does not die during processing.

Due to the increased degree of preservation of the virus, it is constantly in the environment and causes harm to unvaccinated dogs and other animals. There are rumors that after eating contaminated meat, a dog can catch the virus, but this has not yet been confirmed in scientific studies.

Once a year, get a comprehensive vaccination that will protect your dog from contracting rabies and other life-threatening diseases.

Main signs of infection:

  • Anxiety, excitability, partial fear of the sounds of water;
  • Gradual refusal of water, the appearance of aggression towards people and other animals;
  • The appearance of foamy saliva from the mouth, as muscle paralysis prevents swallowing;
  • Desire to eat inedible things.

If you notice similar symptoms in your pet, you should immediately isolate it in a separate room and call a veterinarian to determine the diagnosis and provide first aid. Such a dog can harm people who are in the room.

For humans, this disease is also fatal, so you should be wary of stray dog ​​bites, since they are unlikely to have a rabies injection. There have been cases when a successful cure occurred when a person was immersed in a very deep coma.

But this method is unsafe, as it can cause the development of severe mental disorders.

Forms of rabies stage

Rabies is characterized by acute and hyperacute forms. The infection itself develops in the following stages:

  • Prodromal – duration is 48–72 hours, characterized by changes in the pet’s behavior, the appearance of anxiety and inadequate reaction to stimuli, the desire to hide in a secluded place and hide from all people, or, conversely, an increased demand for attention appears. Possible aggression;
  • Manic – the pet’s mood is constantly changing, aggression can turn into apathy in a few minutes, interest in following commands is lost, and disobedience begins. Foamy salivation appears, aggression towards people and other animals is noticed. The dog is capable of running away from home;
  • Paralytic or silent - severe apathy appears, paralysis of the muscles of the pharynx and hind limbs develops, the tongue begins to fall out, appetite disappears due to pain in the larynx, breathing and heart rhythm are disturbed. After a few days, the dog falls into a coma and dies from exhaustion and irreversible processes in the body.

Other stages of rabies are possible:

  • Atypical - a characteristic sign is the appearance of gastroenteritis, accompanied by refusal of food, foamy vomiting with blood, diarrhea;
  • Abortive (in bitches);
  • Recurrent - at first the symptoms disappear, then reappear after a few days.

What diseases are dogs vaccinated against?

All breeds are comprehensively vaccinated against diseases that pose a danger to their lives.

Vaccination of dogs is considered a necessary condition for their keeping.

Compulsory vaccination for pets is carried out against the following diseases:

  • Rabies. A fatal disease for animals and humans. Causes irreversible damage to the Central nervous system, which leads to rapid death of the body.
  • Plague of carnivores (Plague). The disease affects all organs and systems. May vomit frequently, may poop frequently, and may not eat well. Even if recovered, the pet remains disabled.
  • Parvovirus enteritis. A small pet must be quarantined. Manifested by vomiting, diarrhea, high fever. The high mortality rate of the disease and severe damage to digestive and cardiac activity put the injection on the mandatory list.
  • Infectious hepatitis leads to irreversible pathological changes in the structures of the liver, which leads to its dysfunction and further death of the body.
  • Parainfluenza affects the respiratory system of a small pet, which leads to asphyxia (suffocation) of the pet.
  • Leptospirosis has a pathogenic effect on many organs and systems (kidneys, liver, muscle fibers), and is dangerous not only for the dog, but also for humans.

Vaccines for dogs against rabies

Mandatory vaccination is established at the state level. Without a note in the dog's passport about vaccination, it is impossible to participate in exhibitions. And also, customs does not allow such animals through; they can forcibly confiscate them and vaccinate them.

In some countries, there is criminal liability for failure to vaccinate animals. This is taken very seriously all over the world; you should not vaccinate your animal on time to protect yourself and save the life of your pet.

The following types of vaccines are used in the Russian Federation:

  • Nobivak Rabies is a Dutch-made product that belongs to the category of those that do not contain a live pathogen. Its uniqueness lies in the possibility of using the vaccine as a solvent for other Nobivak vaccinations, which makes it possible to immediately protect the animal from several diseases;
  • Rabix - also belongs to the category of vaccines that do not have a live pathogen; use is allowed from eight weeks of a pet’s life. A distinctive feature of the vaccine is that it is a secondary revaccination of the first vaccination of animals. It is carried out after 21 days, then every year the animals are vaccinated once;
  • Dohivac is a Dutch-made drug that also does not contain a live pathogen and is similar in characteristics to Nobivak;
  • Febrivac 3 plus is a drug of German origin, without a live pathogen in its composition, similar to Nobivak.

Before choosing a vaccine, you should consult with a veterinary clinic, study reviews both on the Internet and from pet owners and professional breeders. Choosing the right vaccine will keep you and your pet safe.

If you plan to breed, you must first prepare the dog so that the pregnancy is easy and without complications. A month before pregnancy, bitches are vaccinated against viral infections, dewormed, and protected from insects. Is a rabies vaccination necessary for a pregnant dog? Of course, all doctors believe that it is necessary to vaccinate the dog before a planned mating.

If pregnancy occurs, it is recommended to vaccinate the dog in the first third of pregnancy, that is, 19–21 days after mating. It is necessary to read the instructions carefully; the manufacturer indicates whether there are any contraindications such as pregnancy. You should refuse vaccination if your dog is having a hard time with pregnancy. The vaccine is more likely to provide protection to the mother than to the puppies, since it then takes time to develop immunity.

Indications for vaccine administration

There is no cure for rabies. The disease is provoked by a neurotropic virus, which, once in the nervous system, quickly affects brain cells.

Dogs are most often susceptible to this disease. Not only strays, but also pets are at risk.

While walking, your four-legged friend may be bitten by another dog carrying the virus. The infection is also transmitted through contact with cats.

Pets that are taken hunting can get the virus from wolves, foxes, and wild birds.

The danger of rabies is that the incubation period lasts at least 40 days without obvious signs of infection. When clinical changes begin, it is no longer possible to correct anything.

During this period, the sick animal spreads the infection to its immediate environment, first through saliva, then begins to bite. If there are other pets in the house (cats, birds, hamsters, etc.), they become potential victims of infection.

Already in the first days after infection, the animal is able to “share” the virus with its owners by licking their hands or face. The slightest crack or abrasion on the body is enough to get rabies.

Importance of grafting

The vaccine allows you to protect your pet by making it resistant to the virus. Even if a dog is bitten by a sick animal, the immunity that appears after the vaccination kicks in.

By protecting a pet in this way, the owner protects his family and surrounding people from serious danger.

Vaccination against rabies in dogs is not only regulated by law. A person bears some responsibility for failure to comply. When deviating from vaccination, owners face the following problems:

  • unvaccinated animals cannot be walked in crowded places and transported on public transport;
  • they should not be taken hunting, fishing, dacha, nature - the risk of infection is too great;
  • Without a vaccination mark, a dog will not be allowed to participate in exhibitions and will not be allowed to travel abroad with it.

If a pet bites someone, the owner must present the dog's passport, which must contain a vaccination stamp. Otherwise, the animal is isolated for 10 days to monitor its behavior, and the owner is fined.

When to vaccinate a puppy

Vaccination of puppies begins when they reach three months of age. If there are no strong viral pathogens in the environment and the situation is favorable, then the dog can be vaccinated at the age of 6 months to 1 year.

This is only possible if the puppy's mother is vaccinated, otherwise there is a risk that she will accidentally catch the virus and pass it on to her baby. If dog diseases often occur in the environment, then it is better to vaccinate the puppy at 3 months; before that, you should spend less time walking, if possible, work with the animal at home, give it physical activity, and play.

Preparing for vaccination

There are no particular difficulties in preparing for vaccination. However, it is important to always remember the mandatory pre-treatment against worms. It is necessary to ensure that excessive amounts of toxins do not interfere with the formation of immunity to pathogens. If there are worms, the vaccination will be useless, ineffective, and there will be no immunity to rabies.

You should also treat against insects and other parasites. It is important to carefully monitor your pet’s health, since any deterioration in health, weakness, or refusal to eat can affect the result of vaccination.

It is not easy to vaccinate, but also to be sure that the animal is completely safe, that it is not at risk of rabies if it interacts with a contaminated environment, and that the health of your loved ones will not be at risk.

Side effects after vaccination: what can happen to a dog

Quarantine after vaccination is also necessary in order to provide the pet with the necessary help in a timely manner if something goes wrong after the procedure. Animals, like people, react differently to drugs.

Standard options

No vaccination takes place without complications. If a swelling (or even a lump) forms at the injection site, redness is noticeable, and a high temperature rises, the symptoms can be considered a physiological norm . But only if the signs are observed for a week, no more.

Other complications that should not cause the owner to panic include:

  • lethargy of the animal within 24 hours after vaccination;
  • minor vomiting and problems with stool;
  • short-term lack of appetite.

All these are normal consequences of immunization and are not pathologies. But if symptoms last more than 10 days after vaccination, you should contact your veterinarian.

Deviations worth paying attention to

If vaccination was not carried out according to the rules, without observing hygiene standards, more serious complications may arise:

  • frequent intense vomiting;
  • persistent temperature above +39 °C;
  • refusal to eat and severe weakness for more than 24 hours;
  • muscle twitching, cramps;
  • severe pain at the injection site.

The dog may limp or drag its hind legs - this is also abnormal.

Any of the complications develops against the background of a hidden illness that was not noticed during preparation for the procedure. Negative consequences are often caused by a low-quality vaccine.

What to do if you have allergies

An inadequate reaction sometimes manifests itself in the form of shortness of breath or hypoxia, serous discharge from the sinuses and eyes, salivation, and even anaphylactic shock.

The pet must be taken to the doctor immediately, having first provided medical care at home. The following are recommended as antihistamines: Tavegil, Suprastin, Diphenhydramine.


Deworming is a prerequisite, without which the animal is not allowed to be vaccinated. Usually, owners give an anthelmintic drug 10 days before vaccination, but there are also general recommendations:

  • Carrying out a stool analysis - if worms or prerequisites for their appearance are detected, deworming is carried out;
  • If a repeat stool test 10 days after taking the drug reveals larvae or worms again, repeat deworming is carried out, followed by a vaccine 10 days later.

Preparation for the procedure

The main cause of complications after the procedure is non-compliance with recommendations for preparation and post-vaccination quarantine. 2 weeks before the event you need:

  1. Regularly measure temperature and monitor stool quality. The appearance of alarming symptoms is a serious reason to postpone vaccination, so be sure to make sure that your pet is completely healthy.
  2. Stick to your usual diet, avoiding introducing new foods. You will only have to refuse food 4 hours before the start of the event.
  3. Treat against ecto- and endoparasites. In case of direct infection, the date of the procedure will have to be postponed.

Special care will be required when preparing the puppy. Before vaccination, the baby is prohibited from contacting other animals and people dressed in outerwear and street shoes.

Contraindications to rabies vaccination

Every animal needs to be vaccinated; it is important to know when to do it. Regardless of the type of vaccine, there are general contraindications that every owner needs to be aware of:

  • It is worth vaccinating a puppy only after it reaches three months; early vaccination is contraindicated in all cases, except when the pet lives in a disadvantaged area with a strong spread of the disease;
  • If the animal is sick and weak, it will not allow it to form normal immunity to pathogens, so the vaccine may be ineffective.

The vaccination itself does not cause any harm.

Vaccination of adult dogs

Adult dogs are vaccinated against the same infections as small puppies. After primary vaccinations, the animal’s body has good protection against viruses for a certain period of time, but gradually it weakens, so revaccination is necessary.

Revaccination schedule for adult dogs

Against plague, parovirus enteritis and hepatitis Revaccination every 3 years

Coronavirus enteritis, microsporia, parainfluenza Annual revaccination with an interval of 12 months.

Leptospirosis Revaccination once every 12 months annually. According to indications, the terms may be reduced.

Vaccination calendar: vaccination of dogs against rabies

Rabies is a dangerous infectious disease that cannot be cured. If infected, the dog dies painfully. The disease also poses a threat to humans. To protect the whole family, be sure to vaccinate your pets against rabies according to the vaccination schedule.

Rabies vaccination and revaccination schedule for dogs

First rabies vaccination 12-13 months

Revaccination Every year with an interval of 12 months.

How often do you vaccinate your dog against rabies?

Before vaccination, the veterinarian must examine the pet, measure the temperature and ask the owner about the dog’s condition. If there are prerequisites for illness, additional blood sampling and testing is performed.

If there are no contraindications, then the vaccine is administered to the dog in accordance with the instructions. Most rabies vaccines are administered intramuscularly; some drugs may be administered subcutaneously in the withers area.

The administration of the vaccine must be recorded in the pet’s veterinary passport and certified by the doctor’s signature. The date, name, series and expiration date of the vaccine are indicated. You can also paste in a label from the drug. Some drugs additionally come with special stickers.

You should not leave the veterinary clinic immediately; it is better to wait 15–20 minutes to identify possible allergic reactions and provide medical assistance.

Can I walk my dog ​​on the day of vaccination? If the area is favorable, then there is no need to limit your walks. The protection itself will be fully developed after 21 days, so it is important not to be in places with an increased risk of rabies infection.

It is recommended to bathe the dog only after 2-3 weeks to avoid hypothermia and complications from the vaccine. You should not give your pet excessive exercise during this period, as the body must adapt to the vaccine.

Duration of quarantine

Vaccination of animals against rabies is regulated by law. Not only the schedule for administering the vaccine has been established, but also the quarantine period after the procedure.

The veterinary legislation (section “Measures for the prevention of rabies”) specifies the uniform quarantine period for the Russian Federation - 1 month.

Instructions that come with vaccines may indicate shorter durations. These recommendations can be followed if the dog will not be taken anywhere or sold.

When can you take your dog out into the world? If the pet participates in exhibitions and other competitions, the vaccination stamp in the passport should not be expired.

An unvaccinated dog is vaccinated no later than a month before the event with a mandatory quarantine of 30 days.

Reaction to rabies vaccination in dogs

Despite vaccine manufacturers' promises that they will not cause side effects, complications can occur in any dog's body.

The injection site is often accompanied by the appearance of a hard, round swelling. Skin thickening and slight heating of the injection site are observed. If there is no increase in density and no pain when touched, there is nothing to worry about. After 15–22 days, the lump will resolve on its own.

The first 10–12 hours may be accompanied by a slight increase in temperature, decreased activity, digestive disorders, and a weak reaction to external stimuli.

Vaccine selection

Anti-rabies drugs for dogs differ in the manufacturer and the number of viral code fragments they contain. According to the first criterion, they are divided into domestic and foreign, and according to the second - into mono- and polyvaccines. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which you should familiarize yourself with in advance.

Nobivac R and RL

The Dutch Nobivak is recognized as the best rabies vaccine for dogs. It is produced in the form of monovaccine Nobivak R and polyvaccine Nobivak RL. In the second case, the vaccinated animal receives protection not only from rhabdoviruses, but also from leptospira.

A monovaccine is a more gentle drug that promotes the high-quality production of antibodies to a specific infection. When a polyvaccine is administered, antibodies to different diseases can suppress each other, but this phenomenon is typical with a multicomponent composition of 6-7 elements. Nobivak does not have such a problem, so for shy pets who cannot stand people in white coats (to avoid frequent trips to the clinic), you can safely choose Nobivak RL.


This polyvaccine is produced in the Czech Republic. In addition to rabies, it protects against infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, parainfluenza, canine distemper, adenovirosis and leptospirosis. As many as 7 components fully explain the fact that dogs vaccinated with Biocan often develop one of the listed diseases. Most often, the antibodies responsible for fighting parvovirus are suppressed.


Rabix is ​​a domestic mono-vaccine, attractive at a low price. It's hard to find any reviews on it. But this is precisely why you don’t have to worry about possible side effects, because in most cases, owners always share their negative experiences on the appropriate forums. But the positive aspects are often missed, taken for granted.


The French drug Rabizin gives a fairly stable immune response, lasting almost 3 years. It is recommended for dogs weakened by chronic pathologies and pregnant bitches. The only drawback is the periodic occurrence of allergic reactions. For this reason, after vaccination, it is recommended to stay at the veterinary clinic for at least 30 minutes.


Another Russian mono-vaccine offered in state veterinary clinics. Despite the rather strong side effects, it gives a quick (within 5-7 days) and persistent (up to 2 years) immune response.

Defensor 3

The American monovaccine Defensor-3 is often used in combination with the drug Vanguard Plus from the same manufacturer. Depending on the epidemiological situation, it is administered annually or once every 3 years. Some dogs may experience an allergic reaction.

Actions after vaccination

Not all owners know what to do after vaccination. Some breeders who are just starting out may also not be familiar with vaccination rules. In fact, there is nothing special after vaccination. You just need to observe your pet; if unusual behavior, health problems, or aggression are detected, you need to show the animal to a veterinarian.

It is important for 21 days (the quarantine period after vaccination against rabies in dogs) to follow the regime: high-quality and proper food, spend time in the fresh air, and ensure a state of complete calm. In this case, the dog will develop good immunity to external threats.

Validity period and frequency of revaccination

Depending on the type of vaccine, the validity period and frequency of revaccination are determined. This can be found out from your veterinarian or read in the instructions for the drug. Basically, all vaccines are valid for two to three years with a guarantee from the manufacturer of the presence of rabies antibodies in the animal’s blood.

In some countries, annual vaccination of animals is legally mandated, regardless of the duration of the drug.

In disadvantaged areas, vaccination may occur earlier, depending on the determination of antibody titer. Low values ​​allow revaccination even after several months.

Is quarantine necessary after vaccination?

The administered drug does not provide immediate protection.

Expert opinion

Panteleeva Irina Petrovna

Breeder, 11 years experience.

In order for the immune system to begin to resist foreign organisms, it takes time to produce antibodies. This takes from 8 days to 2 weeks, during which the animal feels unwell and becomes vulnerable to any infection.

Purpose of quarantine

It is necessary to exclude contact between your pet and stray dogs, other animals and strangers.

The following activities are carried out:

  1. Limiting the physical and mental stress of a weakened pet.
  2. Close monitoring of the dog’s health in order to timely identify negative reactions to the vaccine.
  3. Creating optimal conditions for the period of strengthening immunity: protection from overheating, hypothermia, stress and other negative factors.

The question of whether a dog needs quarantine after vaccination should not even arise. This is especially true for puppies being vaccinated for the first time.

Pros and cons of vaccination

Not all owners carry out annual prophylaxis for their animals; some do not know about its existence. Some animals spend their time at home, but this does not exclude the need to protect them from environmental influences. Vaccination of dogs is aimed at overcoming the risks of diseases, including rabies.

Therefore, owners should not be faced with the question of whether to vaccinate. The likelihood of contracting rabies is quite high; in many countries of the world, the obligation to vaccinate an animal is fixed at the state level, which implies liability in case of evasion of regulations.

There is no reason why you should be against vaccination. It will not only save the lives of you and your pet, but also avoid problems if other people are bitten by your pet. If vaccination is not carried out and the dog becomes infected with rabies, at the legislative level such animals are euthanized.

Vaccination by all breeders and owners will significantly reduce the impact of the virus on the environment. The only disadvantage may be individual intolerance to some components of the vaccine, but this issue must be resolved with a veterinarian and alternative active drugs must be used.

Consequences of failure to comply with dog isolation periods

If you ignore the veterinarian's recommendations regarding the rehabilitation period after vaccination, any irreversible consequences are possible.

How are quarantine periods set?

The deadlines are determined individually in each specific case, taking into account the following factors:

  • Puppies have a more weakened immune system compared to adults. therefore, a long period of rehabilitation is prescribed for children;

  • the survival rate of the strain introduced for the first time takes longer, and after each revaccination the quarantine period is shortened;
  • It is important to pay attention to the type of vaccine: when using polyvalent strains, the body needs more time to produce antibodies.

In the latter case, the immunization process takes at least 3 weeks. For weakened dogs and puppies, quarantine after polyvaccination should last about 30 days.

Dog at risk

While the body has directed all its efforts to produce antibodies, the animal becomes open to any infection.

If you do not keep your pet at home, the risk of contracting rabies increases many times over, and vaccination will not help save your pet from death.

Other consequences

If quarantine is not observed, dog owners also experience inconvenience.
If the owner violates the conditions of rehabilitation, he will not only not be able to take the pet with him abroad, but will also not be allowed on planes and trains to travel around the country. The dog will not be able to take part in any exhibition.

Possible complications and side effects

Like any other medications, rabies vaccinations can have side effects on your pet's health. Possible complications include:

  • Slight temporary increase in temperature;
  • Partial power failure;
  • Drinking a lot of water, which causes frequent trips to the toilet;
  • A state of fatigue and a constant desire to sleep;
  • Vomiting or diarrhea rarely occurs;
  • Allergies may occur if there is a predisposition to this from birth.

Allergies can appear at any time. The main symptoms of this reaction are:

  • Red skin rash;
  • The appearance of crusts and other lesions on the skin;
  • If the dog is highly susceptible to allergic reactions, urticaria or Quincke's edema may occur;
  • Profuse diarrhea may occur due to intolerance to individual components.

However, in practice such cases are rare. On average, side effects occur in 1.3% of vaccinated dogs. Even if such effects appear, they usually disappear within 10 hours. This does not require a trip to the veterinary clinic if the symptoms do not worsen after 10 hours.

A veterinarian's help is required if signs of fever, a state of apathy for two or more days, or heavy and hoarse breathing are detected. In such cases, it is necessary to immediately take your pet to a veterinary clinic, since there is a risk of death if assistance is not provided in a timely manner.

Thus, it is important to remember that an animal is a big responsibility! Before getting a pet, be sure to research possible diseases both in all dogs and in specific breeds. Some breeds are predisposed to ear infections, bone disease, breathing and heat problems. When you are sure that your pet will be under reliable protection, feel free to make yourself a friend.

Do not forget that vaccinations must be given at clearly indicated intervals. This will keep you, your pet and those around you safe. Rabies vaccination for both a puppy and an adult dog is the same drug as other medications.

It does not carry any risks for the dog, but only helps it fight external pathogens of the disease. All possible risks can be prevented in a timely manner if you exercise due diligence and take care of your pet.

You should not interact with wild dogs, even if your pet is vaccinated. If a stray dog ​​bites you, there is a risk of death, so it is better to walk in safe places, communicate only with dogs that have their own owners, and regularly monitor the pet’s health.

"Municipal" or private

Many experienced owners advise contacting a private clinic and refusing the free injection. What's the catch?

The regional veterinary institution provides free vaccinations to any dog, cat, or cow. This is part of the state program. All cases of rabies are registered and, based on the data map, conclusions are drawn about the epizootic state of the area. According to statistics, veterinarians are required to vaccinate animals (whether the owners want it or not) in high-risk regions.

Most often, veterinary stations use cheap, domestically produced drugs. This is exactly what many owners don't like. In addition, it is believed that private clinics that value their reputation purchase the vaccine only from a trusted supplier and store it in accordance with the standards. As a result, commercial companies are more trusted by the average owner than government agencies.

Post-vaccination period

The duration of this period takes 2-3 weeks. During this time, it is recommended to reduce physical activity, increase the comfort of housing and minimize contact with the outside world.

What condition will the dog have?

Everything here is very individual. Some pets retain their activity and appetite, while others suffer from side effects for several days. The owner can only monitor the pet’s condition, preventing the occurrence of life-threatening complications.


Going outside is allowed only on the 4th day after revaccination. At this point, the likelihood of infection from other animals is minimized, since the body has time to produce protective antibodies. Give your pet a rest and do not burden him with following commands.

After the first vaccination, puppies are kept within the walls of the house for much longer - 14-15 days. This is the only way to protect the baby from the negative effects of the external environment.

In addition to walking, it is recommended to avoid swimming, as any draft can lead to a cold. Also, do not get the injection site wet.

During the quarantine period, you should avoid introducing new products to avoid an allergic reaction. The move will also have to be postponed. Traveling to a new place of residence will be safe only a month after vaccination.

Is it possible to get an anti-rabies vaccine yourself?

Despite the simplicity of the procedure, self-administration of the drug should be avoided. Otherwise you risk:

  1. Violate the conditions for transportation, storage and use of the vaccine, which threatens a decrease in effectiveness and complications.
  2. Be left without a veterinary passport. This important document is issued only in veterinary clinics.
  3. Losing a pet due to a sudden attack of anaphylaxis (allergic suffocation). It is almost impossible to cope with an acute allergic reaction at home, so you should not risk your pet’s health.

Remember that before vaccination you need to undergo diagnostics. This is necessary to exclude hidden diseases that complicate the development of an immune response.

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