Quarantine after rabies vaccination in cats - reasons, timing, risks 

Quarantine after vaccination against rabies in cats is a time when the animal needs special care and attention. After vaccination, the animal’s body is vulnerable, because immunity gradually gains strength. If a cat is quarantined according to all the rules after being vaccinated against rabies, then the life and health of the pet will not be in danger.

The possible consequences cannot be underestimated, so post-vaccination quarantine must be taken seriously.

What is quarantine and why is it needed?

Rabies is a dangerous disease that most often ends in the death of domestic animals and poses a mortal threat to humans. The insidiousness of the virus lies in the fact that symptoms appear only in the later stages, when the pet can no longer be saved. Vaccination is the only way to prevent rabies in cats.

Important! The danger of infection exists even when the pet does not go outside, for example, if it eats a sick mouse.

A cat needs a rabies vaccination if:

  • the animal takes part in exhibitions;
  • the owner plans to transport the cat or kitten to another region or country;
  • for the safety of the owner and his family.

Quarantine after vaccination implies isolation of the animal and the absence of any contact with the external environment. During this time, you cannot walk or bathe the cat, and you must not use potent medications. You also need to protect your pet from sudden changes in temperature - avoid overheating and hypothermia.

Modern rabies vaccines are safe for animal health, but the reaction to the drug depends on the individual characteristics of the body. In a healthy cat, immunity is restored 7 days after vaccination. Despite the fact that modern vaccines rarely cause allergic reactions. However, if the condition worsens sharply after vaccination, you should urgently show the cat to a veterinarian.

On average, the duration of quarantine for a cat is 10-14 days. This period is due to the following factors:

  1. Antibodies do not appear in the body immediately, so to avoid infection, the cat must be temporarily isolated from other animals.
  2. After vaccination, the cat’s immunity weakens, making it more difficult for her to resist various viruses and infections.
  3. If the animal is already infected, then quarantine is needed to identify the disease and protect other pets and people.

During quarantine after vaccination against rabies, the cat requires special attention from the owner. It is necessary to monitor the body temperature and general condition of the animal. In the first 2 days after vaccination, the cat may be sleepy, lethargic, or, conversely, aggressive. Disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract may also appear.

Important! The condition returns to normal within a week after vaccination. The help of a veterinarian is not required. But if your cat becomes weaker every day and refuses food and water, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Why is quarantine necessary after vaccination against rabies in cats?

This question may arise for anyone familiar with modern rabies vaccines. The fact is that they are made not from living, but from dead cultures of the pathogen.

Simply put, these vaccines cannot cause rabies under any circumstances. Therefore, quarantine seems to be unnecessary (in the classical sense of the term).

What is quarantine and why is it needed?

So, what is quarantine and why is it needed? Quarantine itself is the time for which an animal is isolated from the environment, other animals and people. So what is it even needed for? It's simple:

  • Quarantine is required not to protect other animals and people, but to protect the cat. The problem is that immunity from rabies does not develop immediately after vaccination. This takes some time. You need to clearly understand that during this period a cat bitten by a sick animal is highly likely to get sick. Therefore, during this period (from the moment of vaccination to the formation of immunity), the pet must be strictly isolated from contact with the environment and other cats.
  • Finally, there is a certain probability (minuscule, but still) that the vaccinated cat is already sick. In this case, the quarantine is “true”, i.e. helps prevent infection of others. But let us repeat - the likelihood of such a scenario in practice is negligible, since any sane breeder, seeing a cat that has been bitten and shows signs of a fight, will in any case show it to the veterinarian.

What happens if you don’t comply with the quarantine deadlines?

Many inexperienced breeders are interested in one question: “What will happen if you do not comply with the quarantine terms?” We will try to answer it in as much detail as possible. I would immediately like to warn cat owners that failure to comply with vaccination and quarantine deadlines is far from the best solution. In this case, the owner puts at risk not only himself, but also all people who in one way or another come into contact with this animal.

So here are the possible options:

  • Most likely, nothing bad will happen, but only on the condition that the animal does not walk on the street and is not taken to various exhibitions and similar events.
  • It should be taken into account that all information about rabies vaccinations must be recorded in the animal’s veterinary passport. This means that until the end of quarantine the cat will not be able to be taken to the exhibition (more precisely, it will be possible to take it, but it will not be allowed to participate). It will also not be possible to go on vacation with your pet, since they can “wrap” it even within the Russian Federation, not to mention leaving it outside our country.
  • The worst option (which you could already guess about) is that the cat is bitten by a sick cat (or a wolf, a bear, etc.), after which he gets sick.

But! As for the last case, everything is not so obvious.

The fact is that immunity in a normal, healthy cat begins to develop within about seven days from the moment of the bite. If everything is in order, then even after direct contact with a sick animal, the pet may not get sick.

In this case, veterinarians resort to “classic” quarantine: they isolate the cat for about ten days and wait to see if it shows signs of rabies. Again, this option is not very good, since there will still be a possibility that the cat has become infected. Thus, the conclusion is simple: you shouldn’t joke with post-vaccination quarantine, since such negligence can have a very bad impact on the future fate of both the cat and its owner.

Development of immunity: nuances

We have already touched upon this issue indirectly a little higher. The fact is that the development of immunity in each animal is a unique process and highly dependent on the characteristics of the body of a particular cat. In some pets it happens faster, in others it happens slower.

This depends on many factors:

  • Physical state. The body of a moderately well-fed and absolutely healthy cat will develop immunity three times faster than if compared to a weakened and middle-aged animal (in general, in the latter case, pets should be vaccinated with caution).
  • As we already mentioned, age. The younger the pet, the healthier it is, and the faster its defense systems develop immunity (which in this case will be stronger).
  • This depends in part on the type of specific rabies vaccine. However, this moment has a greater impact on the maximum duration of immunity, but not on the speed of its formation.
  • Quality of nutrition, balanced diet in terms of nutrients, macro- and microelements. The better a cat eats, the faster it will develop high-quality, strong immunity. Accordingly, this is precisely what the standard recommendation of veterinarians is connected with: to feed your pets as best as possible before vaccination.

I would like to emphasize one important circumstance: despite all of the above, the time frame for developing immunity (regardless of the type of vaccine) is approximately the same. For most manufacturers, they are at least three weeks (21 days).

Duration of quarantine

Theoretically, the duration of quarantine should be 21 days, because... It is during this period that stable immunity against rabies is formed. It’s just that at the legislative level (for complete reliability) a period of 30 days is fixed (a month, in other words). Only after this time has passed is the quarantine officially completed.

Important Rules

During quarantine (especially in the first days), you should carefully monitor the cat’s behavior, measure its body temperature once a day, and immediately report any oddities to the veterinarian. We strongly recommend that you do not let your cat outside this month and prevent it from contacting other animals.

How long after vaccination does immunity develop?

After vaccination, the cat’s body begins to produce antibodies, which guarantee lasting immunity from rabies for 1–3 years (depending on the vaccine). Veterinarians identify the main factor that affects the rate of formation of immunity from rabies - a balanced diet.

If the cat receives high-quality food with the necessary macro- and microelements before vaccination, then antibodies are formed much faster, and the effect of the vaccine will be longer.

Why is the rabies vaccine needed?

The vaccine is required for some areas, as well as for some types of cats (for example, participants in competitions and exhibitions). Why is a cat's rabies vaccination required?

  • The animal visits the street, entrance;
  • There are dogs and cats in the house that go outside and come into contact with other animals;
  • The pet travels abroad with its owner;
  • There is a possibility that rats and mice may be/are entering the house and could be carriers. Often, this often happens on the first floors of apartments, in private and country houses.

Even if the animal is in the apartment all the time, it must be protected. There are situations when a cat can leave the apartment without permission through a window, an open door, or during the evacuation of the house. If there are infected animals nearby, the cat may come into contact with them and become infected with rabies.

Note! Rabies is easily transmitted from an animal to its owner and other people around it.

Private veterinary clinics sometimes refuse to work with animals that have not been vaccinated. And they have the right to do this for the safety of personnel.

When is an animal allowed to be transported and travel abroad?

You can transport a cat on a plane or train within Russia on the 31st day after rabies vaccination. To do this, you will have to issue a veterinary passport and obtain a certificate from the clinic.

The standard duration of quarantine for traveling outside Russia is 40 days. This time will be enough for the required concentration of antibodies to form in the cat’s blood. Before leaving, you will have to take a test to confirm the absence of rabies.

Important! It is not recommended to vaccinate against rabies yourself at home. Without the appropriate certificate, the cat will not be able to take part in exhibitions and will lose its breeding value. Only a veterinarian can enter vaccination records into a pet’s veterinary passport.

How often to vaccinate a cat

The vaccine should be given no more than once a year. The timing must be discussed with the veterinarian and the order must be established, because in addition to rabies vaccinations, animals also receive others. Vaccination during cat pregnancy deserves special attention. If the cat turns out to be pregnant when the time comes to get the vaccine, then it is better to wait a couple of months before the kittens are born. If targeted mating is planned, it is necessary to choose a period when the animal will be free from various vaccinations and medical treatments not related to pregnancy.

Reference! A year is the duration of most drugs. There are drugs that last up to 3 years or more. But their use is recommended when the goal is limited to protecting the pet. If the animal is planned to be transported to another country or to participate in exhibitions, then annual vaccination will be required.

For cats and cats aged (after 7-10 years) it is recommended to choose drugs that last for 3 years and have a gentle effect on the body. The thing is that vaccination is difficult for old animals, and some cannot be vaccinated at all.

Required documents for exporting an animal

Before you go on a trip with your pet, you need to prepare a package of documents:

  1. Veterinary passport with vaccination marks.
  2. Certificate from the state clinic (form No. 1). The document is valid for 5 days after its receipt.
  3. Along with the certificate, based on the tests, the doctor will issue a printout with information about the number of antibodies in the body. This is proof that the cat was vaccinated 30–40 days before travel.

It is better to check the acceptable timing of vaccination with the embassy of the country where you plan to export the animal. You also need to check in advance the list of vaccines approved in this state. If the vaccine with which the cat was vaccinated is not on the list or the quarantine period is violated, it will not be possible to take the pet abroad.

Vaccination dates

In medical practice, the time frame within which it is necessary to vaccinate an animal has long been determined. In some cases, the veterinarian can set the deadlines for each animal individually.

  • At an early age - 3 months, first vaccine;
  • After one year has passed since the last vaccination (or once every year and a half), a second injection is given;

It is acceptable to get a rabies vaccination after the age of 3 months: 4, 5 months and even six months. This happens when a kitten is adopted not a month after its birth, as is customary, later. It is acceptable. Especially if he lived in an apartment all the time.

As a rule, vaccination is painless and does not require complex and expensive preparation and recovery after a visit to the veterinarian. He will talk about the procedure and tell you how much cat vaccinations cost.

There is still an opinion that such vaccinations are dangerous for animals and harm the body. And this was true, but before. The preparations were based on a substance that is extremely toxic to cats. Modern medicine allows us to develop almost 100% harmless drugs.

Some medications for each individual cat may cause side effects and allergies. Therefore, after the procedure, the owner should not rush home and know certain measures if the animal’s condition worsens. As a rule, if there are no side effects or allergies, the animal will behave as usual. The norm is a decrease in activity for a couple of days and long sleep.

How long after vaccination is participation in exhibitions and events allowed?

If the exhibition in which the cat will participate is located within the Russian Federation, then the rabies vaccination must be carried out 30 or more days before the trip. When it is necessary to cross the border to participate in an exhibition, the quarantine period should be clarified with the embassy of the host country.

To avoid troubles, prepare for a trip with a cat in advance. For violation of quarantine after rabies vaccination in many European countries and the United States, considerable fines are provided. In addition, your beloved cat may be taken away and sent to an isolation ward.

What happens if you don’t comply with the quarantine deadlines?

In theory, everything is more than clear, but what happens if you don’t comply with the quarantine deadlines? How does violating quarantine threaten the health of a pet? Unfortunately, there are no specific answers to these questions, since each animal’s body is individual and reacts to vaccination differently. Most cats tolerate vaccinations steadfastly, without any side effects.

Quarantine after vaccination is introduced for the following reasons:

  • Immediately after the introduction of a weakened virus into the body, the immune system is strained, which makes the animal vulnerable to respiratory, infectious, fungal and other infections.
  • In rare cases, cats have innate resistance to some vaccines. That is, despite the vaccination, antibodies are not produced.
  • In rare cases, a cat that has recently received a vaccination may develop a delayed allergic reaction.
  • If there is an individual intolerance to the components of the vaccine, the cat may develop an allergic reaction, disruption of the body’s systems, a lump at the injection site, a rise in temperature, etc.

Note! Veterinary pharmaceuticals are constantly evolving and modern vaccines very rarely produce even the expected side effects.


Try to deworm on your day off so you don't have to leave your pet alone at home. After the procedure, be sure to inspect the excrement: if worms are found in them, then one sweep is not enough: after 10–14 days you need to give the anthelmintic drug again and accordingly postpone the date of vaccination.

In cases where worms are visible in the feces even before the drug is given, it is highly advisable to drive them out under the supervision of a doctor. It may happen that the animal’s body will need therapeutic support. If, after taking the drug, vomiting of helminths begins or a large number of them come out with feces, you also need to urgently contact a veterinarian.

Medical battalion at home. How to organize treatment for a pet

More details

The mechanism of action of rabies vaccines and their varieties

In practice, the body’s defense against various viruses and infections occurs by provoking the production of immunity and antibodies to the virus. And no matter how paradoxical it may sound, the vaccine contains the very virus that causes rabies. True, in minimal safe quantities. The body understands that dangerous foreign bodies are present and begins to produce antibodies. And if an animal becomes infected with real rabies, then their body will be able to independently resist the virus.

  • Live (modified);
  • Dead (inactivated).

The difference is that the living have a small fraction of the virus, which with an insignificant probability, but can work. And inactivated ones are completely safe. These are what veterinarians recommend, especially for small kittens.

How to prepare your pet for vaccination?

The procedure for preparing for vaccinations is similar for cats and dogs. First of all, you need to pay a visit to the veterinarian and make sure that the animal is completely healthy - you cannot vaccinate a sick pet. The same applies to pregnant cats and dogs, as well as those who are undergoing a rehabilitation period because their immunity is weakened.

10 days before vaccination or a little earlier, deworming is required. This rule does not apply to animals that are treated for worms every month; they can be vaccinated any day. It is better to check with your doctor for the exact regimen - everything is individual. If you do not worm your pet, even a timely vaccination will not protect it from the disease. In addition, various allergic reactions may occur.

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