Acyclovir lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for infusion 0.5 g

Acyclovir: injections for herpes

Injections for herpes are given intramuscularly.

This ensures rapid entry of the drug into the body and a higher therapeutic effect.

Virostatic agents containing a substance known as acyclovir are particularly effective.

These medications can be used as ointments, tablets, or intravenous injections.

Serious herpes infections must be treated with large doses of acyclovir, given regularly in parenteral form.

The most effective injections for herpes:


Nucleoside analogue with selective action.

Acyclovir is an antiviral drug.

Slows down the growth and spread of the herpes virus, allowing the body to fight the infection.

Acyclovir cannot completely eliminate the herpes virus, but it can reduce the severity of the infection.

Acyclovir injection is used to treat severe illnesses caused by herpes viruses.

Including severe forms of genital herpes, encephalitis (brain swelling), Varicella–Zoster virus.

Injections against herpes with Acyclovir help prevent the formation of new rashes.

Minimizes the risk of complications due to the infectious process.

The drug accelerates the formation of crusts and reduces the severity of pain in patients with Herpes zoster (shingles/herpes).

Dosage and regimen of Acyclovir: one ampoule of the drug is diluted in 10 ml of 0.9% NaCl solution.

The medication is administered intravenously, slowly, over 60 minutes.

The product can also be administered dropwise, after diluting it in 100 ml of isotonic solution.

It is recommended to stop using Acyclovir if the following side effects develop:

  • decreased urination, change in urine color
  • the appearance of fever, chills, body aches, flu symptoms
  • deterioration of the skin (redness, peeling, itching)
  • development of jaundice (yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes)
  • swelling, tenderness, change in skin color at the injection site
  • fatigue, deterioration of health, increased body temperature.

Less serious side effects may include:

  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, loss of appetite
  • muscle pain, numbness or tingling in the lower extremities
  • loss of coordination
  • drowsiness, loss of appetite
  • headache, feeling dizzy

The development of an acute allergic reaction during the use of the drug is extremely rare.

Mainly due to incorrect dosing.

If any adverse reaction develops, even minor, it is recommended to consult a doctor and consult about the need to change the medication.

The drug is not prescribed if there is an allergic reaction to the active components of the medication.

And also in case of intolerance to the drug Valaciclovir.

Acyclovir does not prevent the spread of genital herpes.

Avoid sexual intercourse or use a latex condom to prevent spreading the virus and infecting your sexual partner.

Cycloferon injections for herpes

The use of the basic regimen of Cycloferon injections for herpes has an antiviral and immunostimulating effect.

The drug is a kind of inducer involved in the formation of endogenous interferon.

Interferon is a type of cytokine family originally identified as a factor that suppresses viral infection.

Additionally, the medication reduces the severity of the inflammatory reaction and has a slight antitumor effect.

Especially manifested in relation to papillomas/condylomas with HPV.

During the use of the drug, autoimmune reactions are suppressed.

The severity of pain and inflammation in the epidermis is reduced.

The drug reduces the severity of the symptomatic picture of viral pathology.

It starts the process of activating the immune system and has a bacteriostatic effect.

The effectiveness of the drug allows it to be prescribed for chlamydia infection.

When diagnosed with herpes, injections with Cycloferon are prescribed according to the following scheme: 1st day, 2nd, then on the 4th and 6th and 8th days.

After a two-day break, the injection is administered on days 11, 14 and 17, then on days 23, 26 and 29.

The drug is administered intramuscularly or intravenously, depending on the doctor’s recommendations.

The injection is given once a day.

Cycloferon has virtually no contraindications.

Not prescribed for liver cirrhosis and intolerance to the components of the drug.

The drug is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.

Has excellent compatibility with other medications.

Polyoxidonium injections for herpes

Polyoxidonium is a powerful immune stimulant.

Its use leads to a significant activation of the immune system's ability to respond to foreign antigens.

It “turns off” pathogenic microorganisms, soluble toxins, and other harmful microparticles.

The pharmacological action of the drug is represented by its following abilities:

  • Polyoxidonium activates three subpopulations of phagocytes: the movement of resident macrophages, phagocytes of the blood supply and phagocytes of the reticuloendothelial tissue. This action is expressed in the activation of macrophage migration, their ability to capture and digest pathogenic microorganisms.
  • The medication increases the efficiency of interaction between T and B lymphocytes in antibody production reactions as a response to pathogens.
  • When stimulating the reactions of the immune system, Polyoxidonium does not disrupt the natural process of their inhibition.

Polyoxidonium is recommended for use as additional therapy for the following conditions:

  • Diseases of viral, infectious and bacteriological etiology, including those occurring in a chronic form.
  • Complications in the postoperative period, accompanied by purulent-septic lesions.
  • The drug is prescribed to patients after undergoing a course of cancer therapy.
  • Recommended as a prevention of toxic effects on the liver and kidneys when taking potent medications.
  • To accelerate the regenerative capabilities of the body in case of fractures, sprains, burns.
  • Prescribed to increase the effectiveness of treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and joint tissue.
  • For acute infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the urogenital tract in men and women.
  • As maintenance therapy in the presence of HIV infection or AIDS.

For children older than six months, the drug can be prescribed as the main method of treatment in the following cases:

  • Diseases of a viral or infectious nature, occurring in acute as well as chronic forms.
  • Pathologies of the allergic type, which are accompanied by the development of a number of complications: bronchial asthma, eczema, acute dermatitis.

Injections with the drug Polyoxidonium are prescribed to patients with ongoing herpes as a means of increasing the protective functions of the immune system.

However, it is worth remembering that this is just a drug that complements the main treatment.

Therefore, when treating a herpetic infection, an antiviral agent is prescribed.

Injections for herpes: Panavir

Panavir is a herbal preparation.

Contains an extract from the shoots of the plant Solanum tuberosum (potato, Solanaceae family).

Solanum tuberosum contains a hexose glycoside.

Glycosides are used by plants to protect against pathogenic microorganisms.

Hexose glycoside is used by the pharmaceutical industry for its pharmacological effects.

It reduces the inflammatory response by inhibiting histamine and provides an anticonvulsant and antiviral effect.

The action of Panavir is aimed at increasing nonspecific immunity and increasing the production of interferon by blood cells.

The drug is quite well tolerated.

Does not have a toxic effect on the liver and kidneys, does not affect the development of the embryo.

It was found that Panavir has minor anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

For herpes, injections with Panavir accelerate the body's regenerative capabilities.

This promotes the rapid formation of crusts and healing of herpetic eruptions.

Intravenous antiherpetic agents, such as Panavir, are intended for slow bolus administration.

The drug is not recommended to be mixed with other antiviral agents.

Adult patients with a herpetic infection are prescribed 5 ml of medication.

The drug is administered every 24 or 48 hours.

Depending on the patient’s condition and how acute the infectious process is.

If necessary, the course can be repeated after 4-6 weeks.

Allokin: injections for herpes

Allokin-Alpha is an antiviral drug with proven effectiveness against hepatitis B, C, herpes infection and HPV.

The main active ingredient of the drug is alloferon.

Alloferon is a peptide with 13 amino acids.

Isolated from bacteria-infected larvae of the moth fly Calliphora vicina.

The pharmaceutical value of the peptide has been well demonstrated by its ability to stimulate NK and interferon (IFN) cytotoxic activity in animal and human models.

In addition, the peptide proved to be an enhancer of antiviral and antitumor activity.

The antiviral and immunomodulatory effectiveness of alloferon has also been confirmed clinically.

In patients suffering from herpes simplex viruses (HSV) and human papillomavirus (HPV).

The drug is a low-toxic drug, well tolerated, and does not provoke the development of an allergic reaction.

Also, Allokin does not cause problems with the reproductive system.

Allokin injections showed good therapeutic results for the diagnosis of herpes zoster.

The medication is available in powder form for preparing a solution.

The product must be used immediately; it must not be stored in prepared form.

Allokin injections for herpes are usually used according to the following scheme: 1 ml of the drug is administered every 48 hours.

The total number of injections is no more than 3.

Injections with Allokin can be used against intimate zone herpes and HPV.

In case of an acute infectious process, the number of injections can be increased to 6.

The drug should be stored in the refrigerator, in powder form, for no more than two years from the date of production.



Acyclovir is only partially absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. As a rule, no toxic effects have been reported with a random single dose of acyclovir up to 20 g. With repeated oral doses over several days of doses exceeding the recommended ones, disturbances from the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting) and nervous system (headache and confusion) were observed. Sometimes neurological effects such as seizures and coma may occur.


Patients require careful medical monitoring to identify possible symptoms of intoxication. Acyclovir is eliminated from the body by hemodialysis, so hemodialysis can be used to treat overdose.

Injections for herpes: answers to patient questions

What are the best injections for herpes?

Currently, the most powerful antiviral drugs are Cycloferon, Allokin-Alpha, Alloferon.

What injections can you buy that completely kill herpes?

Today, no drugs have been found that can completely destroy the herpes virus.

However, there are drugs that can effectively suppress the symptoms of the virus and increase the protective functions of the immune system, reducing the risk of relapse of the disease.

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