​"Children in Russia are constantly being experimented on when studying vaccines"

07:00, 12.03.2017 62

Famous virologist Galina Chervonskaya on the dangers of vaccinations and the complications they lead to

Today there are debates about the dangers and benefits of vaccinations both on the Internet and in doctors’ offices. In the post-Soviet space, one of the first scientists to talk about the dangers of mass vaccination is the famous virologist, candidate of biological sciences, independent expert on vaccinology problems Galina Chervonskaya. Armed with her educational works, today parents are legally seeking recognition of their right to refuse vaccinations for their children. In an interview with Realnoe Vremya, Galina Petrovna spoke about the myths that exist around vaccinations and the complications that mass vaccination leads to.

— Galina Petrovna, is it true that pre-revolutionary doctors and doctors of the first decades of Soviet power were wary of vaccinations?

- Yes. First of all, because they were real doctors. I have been involved in vaccinology all my life. I myself am not vaccinated and everyone around me never knew what a vaccine was. Old doctors, including my grandfather, were very careful about vaccinations. Although at that time there was only one vaccination - against smallpox, even this was treated with extreme caution. Moreover, articles were published saying that vaccination, that is, vaccination against smallpox, leads to a shortening of human life. Consequently, even before I went to the central press in 1988 and spoke for the first time about what vaccines are, there were already such materials. They understood that any vaccine is foreign to the child, that there is a risk, that it will necessarily allergize children, because it consists of foreign proteins and auxiliary chemicals.

In addition, there is a list of contraindications that I publish in my books. For example, there are 12 contraindications against BCG, the vaccine against tuberculosis. There are nine contraindications against BCG-M. Against the ill-fated DTP vaccine, which is made to protect against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus - 16. Is it possible to make widespread use of a medicine if there are 16 contraindications? The old doctors knew all this, took it into account and had a completely different attitude towards vaccination compared to the bulk of modern so-called doctors (however, I don’t call them doctors, I call them rabid vaccinators), who, apparently, were born without conscience and without honor. They are ignorant and illiterate, they generally do not understand what the individual nature of man is. Regular mass vaccination from year to year, from decade to decade - in a word, the notorious vaccination calendar - is not a fight against infectious diseases, it is a fight against human nature. Because the child is in constant tension not only in relation to the immune system, but also in a state of increased mental excitability.

That's why there are no practically healthy children in Russia. Some doctors say that there are only 2% of them, but this figure has not been established exactly, and we can say that there are no practically healthy children. The demographic situation for the indigenous people of Russia is catastrophic. The percentage of women of reproductive age has been sharply reduced. Many couples cannot give birth. All this is also thanks to mass vaccination.

“At one time, Pyotr Burgasov (pictured in the center) said that we are the only country that at one time could afford this mass vaccination of children.” geektimes.ru

I never oppose vaccinations. They, like any medicine, are needed, but the purpose must be provided and proven. Mass vaccination is permissible only in one case: if there is a threat of an epidemic of a specific infectious disease in the country. Edward Jenner, the author of the world's first vaccine, produced in 1796, said so. He could not even imagine that children would begin to be loaded with these vaccines year after year! And in our country, vaccination begins in the maternity hospital - there newborns are vaccinated against tuberculosis. At one time, Pyotr Burgasov, the chief state sanitary doctor of the USSR, said that we are the only country that at one time could afford this mass vaccination of children. While Gennady Onishchenko was the chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation, he brought a lot of troubles. It was necessary to think of this - to declare on television that parents who refuse to vaccinate their children will be judged and that they will be deprived of parental rights! Didn't he read the law that says vaccinations are voluntary?

-What kind of law is this?

— One of our famous academicians, Alexey Vladimirovich Yablokov, at one time attracted me to the Committee on Health and Safety of the State Duma of the USSR. And then the same expert working group moved to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, where until 2000 I participated in the work on a number of laws. Each of these laws states that any medical intervention is voluntary. The first law is “The basis of legislation on the protection of citizens’ health.” Came into effect in 1993. Articles 30-34 speak not only about voluntariness, but also about informed consent. That is, you must be informed that this or that medicine may have some side effects. The same law states that children under 15 years of age decide this with their parents, and after 15 years of age, a teenager has the right to refuse any medical procedure. Second Law “On Medicines”, 1998. And the third hard-won law is the “Law on Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases”, 1998, where articles 5 and 11 state that vaccinations are voluntary. Article 5 directly states: a citizen has the right to information about post-vaccination complications. A citizen also has the right to refuse vaccination. The same fifth article also talks about the duties of a citizen: you must formalize your refusal to be vaccinated in writing. And Article 11 states that any vaccination is carried out only with the permission of the parents. Post-vaccination complications have also been legalized. An article has been introduced on the payment of benefits to citizens for post-vaccination complications, including deaths.

With great difficulty we approved this law. But, unfortunately, doctors do not inform patients about its existence in any way. Moreover, even our working group was divided into two subgroups. Some were in favor of total vaccinations, they said: “We will still ask people whether to vaccinate or not to vaccinate!” These are doctors with an administrative-command Soviet attitude. I have never been anti-Soviet, but this approach has never been clear to me.

— How do Russian doctors feel about vaccination today?

- They have different attitudes. There have always been and will be doctors who categorically do not accept vaccinations. The other part does not recognize vaccination as a mass phenomenon: yes, vaccination can happen, but only in case of obvious danger. The third group of specialists is categorically against live vaccines, because no one knows what a live vaccine will do for the child and the biosphere as a whole. After all, without going into deep explanations, a live vaccine is a mutant, an altered individual, and its properties differ from those microorganisms that circulate among the population. Live vaccines cause only trouble if they are used en masse and without diagnostics.

Nowadays, a significant percentage of practicing doctors are aware of the ambiguity of using vaccines. Previously, educated pediatricians spoke about this in their patients’ ears: “You don’t need to vaccinate your children.” Now they are talking about this openly, there is a lot of information on the Internet, there is even a section “Doctors against vaccinations.”

There are doctors who, for money, issue false certificates stating that the child is vaccinated. There are doctors who throw vaccine packages into landfills. It was only in 2014 that I stopped traveling around cities and villages, where doctors in clinics showed me refrigerators full of vaccines. But, by the way, taxpayers’ money is spent on them. And this money is wasted. There must be very serious control over the purchase of vaccines.

“Now a significant percentage of practicing physicians are aware of the ambiguity of the use of vaccines.” Photo telegraf.com.ua

“The plan is to produce socks and not vaccinate children”

— When did this idea about scheduled vaccinations appear?

— Soviet people remember that you were simply not allowed to leave factories until you were vaccinated, say, against the flu. They climbed over fences and ran away. There is a famous quote from a poem by the Soviet poet Sergei Mikhalkov: “I’m not afraid of injections.” But there is a continuation of this phrase, which is always forgotten: “If necessary, I’ll inject myself.” If it's necessary! But when it is “necessary” is a very difficult question. If there is an epidemic forecast and people want to preserve their health through vaccination, then go ahead. What if people don’t want to, if they protect themselves in some other way from infectious diseases?

According to the plan, knitted socks can be produced, but only ignorant doctors could offer to vaccinate children as planned. These are pests to children's health. We came to school and let’s vaccinate the whole class. What if half of the class is unhealthy? The plan cannot be carried out on an entire class. Because there are no identical people in the world, unless they are identical twins! At one time I addressed our officials like this: “Well, our Soviet Union is identical twins from north to south and from west to east?”

Mass vaccination is only permissible as suggested by the author of the first vaccine: when there is a threat to the life and health of children. This must be scientifically substantiated and proven, and only in this case is the possibility of mass vaccinations without diagnostics acceptable.

Every self-respecting, educated country - unfortunately, we have to refer to Germany and the USA - has a vaccination calendar and vaccination card for each child. There, vaccinations are distributed among states depending on the threat of a particular unfavorable epidemiological situation.

“But there is an idea that if there is no mass vaccination, an epidemic will begin.

- This is fundamentally wrong. I published a book, “Vaccinations: Myths and Reality,” where I examine such myths. As I already said, the creator of the first vaccine intended to use it exclusively in case of danger in order to protect a specific person. We are putting a barrier to the epidemic with artificially resistant organisms in children. There is also a myth that an unvaccinated person will definitely get sick and may even die. The doctor who claims this should be stripped of his diploma.

If you are told that without vaccination you will definitely get sick, this can safely be called bioterrorism. Why should a child get sick? Don't we have a sanitary-epidemiological service? These threats come from unqualified doctors, and what is even more unpleasant is that they themselves, as a rule, do not vaccinate their children. After all, all local doctors receive methodological developments from the Ministry of Health called “Investigation of fatal cases after vaccination of such and such.”

— You can often hear that a vaccine is a safe and useful thing; it will not cause any harm.

— Remember: any vaccine necessarily carries a risk. Many domestic experts have written: any vaccine is inevitably unsafe. Of course, this is a foreign protein. Why do you need to be so strict about vaccination? Because humanity is generally not susceptible to infectious diseases. If the world were equally susceptible to tuberculosis, diphtheria, and so on, humanity would have long ago died out only from infectious diseases. Another category of people are those who acquire anti-infective immunity naturally, having had measles or rubella in a clinically expressed form. You can also get sick in a hidden, so-called erased form, for example, with diseases such as diphtheria or polio; often doctors in this case mistakenly diagnose acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections.

— So, the horrors that the Internet is full of are true, where they say that vaccination can lead, among other things, to paralysis?

- This is true. There are a lot of complications from each vaccine. There are complications that no one has ever heard or known about. What is a complication of a tuberculin test? There are so many complications, including clouding of the cornea! And we inject it en masse, and even annually, and even for some children twice a year!


  1. 12345
    [www.gazeta.ru/2005/11/07/oa_176944.shtml Who is Galina Chervonskaya] // Gazeta.ru, 07.11.2005
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  5. In particular, on [www.homeoint.org/kotok/vaccines/rnkb/truth1.htm website] A. Kotka, on the website [homeopatica.ru/g_p__cshervonskaya__privivki__mify_i_real_nost_____kniga.shtml World of Homeopathy], etc.
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  7. Mandatory vaccination is a legalized experiment on children (Speech by Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya at the XVI International Christmas Readings)
  8. [www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/4629182/ Description of the audiobook “Vaccination of Death”]
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  14. [www.miloserdie.ru/index.php?ss=1&s=8&id=3705 Vaccine is a common medicine] // Miloserdie.ru
  15. [www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/952723.html The fight against vaccinations: the position of the Church] // Patriarchia.ru
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  18. [www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=%22Chervonskaia%20GP%22%5BAuthor%5D Query] in PubMed by author " Chervonskaia GP

“Not only moms, but also dads went on the attack”

— You say that there is now a lot of information about the dangers of vaccines. Has the population woken up?

— Yes, the situation with vaccinations across the country has improved. People are different now, young people do not take doctors’ words for granted, they read, think sensibly and analyze. There is a problem with the Mantoux reaction - it is required in kindergartens and schools. But, thank God, there are methods that replace this damned Mantoux: the child’s blood is taken and it is determined outside the body whether or not there is Mycobacterium tuberculosis in it. But we must also take into account that if the child was vaccinated in the maternity hospital, then any test is useless. How many materials have been written about the fact that the Mantoux test cannot serve as a diagnostic test if BCG vaccination has been previously carried out. But this doesn't work on anyone.

People from different cities of Russia call me for consultations. I am glad that not only mothers, but also fathers went on the attack. Cases are told that if at first the school did not accept refusal of vaccinations, then after the fathers came to the school, the situation immediately changed in a positive direction.

I have already said that nowhere in the world is the BCG vaccine administered in maternity hospitals. This is an idea only for our country. Now parents have begun to refuse this. At first I had to fight: “This is my child, I gave birth to him.” The scandals were terrible. And now they say that there are fewer problems.

— What dangers does vaccination in maternity hospitals pose?

— Thanks to vaccination, we spread tuberculosis in the maternity hospital. Many doctors have written about this; there are excellent articles on this topic. But until recently, these data did not extend beyond the circle of a specific category of doctors. Phthisiatricians do their own thing, neurologists have their own coalition. No one touched the vaccination at all; no one had the right. This was a taboo topic, especially the discussion of post-vaccination complications. But experts have long written: thanks to vaccination in the maternity hospital, we spread tuberculosis. Why? Because there is a certain category of children who are susceptible to tuberculosis. And if three factors come together: a live vaccine, the child’s susceptibility to tuberculosis and his immunocompromised state, then the result will be the same - the child will get tuberculosis. This applies to any live vaccine.

“Thanks to vaccination, we spread tuberculosis in the maternity hospital.” Photo msktambov.ru

— I’ve seen you say that unvaccinated children develop differently. Why?

— Because there is no negative impact on all organs and systems of the child’s body, not only on the immune system. The child is freed from mental pressure. After all, these endless injections... Why doesn’t the child want to go to kindergarten? They give injections there. Back in Soviet times, doctors wrote that injections caused a serious negative attitude among children towards people in white coats. And we herd them into herds - herd 5A and herd 5B. But children have different attitudes towards injections. Someone turns pale, loses consciousness, his pants and shirt are wet. This is not taken into account, as if they were some kind of rubber dolls. But the psyche of children is disturbed, they become embittered, they develop an aggressive attitude: “Now I’ll grow up and show everyone!”

— You said that many people protect themselves from infectious diseases using their own methods. For example?

— Observe basic hygiene rules. Wash your hands often. Don't eat, don't drink from the same glass, don't bite from the same apple. Example: students of some institute came to the cafeteria, sat, ate and wiped their lips with one napkin. And one of them had hepatitis, and the second one also got sick. Don't let this happen. Moreover, you now have such opportunities - a lot of disposable things, there are antibacterial wipes, and so on.

Of course, we must admit that the sanitary and epidemiological service in our country works very poorly. It's practically non-existent. We were not “meh” in this indicator before. But today the name of the sanitary-epidemiological service does not appear at all; they have created some kind of Rospotrebnadzor or, as young people on the Internet call this organization: RosNEpotrebnadzor. The name is cumbersome, but it makes no sense.

The Russian law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” contains 60 articles. It talks about how the sanitary and epidemiological service should work. But now they are just laying out the vaccination plan, and the more they cover, the more money the pediatrician receives. Where is their job? Who administers the vaccinations? Pediatricians. Who collects the results? Pediatricians, local clinics. There is no work on the part of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority. Where is the concern for sanitary and epidemiological well-being? For this well-being to exist, there must be supervision, supervision and once again supervision of pathogens of infectious diseases. The service is required to know which area is dangerous, for example, for polio, diphtheria, or tuberculosis. But here no one knows anything, so they are launching mass vaccination. But this is not salvation, especially without immunodiagnosis.

- What kind of diagnostics is this?

— The immune system should be examined before and after. Nobody gets into the cardiovascular system without first examining the person. It is also important to examine the person after the vaccine is administered. In terms of severity, it should be like this: a vaccine and a diagnostic test right there in the package. The vaccination was done and it was determined: did the protection take place?

— At the beginning of the interview, you noted that there used to be real doctors. Do they exist today?

- Certainly. But the general situation in Russian healthcare is such that we are in 130th place in the world in terms of the level of medical care provided. I call our health care “health care.” We are at a very, very low level and it is very difficult to rise from it. The devastation began back in the Soviet years, when the level of medical care became lower and lower. And how was this help provided? The Central Committee of the Party is one medicine. Departmental institutions are a different medicine. And all the rest were served on a residual basis. Many saw this and remained silent. There is such an interesting book by the author S. Shnol, who writes why we found ourselves in such a hole in medicine and healthcare, how we destroyed those specialists who tried to say that something needs to be improved. We're just talking now. I remember they convinced me at one time at the academic council: “Galina Petrovna, you are such a wonderful person and you got involved with journalists!” We had no right to speak, but I ignored these prohibitions and in 1988 I went to Komsomolskaya Pravda, where they conducted a great interesting interview with me about vaccinations, about the absolutely disastrous improvement of the nation’s health.

“In terms of severity, it should be like this: a vaccine and a diagnostic test right there in the package. The vaccination was done and it was determined: did the protection take place?” Photo sq.com.ua

Selfish gene

— Anti-vaccination views are very widespread, how widespread it is impossible to say - people with such views often do not go to doctors at all, at least in our clinic there are fewer of them. If they go to doctors, it’s to those who, with their illiteracy, support their concerns and fears,” says Fedor Katasonov, a pediatrician at the Center for Congenital Pathology at the GMS Clinic.

- How dangerous is this?

— Mass refusal to vaccinate is very dangerous: because of it, children get sick and die, and collective immunity is lost. If this continues, many infections that are now only treated by specialists may return. Almost all infections from the vaccination calendar are not uncommon in Russia. In Moscow, a pediatrician may never encounter diphtheria, but throughout the country dozens of children suffer from it and die from it. Unfortunately, we do not have accurate statistics.

“Many parents are so intimidated by scary stories that they don’t want to give their children any vaccinations at all. This is fine?

“If you don’t get vaccinated, you can get all the infections that we prevent with them, with complications and severe outcomes. Even chickenpox, which usually proceeds calmly, can lead to serious consequences. The epidemiological situation will worsen - unvaccinated children can be infectious, transmit infections and contribute to their further spread. Parents who do not vaccinate their children care very little about this - they only care about their own children.

According to Katasonov, the main tool in the fight against reluctance to vaccinate is the doctor’s personal charisma, his talent to convincingly and calmly convey information to parents in a personal conversation. We discussed the most common misconceptions about vaccines with our pediatrician.

Mass refusal to vaccinate is very dangerous: children get sick and die because of it, and herd immunity is lost

“The myth about the toxic properties of vaccines is based on the content of preservatives and antibiotics in them - but in vaccines they are in minimal quantities that cannot affect the child. Even mercury (merthiolate), which anti-vaccinators like to talk about, is contained in such doses that it does not cause any toxicity. In terms of toxicity, living on the Third Ring is more dangerous than getting vaccinated according to the fullest schedule,” the doctor reassures.

Although certified vaccines are not toxic, this does not mean that vaccines cannot cause severe reactions related to the functioning of the immune system. “This is the fundamental difference between Russian and foreign vaccines. Russian vaccines have two extremes: there are also old Soviet-designed vaccines that are effective but can cause unwanted reactions, and there is modern Grippol, which is easily tolerated but does not protect against the flu,” says Katasonov.

Therefore, modern pediatricians prefer foreign vaccines. The combined vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTP) has become the talk of the town among anti-vaxxers, and it is indeed very reactogenic. “Even convulsions are among its undesirable reactions, so it is preferable to use Infanrix and Pentaxim. But if all foreign drugs are banned, and there is no choice between DPT or refusing the vaccine, I will get it. You and I have been vaccinated with DPT, and that’s okay, we’re still alive,” the expert says.

Perhaps the central argument of anti-vaccinators is that vaccines are not just poisonous, they destroy a child’s delicate brain, his body and even his genes. Vaccinations are associated with cerebral palsy, autistic disorders, and chromosomal damage. “Even an illiterate doctor can see that there can be no connection here. These disorders are most often laid down before the birth of the child, but vaccinations are combined in time with their manifestation, and parents, looking for the cause of what happened, find the reason in vaccination. However, the most common reaction to a vaccine is the absence of any negative reaction, and no studies have found a connection between vaccines and autism or other serious disorders,” the pediatrician replies.

Addressing anti-vaccination parents, Katasonov comes up with a precise formulation: “It seems that vaccination is an action that will lead to undesirable consequences for the child. But refusing to vaccinate is the same action, and can lead to much more serious consequences. And then inaction will not relieve feelings of guilt and remorse.”

“The year 1990 will come back to haunt us - then all sorts of vaccine scum from different countries poured in”

— What is happening today in the field of vaccinology?

— I’m sure that 1990 will come back to haunt us. Because then all sorts of vaccines from different countries poured into us uncontrollably. There are certain vaccinators endowed with “vaccination” power who distribute the World Health Organization’s Expanded Program of Immunization in the country and for this they receive considerable money from foreign companies. Remember such names as Tatochenko, Uchaikin, Mats, Namazova, Ozeretskovsky... They are the main distributors of vaccines, as well as the initiators of experiments on you, your children and grandchildren. Nobody knows that these are experimental vaccines. For example, at one time a two-round vaccination against polio was carried out. According to the WHO memorandum, this was a new vaccine that needed to be tested on children. That is, the whole of Russia, the whole country, all the children are in a constant experiment. They are either testing the measles vaccine, which was brought from somewhere, or testing a new vaccine against tuberculosis, about six of which were brought. And parents are not informed.

I repeat: the vaccine is needed during the threat of an epidemic. And epidemics, except for influenza, can occur once every 50-100 years. Only then are vaccines needed and only for those who voluntarily agree to it. Because, for example, no one in our family has ever been vaccinated; with my great-granddaughter, this is six generations. And there are a lot of such families. In particular, the same Onishchenko said that he discovered 6 thousand educated respectable families in Moscow who never vaccinate their children. Vaccination can only be used as a medicine in case of trouble. After all, a vaccine is also a medicine. Recently a group of doctors were surprised to hear this from me. There are therapeutic drugs, and there are preventive drugs, that is, vaccines, immunoglobulins, disinfectants and others. But even doctors don't know this.

Natalia Fedorova


During her student years, she worked in the Laboratory of Particularly Dangerous Infections (now the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitis named after M.P. Chumakov).[1]

She took part in the development of a vaccine against polio viruses.[1]

For 12 years she worked at the State Research Institute for Standardization and Control of Medical Biological Preparations named after L. A. Tarasevich.[1]

She took part in the development of three federal laws - “Fundamentals of Legislation on the Protection of Citizens’ Health” (1993), the second - “On Medicines” (1998), “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases” (1998).[1][8]

Some publications call Chervonskaya a professor and doctor of science.[9] Chervonskaya says about herself about this: “I gradually thought about all this for a long time, and it was not for nothing that my doctoral dissertation was already devoted to this control vaccine institute. That’s why I came to you not as a social activist, not as a person from somewhere on the street. I came to you as a specialist, and everywhere I am invited as a specialist.”[3] However, there is no evidence that Chervonskaya has either the title of professor or a doctorate degree. It is only known that in 1970, at the Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after N. F. Gamaleya of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences on the topic “Study of chronic viral infection in J98 and L cell cultures.”

Currently he conducts public lectures and seminars, mainly for young parents, on a paid basis [2][10].

Complications of DTP

  • local reactions: infiltrates, abscesses (phlegmon, etc.);
  • damage to the central nervous system: persistent high-pitched scream, encephalitic reactions, encephalopathy, post-vaccination encephalitis;
  • damage to the kidneys, joints, heart, gastrointestinal tract;
  • complications of an allergic nature are extensive: swelling and hyperemia of soft tissues at the injection site, allergic rashes, asthmatic syndrome, croup syndrome, hemorrhagic syndrome, collaptoid state, anaphylactic shock, sudden death;
  • exacerbation (or primary manifestations) of chronic diseases, including non-infectious etiology (for example, diabetes) or revival of a latent, hidden infection, for example hepatitis or tuberculosis, etc.;
  • complications resulting from the interaction of two factors - vaccination and an associated infection, influenza or diphtheria, and therefore, back in the 19th century, when the first vaccine was introduced, vaccinations were prohibited during epidemics or outbreaks of any infectious diseases! This provision was observed in our country until the 60-70s of the 20th century.
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