HCG 5000 injection: how long does it take to ovulate and how long does it last?

When should you take a β-hCG test?

For women:

early diagnosis of pregnancy; prenatal screening of fetal development pathologies; amenorrhea; diagnosis and control of treatment of trophoblastic pathologies; dynamics of chronic placental insufficiency; suspicion of threatened spontaneous abortion or frozen pregnancy; suspicion of ectopic attachment of the embryo; monitoring the course of pregnancy over time; control over the implementation of artificial abortion. For men:

differential diagnosis of testicular tumors.

Bottom line

Human chorionic gonadotropin is the most important hormone produced by the female body during pregnancy. It helps not only to bear the baby, but also supports the endocrine system to rebuild and adapt to the woman’s needs during these wonderful 9 months. Observing an increase in the content of hCG in a woman’s blood allows us to judge how this pregnancy is progressing and prevent the development of possible complications in time.

In addition, a sufficient level of hCG, administered artificially, stimulates ovulation. The technique is effective, since there are a lot of reviews on the forums of those who were helped to get pregnant by an injection of hCG in a dosage of 5000 units.

Detailed description of the study

HCG is synthesized by placental cells during pregnancy. It consists of two subunits: α and β. The first is contained in the hormones of TSH, FSH and LH, the second is unique, so a blood test for pregnancy is carried out specifically on it. A positive test result can be obtained 10–11 days after conception.

Unlike pregnancy tests from pharmacies, electrochemiluminescent immunoassay testing allows you to detect pregnancy even before the delay. This is due to the fact that the amount of the hormone in the blood increases faster than in the urine. The synthesis of hCG in the body begins on the first day of implantation of the fertilized egg and continues throughout pregnancy. Until weeks 7-11, the concentration of the hormone doubles every day, and then begins to gradually decrease.

Properties of hCG:

supports the activity of the corpus luteum in the first trimester; triggers the production of estrogen and progesterone to maintain pregnancy; stimulates Leydig cells that produce testosterone in the male fetus. The hCG test is also used for a comprehensive study to assess the risk of abnormalities in fetal development in combination with tests for free estriol and alpha-fetoprotein.

Purpose of hCG injections

Human chorionic gonadotropin is a glycoprotein containing two subunits. The alpha subunit is the same as that of thyrotropin, folliculotropin and lutropin, which explains the biological properties of HHG, similar to the listed hormones.

The appearance of the beta subunit is possible only during fertilization, which explains the second name of hCG - pregnancy hormone.

After the fertilized egg, which has already become a zygote, is implanted into the wall of the uterus, the chorionic villi, from which the placenta is then formed, begin to produce a hormone that has significant luteinizing activity, due to which a functioning corpus luteum is preserved until the 12th week of pregnancy.

After this period, the endocrine function of the corpus luteum is taken over by the already formed placenta, which produces progesterone necessary for maintaining pregnancy and normal gestation.

If the HHG level is insufficient, neither the corpus luteum nor the placenta will function normally, which in turn will lead to spontaneous abortion or fetal abnormalities.

Since hCG has pronounced gonadotropic properties, it is widely used in reproductive medicine. Gonadotropin injections stimulate the secretion of estrogen and progesterone in women, as well as sex hormones and spermatogenesis in men.

To stimulate ovulation, from the first day of the monthly cycle, a woman is prescribed moderate doses of HHG intramuscularly every other day. Usually it does not exceed 2000 units. After a few days, the doctor monitors the functioning of the ovaries and, if a dominant follicle is present, stimulation continues.

Just before ovulation occurs, 5,000 units of the hormone are injected, which will allow the follicle to burst and release the egg.

When you can’t do hCG and contraindications

Before you go for the hCG procedure for the onset of ovulation, you must undergo tests to identify your hormonal state. As soon as a problem is discovered, the doctor will prescribe a full course to bring the indicators back to normal. If it doesn’t help, then it’s time to turn to an injection of human chorionic gonadotropin.

But at the same time, it is important to pay attention to hormones, in case of violation of which the procedure is prohibited.

These include almost all male hormones, prolactin, as well as thyroid hormone. Giving an injection to stimulate ovulation in these cases simply does not make sense, since it will not give the desired result.

Also, you should not resort to the procedure in question if you have certain diseases and conditions:

  • lack of thyroid hormones;
  • ovarian tumors;
  • premature menopause;
  • blood clots in blood vessels;
  • sensitivity to the composition of the drug used.

Determining conception and maintaining pregnancy

The presence of pregnancy is determined through a special pharmacy test or a blood test. It is better to carry out these procedures after a noticeable delay in “women’s days”. Results indicating successful conception indicate that it is time to ensure the normal functioning of the corpus luteum and the maintenance of proper development of the embryo. The doctor prescribes a special course for the progression of the fetus.

An injection of hCG for ovulation allows you to create the necessary conditions for the full formation of the main follicle and the release of the egg with full readiness for fertilization. But do not forget that the injection acts as a strong hormonal effect on the body of the expectant mother. Therefore, only a doctor is allowed to perform the procedure.

After the session, it is important not to stop the therapy in order to create more conditions suitable for conceiving the fetus and maintaining the pregnancy. Of course, the procedures are not considered easy, but for the sake of your dream, the birth of a baby, it is worth being patient.

Basic schemes for stimulating ovulation

First of all, the doctor examines both partners. Having established a diagnosis, a treatment regimen is determined, where the duration of the course, medications, and doses are determined.

HCG injections for ovulation are prescribed by a doctor if the following conditions exist:

  • age less than 35 years;
  • Tubal patency and FSH level are normal;
  • normal spermogram of a man;
  • not using an in vitro fertilization program.

There are different treatment regimens:

  1. A single injection of hCG (10,000 or 5,000), which helps the corpus luteum reach the required size after a day and a half.
  2. Injection of the drug 5000 or 1500 to normalize the activity of the corpus luteum, but in this case the process of ovulation is delayed for some time.

Stimulation procedure

Doctors, as a rule, prescribe an ovulation stimulation procedure on the second day of the cycle. The injection is given every day for 10 days. This process must take place under the supervision of a physician, as he can change the dosage.

Ultrasounds are performed regularly during therapy. The first – on the 5th day from the beginning of stimulation, the last – when the follicles reach a size of 20-25 mm.

Estimated time before ovulation after hCG injection

Every woman who has decided to take such a step is, of course, interested in how many days after the hCG injection ovulation occurs. There is no secret to this - as a rule, the process begins 36 hours after the injection.

But you should not count on one hundred percent conception naturally after a course of therapy. The fact that fertilization needs to be facilitated with the help of medications cannot be ruled out. IUI and IVF procedures take place here.

Egg release time

As mentioned above, the time of ovulation after an hCG injection is known in advance, which makes the task easier for doctors. After stimulation, it is possible to ensure the union of sperm and egg through normal sexual intercourse or special hospital procedures. In addition, the doctor identifies the most suitable period for conception. Therefore, the only task of the partners will be to strictly follow the instructions.

Luteal Body Support

The injection of human chorionic gonadotropin is responsible for creating a normal corpus luteum. But after the session, you will need to carry out therapy aimed at preventing progesterone deficiency.

For this purpose, the following medications are used:

  1. Iprozhin.
  2. Duphaston.
  3. Utrozhestan.

All of them provide the female body with the necessary content of the second phase hormone, which a woman needs to maintain pregnancy, as well as the luteal body.

Is it possible that after treatment there is no ovulation?

Indeed, there are situations when the injection does not give the desired effect, even if all indicators are normal and intensive therapy with an extended course has been carried out. For these patients, a different treatment regimen is prescribed after re-examination. But there is no need to immediately start panicking if ovulation does not occur 36 hours after the injection, since it can begin within a few weeks.

The period of intimacy for subsequent conception

When the partner’s sperm is normal, it is recommended to have sexual intercourse every day for three days from the moment of the injection. If there are problems with sperm, sexual intercourse is permitted on the day of the procedure and one day after that.

When should the test be done?

Three days after the injection, it is allowed and even recommended to take a test. As a rule, it is at this time that ovulation already occurs. If the result is negative, you should consult a doctor or wait a couple of days and do the test again.

Indications for which hCG injection is necessary

A woman's egg can only be fertilized after it leaves the ovary. This process occurs during menstruation. Sometimes, an already fertilized cell does not attach to the uterus, which is why pregnancy does not occur, and partners look for the cause of the problem elsewhere. HCG is required to restore ovulation.

The dose and specific drug are prescribed exclusively by the doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s body.

After an injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), ovulation occurs after a certain time - after a day or a little more. But in some cases it begins much later, so there is no need to worry prematurely.

An injection for ovulation is recommended:

  • in order to stimulate the egg and protect against cyst formation;
  • with improper development of the placenta;
  • to maintain the activity of the corpus luteum;
  • in case of existing risk of miscarriage;
  • when performing artificial insemination procedures.

Ultrasound indications for human chorionic gonadotropin

The standard cycle is 28 days. The first ultrasound examination is allowed to be carried out already one and a half weeks (10 days) after the recent menstruation. This session should be repeated every three days until the time period for the onset of ovulation is established or menstruation occurs.

As a result of manipulations, the following phenomena can be detected:

  • failure of the ovaries and follicles;
  • after normal development, the follicular sac does not rupture;
  • maturation of the dominant follicle, but not achieving the required size.

Drugs used

When discussing the hCG 5000 injection, how long after ovulation begins and how it is done, you need to consider the drugs used during the injection session into the body. But the main thing to remember is that the dosage of the product and its essence do not change depending on the pharmacy name.

The doctor prescribes one of the following medications:

  1. Horagon.
  2. Ovitrel.
  3. Rotten.

Before the hCG injection

For successful ovulation after an HCG injection, you need to carry out the procedure correctly and in a timely manner. To do this, it is important to comply with the conditions before administering the injection:

  1. Daily ultrasound monitoring to control and monitor follicles.
  2. Identification of the dominant follicle.
  3. Determination of endometrial size.

An injection is allowed only if the main follicle is formed normally. It should reach 18 mm in size. The thickness of the endometrium is also important, which should be 8 mm (or more).

Comments from a doctor of the highest category Pokhabova Irina Sergeevna

Since many women trust experienced doctors, their comments about the injection are very important. One of the popular specialists is Irina Sergeevna Pokhabova, a doctor of the highest category. In her opinion, most ladies despair prematurely. Irina Sergeevna argues that such a problem as lack of pregnancy is really serious and requires solutions.

Fortunately, there is a way out of the situation, and this is an injection to stimulate ovulation. According to the doctor, if you turn to an experienced physician who conducts an examination and prescribes a therapeutic course, you can safely count on a positive result. The most important thing is not to be afraid or panic, since nervous breakdown resulting from anxiety will negatively affect the effect of the vaccine.

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