Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis at the Scandinavia clinic

"TICK-E-VAK" - vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis

Tick-borne encephalitis vaccine, cultured, purified, inactivated, sorbed.

Manufacturer: FSUE “PIPVE im. M.P. Chumakov RAMS, Russia.

Protects against viral diseases: viral encephalitis.

Try on: for children over 1 year of age, adolescents and adults, for children under 1 year of age it is recommended only if there is a real risk of infection.

Not included in the national vaccination calendar.

Advantages of the "Tick-E-Vac" vaccine:

  • The vaccine stimulates the development of cellular and humoral immunity to the tick-borne encephalitis virus after completion of a vaccination course of two injections in at least 90% of those vaccinated.
  • The vaccine protects against all currently known subtypes of tick-borne encephalitis, as well as against the Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus.
  • The vaccine is used for emergency prevention of tick-borne encephalitis in case of suspected tick bite.
  • The drug does not contain formaldehyde, antibiotics or preservatives.
  • The high quality of the vaccine makes it indispensable when it is necessary to carry out routine and emergency vaccination of children and elderly people who have a reduced immune status.

Vaccination scheme

In the absence of contraindications, an effective way to protect yourself from a dangerous virus is to get vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis. Vaccination schedule: after the first dose, the second is administered after 1–3 months, the third – after 9–12 months. Immunity develops gradually. Its presence is determined based on a blood test for IgG antibodies to tick-borne encephalitis.

The vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is effective for 3 years. Subject to the terms and intervals recommended by the vaccine manufacturer and the use of high-quality drugs, the vaccinated person develops specific immunity to tick-borne encephalitis.

A person independently decides whether a vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is needed in his or her conditions. If you refuse vaccination and are bitten by a tick, take it to the SES to determine whether it is infected with encephalitis.

Indications for vaccination "Tick-E-Vac"

The “Tick-E-Vac” vaccine is indicated for the prevention of the following categories of people:

Children and adults living, visiting and working in areas enzootic for tick-borne encephalitis.

  • People working with live cultures of the causative agent of tick-borne encephalitis.
  • Emergency assistance for suspected tick bites in regions where tick-borne encephalitis is endemic.
  • Immunization of donors in order to obtain specific anti-tick immunoglobulin.
  • Scheme and method of administration of the “Tick-E-Vac” vaccine

    Routine vaccination: the primary course of vaccination consists of two intramuscular injections of 1 dose each with an interval of 1-7 months. One vaccination dose is: for persons aged 16 years and older - 0.5 ml, for children from 1 year to 16 years - 0.25 ml. Vaccinations can be carried out throughout the year, including during the epidemic season. Visiting a TBE site during the epidemic season is allowed no earlier than 2 weeks after the second vaccination. The optimal interval between the first and second vaccinations is 5-7 months during the period autumn - winter - spring. The first revaccination is carried out once 1 year after completion of the primary course of vaccination with a dose of 0.5 ml for persons aged 16 years and older and a dose of 0.25 ml for children from 1 year to 16 years. Subsequent distant revaccinations are carried out once every three years at an age-specific dosage.

    Emergency vaccination: for epidemic reasons, emergency vaccination may be carried out. In this case, the vaccine is administered twice with an interval of 2 weeks to persons aged 16 years and older at a dose of 0.5 ml; children from 1 to 16 years old at a dose of 0.25 ml. Visiting the TBE outbreak during the epidemic season is allowed no earlier than 2 weeks after the second vaccination.

    Is it possible to wash after vaccination?

    The question of whether it is possible to swim after a tick vaccination is quite controversial.

    Some people believe that if you take a bath immediately after receiving the vaccine, nothing bad will happen. However, there is another opinion, according to which it is not recommended to wet the injection site for three days. What can be done and what cannot be done needs to be understood in more detail.

    During the washing process, water, which contains a large accumulation of microbes, penetrates the wound, which increases the likelihood of developing an inflammatory process.

    Based on this, many experts insist that, if possible, not get the vaccine wet, especially on the day the vaccination was carried out.

    It is strictly forbidden to perform the following manipulations:

    • wash in a bathhouse, because under the influence of hot steam, the pores of the skin open, which allows bacteria to easily penetrate the inner layers of the dermis and provoke inflammation;
    • rub with a washcloth at the injection site;
    • stay in a hot water bath for a long time.

    The restrictions listed above must be observed for 2-3 days after tick vaccination.

    If water gets on the injection site, there is no need to panic. The wetted surface should be quickly and carefully wiped with a napkin.

    It is also forbidden to comb the vaccine. This will prevent infection.

    You should not apply a plaster or other dressings to the injection site - access to oxygen is required for faster healing of the wound.

    Such measures will allow you to achieve a positive result from vaccination and will prevent repeated vaccination.

    There are experts who are confident that if you wet the vaccine, nothing bad will happen. In addition, doctors do not even mind if the patient washes immediately after vaccination. However, in this case it is recommended to take a shower.

    Based on the above, we can conclude that there are so many specialists, so many opinions. If there is a noticeable reaction to the vaccine (swelling and soreness of the skin), it is recommended to carry out water procedures in parts.

    If you can’t get the injection wet, then it’s better to be patient. Such measures will prevent the development of serious complications.

    If we take into account the statistical data, then only in 5% of cases are people affected by tick-borne encephalitis. Based on this, experts do not recommend taking seriously numerous statements on forums that even if you wet the tick vaccine, there will be no negative consequences

    These facts are in no way related to each other.

    Based on this, experts do not recommend taking seriously numerous statements on forums that even if you wet the tick vaccine, there will be no negative consequences. These facts are in no way connected with each other.


    Only a doctor can decide whether Klesch-E-Vac is suitable for vaccination

    "Tick-E-Vac" is contraindicated if there is a history of an allergic reaction to any component of the vaccine and in the following cases:

      Acute infectious and non-infectious diseases, chronic diseases in the acute stage - vaccinations are carried out no earlier than 1 month after recovery (remission).
    • History of severe allergic reactions; bronchial asthma; autoimmune diseases.
    • History of allergy to the components of the drug (aluminum, eggs).
    • Severe reaction (fever above 40C; swelling at the site of vaccine administration, hyperemia more than 8 cm in diameter) or complications from the previous dose of the vaccine.
    • Age up to 1 year.
    • Pregnancy.
    • Chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys.
    • Chronic heart failure, cerebrovascular accident, diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, malignant neoplasms, blood diseases.

    How to help your child feel comfortable during vaccinations

    Vaccination works better when the baby is calm and not afraid. To avoid scaring your child, try the following:

      Distract and calm your baby, hug him, talk softly to him
    • Be calm, confident, smile. Maintain eye contact with your child, communicate with him, show him that you are nearby and everything is okay.
    • Let your child hold a favorite toy or blanket.
    • Ask your doctor if you can hold your baby on your lap and gently rub his back during vaccination.
    • Be sure to praise your child after vaccination, tell him how great he is and how proud you are of him. Support your baby, even if he couldn't help but cry.

    Is it possible to get vaccinated during pregnancy?

    Most expectant mothers are horrified when they hear the word immunization. Actually, such fear and negative reaction are associated with the well-known opinion that it is absolutely forbidden to give vaccinations during the period of bearing a child, since this can negatively affect the development and health of the baby.

    This can be explained by a mutation, the presence of a third lower or upper limb, and other problems.

    Before making a decision based only on the arguments of strangers, it is necessary to verify the veracity of the data.

    Despite the fact that pregnancy is one of the contraindications to tick vaccination, this situation and the vaccine are compatible concepts.

    Of course, there is a slight risk, and the possibility of irreversible changes in the fetus as a result of exposure to a live strain has not been canceled. If we are talking about life, then you need to think carefully.

    A pregnant woman may refuse vaccination in the early stages of pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, when the formation of tissues, vital organs and systems of the unborn child occurs.

    Vaccinations against encephalitis ticks are allowed only in the second or third trimesters

    The really important metrics need to be taken into account

    For example, when a representative of the fair sex lives in an area with a troubled epidemiological situation, where the risk of infection increases significantly, or has been exposed to the bite of an insect that carries the virus, then vaccination is mandatory.

    At the moment, this issue has not been fully studied, and there is no data confirming the fact that the administered vaccine is dangerous. For this reason, immunization may be carried out in exceptional cases.

    Women carrying a child are not given an anti-encephalitis vaccine, but ready-made antibodies in the form of immunoglobulin, which allows the body to quickly defeat the virus.

    It is important to remember that the injection must be given no later than 72 hours from the moment of the bite. Next, appropriate drug therapy is prescribed

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