Recommendations from phthisiatricians on how to correctly measure Mantoux
The number of people infected with tuberculosis has not decreased recently. Every year the disease takes away many
rabies vaccination
Does a rabies vaccination (vaccine) help a dog or not?
The decision to have a pet comes with a lot of responsibility. It is necessary not only to give in a timely manner
Vaccination of children in nurseries. 1943 Main Archive of Moscow
From Catherine II to the red hippopotamus: the history of domestic vaccination
How Catherine II was the first It is generally accepted that the first vaccination in Russian history was
Photo 3
Questions and answers related to the Mantoux test
Indications In the Russian Federation, the Mantoux test is performed once a year for children from 12 months to
The timing of vaccination against tuberculosis is determined by the regulations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Anti-tuberculosis vaccination and revaccination
The introduction of the BCG vaccine is one of the first vaccinations given to newborn children. IN
An adult, unlike a child, has a better chance of getting rid of the hepatitis B virus on his own
Effective and safe: vaccination is the only way to prevent hepatitis B infection in adults
What is hepatitis B in adults? The disease caused by the hepatitis B virus is
Hepatitis A vaccination: vaccination schedule, side effects, contraindications
As an adult, you need to monitor your health and not forget about disease prevention.
Should you get a flu shot?
You can “opt out” of anti-Covid vaccination by obtaining a certificate of medical exemption
Will it be necessary to get vaccinated against influenza in the fall and, if so, how to combine it correctly?
Tuberculin preparations
Find and replace: is there an alternative to the Mantoux test?
Article for the “bio/mol/text” competition: Despite the rapid development of medicine, tuberculosis is in no hurry to surrender its
Why should children be vaccinated with BCG?
BRIEF HISTORY OF BCG The first thoughts about the possibility of creating an anti-tuberculosis vaccine came from a French microbiologist
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