Questions of the post-vaccination period: is it possible to wet the Pentaxim vaccine and when can you bathe a child?

The French-made Pentaxim vaccination today is one of the most effective combination vaccines for the prevention of dangerous infectious diseases in children and adults, starting from the age of three months. The drug is well tolerated by the human body and allows you to instill immunity against five diseases at once, including whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, hemophilus influenzae and polio.

Like any other vaccine, Pentaxim directly affects the patient’s immune system, which makes him vulnerable to viral diseases. Therefore, in order to develop an immune response in sufficient quantities, the child should be provided with the most comfortable conditions in the post-vaccination period.

Only strict adherence to all the recommendations of specialists will help prevent complications of vaccination and allow the body to synthesize the number of antibodies against the vaccinated diseases necessary for reliable protection.

Is it possible to wet the Pentaxim vaccine?

After a child is vaccinated with Pentaxim, the pediatrician gives a number of recommendations regarding the correct management of the post-vaccination period.

Among the important tips, special attention should be paid to the ban on bathing the baby for three days after immunization, the warning about the need to keep the injection site dry for several hours after the procedure, as well as the importance of refraining from long walks on the day of vaccination.

Parents of the baby should understand that the injection site for the immune solution is a small wound that can turn into an entry point for infection if simple rules for caring for it are not followed.

The consequences of infection of the injection site can be very sad, so you should not get it wet or expose it to other irritations, in particular, treat it with brilliant green, stick a band-aid on it, etc.

After an injection of Pentaxim, parents should eliminate any (even minimal) irritants in the life of their baby. This will enable the child’s body to react correctly to the administration of the vaccine and prevent the development of possible complications of vaccination. If a child falls ill on the eve of a scheduled vaccination, the procedure must be postponed until the little patient has fully recovered.

It is important to worry about the injection site not only after immunization, but also immediately before the manipulation of administering the suspension.

How much and when should you refrain from walking outside?

After the vaccine is administered, the body temporarily rearranges its functioning. The reaction to the vaccine lasts from 3 to 72 hours. During this period of time, walking in the fresh air is extremely undesirable. If you feel well, they can be resumed in a day. To avoid the development of negative reactions, doctors recommend taking a break for 3 days.

In the summer, it is best to walk in the fresh air in the morning or evening. In winter, lunchtime is suitable for this. In autumn and spring the weather becomes rainy and windy. This can cause the development of negative local reactions, and therefore for the first 3 days after immunization there is a taboo on walking outside.

There are a number of restrictions that do not allow walking in the fresh air:

  • if after vaccination the body temperature exceeds 37.5 ° C;
  • when the baby’s poor health is accompanied by fatigue and lack of desire to play;
  • decreased appetite and feeling of nausea;
  • if the lymph nodes are enlarged or the child experiences coldness in the extremities;
  • when compaction and redness appear at the injection site.

Why is it undesirable to bathe a child after vaccination?

The Pentaxim vaccine is a powerful stimulator of antibody growth in a child’s body. In any case, the administration of the drug is a huge stress for the patient’s immune system, as it forces it to work in enhanced mode.

Vaccine Pentaxim

All pediatricians warn the baby's parents about this before vaccination and recommend that for several days after the procedure they protect him from possible irritating factors, in particular, swimming or visiting the pool.

Why should you not bathe your child until three days after vaccination with Pentaxim? Swimming can increase the stress of the vaccination field, which will negatively affect the production of immune complexes and reduce the effectiveness of the vaccine.

In addition, in this situation, the baby’s body may react to such actions incorrectly.
This will result in sad consequences, the development of side effects or complications of immunization. So, the ban on swimming after Pentaxim vaccination is associated with the following dangers:

  • increased risk of developing unpredictable post-vaccination reactions;
  • the occurrence of allergy symptoms;
  • increase in general body temperature;
  • redness of the skin and itching at the injection site.

As a rule, doctors strongly recommend completely avoiding bathing on the day of vaccination, regardless of the patient’s age and the characteristics of his body. Parents should listen to such advice, and not rely on the experience of their acquaintances or random people they met who “everything was fine.”


Judging by the numerous positive reviews from mothers, if all medical recommendations are followed, young patients tolerate the Pentaxim vaccination very well, with virtually no fever or other negative reactions.
An increase in temperature still sometimes occurs, and it must be brought down with antipyretic drugs.

But if you subsequently create the conditions described above for the child, do not walk with him, do not bathe him, and follow all other instructions, the baby’s body will quickly return to normal.

How many days can you not wash after Pentaxim?

After vaccination, you should avoid swimming for three days. It is during this period that the patient’s body is most vulnerable to external irritants and infectious agents that can cause vaccination complications.

It is strictly forbidden to swim during the first 24 hours after the injection. The fact is that at this time the wound after the injection remains open and, along with water, potential allergens or pathogenic microorganisms can enter the body through it.

For 2-3 days, of course, you should avoid swimming, but you can take a shower without fear of water getting into the injection site.

The main thing is that the area where the vaccine is administered should not come into contact with detergents, should not be wiped with a towel or combed.

Why you can’t walk outside on the day of vaccination

The ban on walking on the day of vaccination is explained by the risk of complications and adverse reactions. But not all doctors are unanimous in this opinion, as the popular TV presenter and pediatrician Komarovsky claims that walks in the fresh air in summer and winter will improve the child’s well-being.

Another opinion of doctors is that after passive immunization, the body intensively produces immunity, and during this period it is most vulnerable. Therefore, vaccinated children should stay home for the next 3 days.

It is important to know! Do not confuse the physiological reaction to vaccination with the development of complications. The latter are observed in rare cases and are accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature up to 40 degrees, loss of consciousness, the appearance of convulsions and rashes throughout the body.

What else should you not do after vaccination?

The quality of vaccinated immunity largely depends on the characteristics of the post-vaccination period. Doctors never cease to draw the attention of parents of children to this, advising them to follow simple rules that help protect the child’s body from harmful influences.

The fact that after vaccination it is forbidden to swim for three days has already been mentioned in the article. But what else cannot be done after immunization?

For several days after vaccination, doctors do not recommend:

  • introduce foods into the child’s diet that he had not tried before vaccination;
  • feed your baby foods containing potential allergens (chocolate, citrus fruits, eggs, etc.);
  • visit crowded places where there is always an increased risk of contracting infectious diseases;
  • staying outside for a long time in too hot or rainy weather, which can cause overheating or hypothermia of the baby’s body;
  • expose the child to psycho-emotional and physical stress, as well as stress.

In addition, parents should be attentive to the child’s health status, monitor general body temperature, the presence of a rash on the body, or changes in the injection wound.

If alarming symptoms appear, it is necessary to immediately show the little patient to a pediatrician so that he can determine their true causes and prescribe the most correct means of eliminating them.

What happens in the body after the vaccine is administered

The purpose of vaccination is to increase the immune status of the body. It contains strains of the virus that, penetrating into the systemic bloodstream, provoke the development of a mild form of the disease. The body's fight against antibodies helps prevent viral infection in the future.

Sometimes a child’s health worsens for several days after the vaccine is administered. He loses his appetite, nausea occurs, and in some cases the temperature rises abruptly. This significantly increases the risk of the penetration of infectious pathogens, which is why it is recommended not to visit crowded places and postpone walking outside.

Video on the topic

About actions in the post-vaccination period at Dr. Komarovsky’s School:

As is known, after vaccination with Pentaxim, a small compaction appears at the injection site of the drug, which resolves on its own within 10-14 days and does not require additional treatment. It is forbidden to heat this cone, burst it with herbal tinctures, cover it with compresses or apply brilliant green to it.

In addition, the formed seal is not allowed to be massaged or pierced. Such actions will only complicate the situation and lead to the development of local complications in the form of the formation of a tense infiltrate at the injection site, and then a purulent soft tissue abscess.

Why is swimming prohibited?

Vaccination is prescribed to a child only if he is absolutely healthy.
As a result of the introduction of crumbs of weakened pathogens into the body, the immune system begins to intensively fight them, and it does not have the ability to resist other infections. One of the reasons why swimming after vaccination is prohibited is the risk of infection of the baby through dirty water. Therefore, if parents decide to carry out water procedures, the water must be purified and warm enough so that the child does not catch a cold. Other reasons why it is better to wait a few days to swim:

  1. Unpurified water makes the child sometimes want to scratch the injection site, but this is absolutely forbidden to do so in order to prevent foreign microorganisms from getting there. Therefore, children almost never bathe for the first 2 days after vaccination.
  2. When your baby takes a long, warm bath, he may overheat and his nervous system will become overstimulated. All this is additional, unnecessary stress for the body. Night sleep may be disrupted, the temperature may rise, and anxiety may increase.
  3. At the same time, pediatricians provide for the option that the reaction to the vaccine will not appear immediately, but within the first two days. If you have a fever and general deterioration in health, you should not swim until you recover.

Sometimes at an appointment the mother asks the pediatrician: “In my case, there is no reaction to DTP, and the temperature does not rise. Why do vaccinations affect my child differently? Experts explain that at each age a baby can react differently to the same vaccine. If at 3 months the child endures it without a strong increase in temperature and the doctors said: “swim without fear,” then at 1.5 years the child’s body temperature can rise above 380C, and at this temperature they no longer bathe. It depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Some advice for parents

To avoid unpleasant surprises after your baby is vaccinated, remember a few important rules.

Before vaccination:

  • the child must be healthy, at least a week must pass after recovery;
  • on the day of vaccination, no new foods should be introduced into the diet;
  • before DPT vaccination, you must consult a pediatrician and a neurologist (the presence of neurological diseases is a contraindication);
  • get recommendations from an allergist for children with a tendency to allergic reactions;
  • worry in advance about checking the doctor’s qualifications, the shelf life of the drug and the conditions of the office;
  • make sure that the ampoule is cold (you can ask for it), and at the same time look at the labeling and expiration date.

After vaccination:

  • ask the doctor again about all possible options for the baby’s body’s reaction to vaccination, what can and cannot be done;
  • give the child a favorite toy, calm him down, pick him up;
  • You should not leave the medical facility for half an hour - you need to wait until the child calms down and observe the reaction (whether pathological manifestations arise);
  • walk with your child more in the fresh air, if there are no adverse reactions;
  • give the child the dose of antipyretic drug recommended by the doctor, especially for DTP vaccination;
  • if the doctor recommended, you should give antiallergic drugs;
  • You should not avoid swimming - this should be done in the absence of drafts and only in clean boiled water;
  • do not change the feeding regimen and diet for a week after vaccination;
  • if pathological reactions occur, you must call a doctor.

Walking after vaccination is not only acceptable, but also necessary

You need to go for a walk, but it is important to take into account the child’s condition. If you suspect an illness not related to your walk, you should stay home and call a doctor

Bathing or walking should be discussed with the doctor based on each child's condition.

What to do after vaccination. Advice from Dr. Komarovsky

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When should you not swim?

Is it possible to swim after vaccination if the child’s reaction to it is ambiguous? There is only one answer: you can’t. Outwardly, the reaction may not appear at all, or it may be severe and prolonged. Based on the degree of manifestation, there are 3 types:

  • Up to 37.5 C – a type of weak reaction.
  • At a temperature of 38.5 C, this is the average severity of the reaction.
  • From 38.6 C and above – a strong type of reaction.

In any case, if the temperature rises after vaccination, it is better to postpone water procedures. From the mark on the thermometer at 38 C, the baby should be given a mild antipyretic (in the form of syrup or rectal suppositories) that does not contain acetylsalicylic acid, which reduces blood viscosity.

Actions of parents after vaccination with DPT or Pentaxim

The DTP vaccine is a vaccination against three serious diseases: whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria. It is this that causes a huge amount of controversy, since it is considered the most reactive. Vaccination is often quite difficult for children to tolerate: the temperature rises, up to 39 degrees, allergic reactions, leg pain and other side effects often occur.

In public clinics, free of charge, the child is given a separate DPT vaccination and is given drops against polio separately. The imported vaccine Pentaxim is designed to protect babies from five diseases at once. These include whooping cough, tetanus, polio, diphtheria and diseases caused by the bacteria Haemophilus influenzae type b. They cause pneumonia and meningitis.

Regardless of the type of injection given, doctors strongly recommend that you follow all of their instructions immediately after vaccination. Especially when it comes to walking and water treatments.

Why can't you go for a walk on the day of vaccination?

From time immemorial, there has been an opinion that it is not recommended to go for a walk after any vaccination. Doctors have different opinions on this matter. Thus, Dr. Komarovsky strongly recommends going out into the fresh air both in summer and winter. Let's consider several points of view on this matter.

After vaccination, the body is busy developing immunity against the diseases inoculated into it. There is no need for extra workload and unwanted contacts now. Neglecting these rules can result in a more serious illness. It will not be the vaccine that is to blame, but the mother.

For some time after vaccination with Pentaxim, you cannot attend kindergarten and clubs. In a large group, viruses spread faster, which means a vaccinated baby is much more vulnerable than his friends. If the DTP went without complications, then on the third day you can send the child to a preschool institution.

Walking schedule for a child after DTP

The day after vaccination requires complete abstinence from walking. It is quite possible that a baby, including a newborn, will not have a reaction to the vaccine at all. The ban on walking is due to the fact that a vaccinated child needs to be observed a little. If there is no fever or other side effects, you can go for a walk the next day.

A walk after DTP is carried out in compliance with a special routine:

Exit in favorable weather: in summer no more than +20 degrees with air humidity of 40% or less, in winter up to -10, provided that there is no strong wind outside. You can walk for no more than an hour the day after vaccination. The child should not have a fever. Some pediatricians allow the possibility of going out into the fresh air with newborns if the temperature does not rise above 37.5 degrees. There is no need to wrap the child up. The baby may sweat, which will negatively affect the injection site. It may become red, slightly swollen and cause discomfort. In addition, there is a risk of artificially raising the baby’s temperature. Walks should be calm, with a minimum amount of outdoor games

It is important to avoid playgrounds and refuse to visit shopping centers: all this can provoke unwanted reactions in a newly vaccinated organism. It’s also better not to visit at this time.

The “weather” in the house is also important. Some time after vaccination, it is necessary to observe the baby, his appetite and mood

The temperature in the rooms should not exceed 22 degrees. It will be good to humidify the air as much as possible. When a child does not want to eat, there is no need to force him. It is better to give more water, compote, fruit juice or other drinks.

Thus, you should not go for a walk immediately after DTP vaccination. It is optimal to go outside after a few days, when the child’s body has recovered and can repel harmful bacteria and viruses as much as possible.

Is it possible to wet the injection site and after how many days is it allowed to bathe the child?

The rules for swimming are quite simple:

  1. you should not swim on the day of vaccination, as there is a high risk of fever;
  2. on the second day, if there are no complaints, the child can be washed.

You should not get the injection site wet for 24 hours after the injection. In this regard, any water procedures are contraindicated. If the child is still very young, it is enough to wipe him with wet wipes, avoiding the wound area. You can give your child a full bath already on the second day, provided the baby is feeling well and has no fever.

In general, the ban on swimming after vaccination is associated with a careful attitude towards the health of your child. While swimming, it is easy to become hypothermic and get sick, which is extremely undesirable. Here is the answer to the question: “why is it not advisable to bathe a vaccinated person in the first 24 hours?”

Is it possible to walk and swim after hepatitis vaccination?


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To protect the newborn, doctors have created a vaccination calendar. The little person is vaccinated against hepatitis at a certain time. Adults may also need vaccination. This allows you to develop immunity to hepatitis. There are certain vaccination rules that do not imply a change in the usual way of life, but you should think about swimming and walking.

Walking and swimming after hepatitis vaccination

Is it possible for the baby?

The vaccine contains a small dose of the virus against which prevention is given. This is necessary to activate the immune system. There are just enough bacilli in the vaccine to be enough to respond to the body’s defenses, but not to lead to the onset of the disease itself. Infected with a small amount of the virus, children's immunity is slightly weakened and may react to the vaccine:

  • elevated temperature;
  • cough;
  • runny nose;
  • drowsiness.

Because of this, some doctors do not recommend bathing a child after hepatitis vaccination. In water, due to temperature changes, the baby can catch a cold. If the child does not have a temperature, then it is allowed to bathe the child in the shower. The only thing you need to do in this case is not to rub the vaccine, and after the baby has been bathed, you need to lightly blot the injection site with a towel. The hepatitis vaccine is easily accepted by children and does not cause fever.

But, it should be remembered that immunity weakened by the vaccine is easy prey for viruses that are transmitted by airborne droplets.

The same is true with going outside. When the baby feels as usual, after vaccination you can go for a walk. But communication with other children and adults in the first day after vaccination should be minimized so that the vaccinated baby does not catch another virus. A weakened body is able to react sharply to an unexpected attack, which will lead to complications after vaccination.

Is it possible for an adult?

The immune system of an adult can react to a vaccine in the same way as a child’s immune system - with an increase in temperature and loss of strength. Due to the fact that work and everyday chores take a lot of energy, doctors advise adults who have been vaccinated against hepatitis to take a couple of days off from work, put off household chores and allow the body to calmly recover. An adult is not allowed to go for a walk after vaccination. It is prohibited to wet the vaccine for the first 24 hours.

When is walking and swimming prohibited?

A high temperature a few days after vaccination is a reason to consult a doctor. Without a doctor's examination, both adults and children should not give or take antipyretics. In addition, there are a number of possible reactions to the vaccine, if they occur, you should not walk or wash, including:

  • itching;
  • rash;
  • joint pain;
  • nausea.
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

How to behave after vaccination?

For those who have just been vaccinated, doctors advise following several safety rules to avoid complications. Simple actions will help the immune system begin to produce antibodies to the injected virus. These rules are mandatory for everyone who has been vaccinated against hepatitis. The first few days after vaccination, doctors recommend:

  • refrain from alcohol and new foods in the diet;
  • do not apply compresses to the injection site;
  • do not warm up the vaccination site;
  • do not scratch it;
  • Do not cover the injection site with adhesive tape;
  • There is no need to smear the vaccine with brilliant green or treat it with peroxide.

If you follow all the doctors’ recommendations, this will protect the child from complications, and his parents from unnecessary worries about the rise in temperature.

Remember that only a healthy person is allowed to get vaccinated, after consulting with a doctor and, if necessary, undergoing tests. After receiving a dose of the virus, you need to sit in the hospital for half an hour to check the body’s reaction to the injected virus. It is not recommended to go for a walk or swim right away. If complications arise, you should not self-medicate; you should immediately contact a specialist.

What is the risk of complications after vaccination?

Complications after vaccination are a completely different matter. They are always more severe than just the body's reaction to a vaccine, and they are always unpredictable, just like the first attack of an allergy is unpredictable.

Indeed, extremely rare cases occur from time to time when a child’s body demonstrates obvious intolerance to one or another component of the vaccine. Thus provoking the occurrence of complications.

Unfortunately, medical science has not yet come up with a way to carry out certain preliminary tests that could be used to identify one or another rare intolerance to a given vaccine in a child.

The occurrence of complications in a child following the administration of a particular vaccine depends solely on the individual characteristics of the child’s body, and in no way depends on the vaccine. Whereas the likelihood of reactions occurring and the degree of their severity, on the contrary, largely depends on the quality of the vaccination. In other words, parents, by purchasing more expensive, modern, purified vaccines for their child, certainly reduce the risk of his developing general and local reactions after vaccination. But, alas, this does not guarantee the absence of complications - it can happen in any case.

However, there is no reason to panic and refuse vaccination altogether for fear of complications. Because according to statistics, the risk of getting a complication after vaccination is still hundreds of times less than getting a dangerous infection without being vaccinated.

But on the other hand, if, for example, a complication occurred during the first vaccination against polio in a child, then this is a direct contraindication to all subsequent similar vaccinations.

Is it possible to go for a walk after vaccination?

An equally pressing issue for discussion is the question of whether it is possible to go for a walk after vaccination with Prevenar. And this is not surprising, because every parent tries to do everything to ensure that the period after vaccination passes without complications.

Many doctors advise staying at home during this period - this time can vary from 1 to 3 days.

In fact, it is very advisable to go for a walk after Prevenar vaccination. There is nothing better than a walk in the fresh air in your free time. For example, you can walk to the clinic and back.

After vaccination, the body's immune system should become stronger over time, thanks to the production of new antibodies that can resist pathogenic bacteria. Many parents prefer not to overload the developing immune system with walks during this period. However, this approach is completely wrong, because it is fresh air along with active pastime that strengthens the immune system and contributes to the fastest possible absorption of the vaccine.

In reality, there are much more microorganisms in a closed room than in a crowded place. This is because apartments very often, especially in cold weather, are practically not ventilated, the air turns out to be stale and unsterile. The fibers of carpets, upholstered furniture and any soft toys contain an incredible amount of dust and various microbes. While staying in such a room, there is a high probability that the child will inhale some pathogenic microorganism, which will most likely contribute to the development of a cold. Constant dry air causes the baby's nasal mucosa, mouth and throat to dry out - and this is the easiest way for germs to enter the body. Therefore, it is at home that the likelihood of catching some kind of infection is much higher than on the street.

That is, we can say with confidence that if your baby has a normal temperature, you can walk as much as you like without fear of any consequences. Remember that normal temperature values ​​are considered to be up to 37.2 °C, since thermoregulation in children is somewhat different from that of an adult

Parents should always be aware of the child's temperature, so it should be measured before vaccination with Prevenar and taken into account

If your baby is very small, and after vaccination he falls asleep in your arms or in a stroller, then you do not need to wake him up. The best solution would be to go with him to the park and spend some time outdoors, if, of course, the weather permits. Naturally, you should avoid playgrounds and just crowded places, as this carries a certain danger of catching a cold. In general, answering the question whether it is possible to walk with a child after Prevenar vaccination, we can say with confidence - yes, and even necessary!

DPT vaccination - when can you bathe your child?

Why can’t you bathe your baby after DTP vaccination, and when can you do it? This question worries inexperienced mothers of first-born babies. The answer is simple: water treatments are prohibited on the first day of vaccination and two days after it. This rule also applies to walking outside.

Baby's well-being

The purpose of vaccination is to develop immunity to a specific type of disease. A certain mass of pathogenic bacteria is introduced into the body, with which the child’s body begins to actively fight. In the first 72 hours after the vaccine is administered, there is a rise in temperature and poor health.

There are three degrees of reaction of the child’s body to the DTP vaccine:

  1. weak -37.5C;
  2. average -38.5C;
  3. strong -38.6C and above.

Some children tolerate vaccination well, but if the thermometer reading is above 38C, it is necessary to offer the baby an antipyretic. Accordingly, if you feel like this, swimming and walking are unacceptable. The baby needs to be provided with peace and rest as much as necessary.

Important! Before vaccination, show the baby to the doctor: he must conduct an examination

Adverse reactions

DTP vaccinations are the most difficult for children. The child’s body begins to actively produce immune cells to fight the complex virus, which is stressful for the little person. However, an increase in temperature and general lethargy of the child are positive signs: they give a signal that the vaccination has begun to take effect.

What happens to the baby after vaccination, and when is it allowed to swim? There may be redness and swelling on the baby’s body at the injection site. Some babies cry when touching the injection site or moving the handle. By evening the child may:

  • temperature rise;
  • upset stool;
  • go vomit;
  • loss of appetite.

These reactions to the vaccine are considered acceptable if they go away on their own after a couple of days. When the baby's normal condition is restored, walks and bathing are allowed.

If your baby’s health does not improve on the third/fourth day, you should call the doctor. You cannot wash a child in this state.

Important! To avoid misunderstandings, do not give your baby new complementary foods these days: you should not introduce unfamiliar foods into the diet. Eliminate new foods a week before your vaccination appointment.

Opinions and prejudices

Is it possible to bathe a baby if she has a weak reaction to the injection? The reason for the ban on washing after vaccination is also a decrease in the baby’s body’s defenses. Energy is spent on the production of antibodies, and the likelihood of picking up viruses from the water supply increases significantly.

You can bathe your baby if you are sure that the water is safe. If the child is feeling well, you can bathe him in boiled water with herbal infusions. How long can a baby take a bath? You shouldn’t keep it in water for a long time, you just need to wash off the sweat.

Many mothers confuse vaccinations against pertussis-tetanus-diphtheria with mantoux. After manta vaccination, it is unacceptable to moisten the injection site, but you can wet the DPT injection site: do not rub it with a washcloth, but simply rinse it with water. The ban on swimming is associated with the risk of catching a cold during water procedures or contracting an infection from raw water.

Bottom line

When can you carry out water procedures with your baby? If the baby is feeling normal, he is allowed to splash in the bath the very next day. If the child has a fever, bathing is prohibited. In conclusion, look at the material on proper care of your baby after vaccination:

Is it possible to wash the baby and walk with him after vaccination with Prevenar?

One day after vaccination with Prevenar, the injection site should not be wetted, and it is better not to bathe the child. This will make it easier for him to cope with immunization. Do not apply compresses, stick an adhesive plaster, or apply iodine or other topical preparations to the wound from an injection of Prevenar against pneumococcus.

In good calm weather, it is allowed to go outside. It is better to avoid large crowds of people and not walk on a busy playground. Contact with potential carriers of infection during the period after vaccination with Prevenar is dangerous for the child.

Drug names

The vaccine is produced in ampoules or disposable syringes of 0.5-1 ml. The main drugs used to vaccinate children: Pentaxim, Infanrix.


Drug for intramuscular administration. Consists of dead cells of whooping cough, diphtheria toxoid, tetanus. Available in the form of a cloudy suspension in an amount of 1 ml. Manufacturer: Russia.

Infanrix and Infanrix IPV

Infanrix is ​​a suspension for intramuscular injection in an amount of 0.5 milliliters. Contains toxoids of diphtheria, whooping cough, and tetanus. Used for primary vaccination and revaccination.

The drug Infanrix IPV is a suspension for intramuscular administration in an amount of 0.5 ml. Contains diphtheria, whooping cough, and tetanus toxoids. Manufacturer: Belgium.

Infanrix is ​​used both for primary immunization in children and for revaccination.

Side effects of Infanrix:

  • redness, thickening, burning, lump at the injection site;
  • pain, lameness of the leg;
  • increased body temperature, which lasts up to 3 days;
  • runny nose, sore throat;
  • lethargy, drowsiness, tearfulness;
  • pain in the gums and teeth;
  • allergic reaction.

Side effects after the administration of Infanrix occur in almost all children, especially after the initial administration.

To alleviate side effects, you should follow the doctor’s recommendations: do not walk on the day of vaccination, do not swim, if the temperature rises, give an antipyretic, if an allergic reaction develops, it is recommended to take an antihistamine, if a lump, thickening, or redness appears, make an alcohol compress.

Contraindications to the administration of Infanrix:

  • heat;
  • teething;
  • ARVI, runny nose, bronchitis;
  • severe concomitant pathology.


The drug Pentaxim is available in a disposable syringe in a volume of 1 ml. Contains toxoids of whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria. Manufacturer: France. Pentaxim consists of three injections, each 0.5 ml. It is administered at intervals of 1 to 3 months.

Side effects of Pentaxim:

  • compaction, lump, redness at the injection site;
  • increased body temperature, lasts from 1 to 3 days;
  • runny nose, sore throat;
  • lameness in the leg;
  • pain in the gums and teeth;
  • allergic reaction;
  • irritability, tearfulness, lethargy.

Pentaxim has proven itself well as a preventive vaccination with no severe side effects.

The severity of complications after the administration of Pentaxim can be controlled with antihistamines, antipyretics, and applying an alcohol compress to the area of ​​the lump, lump, or redness at the injection site. After administering Pentaxim, it is not advisable to walk outside, swim, or touch the injection site.

Contraindications to the administration of Pentaxim:

  • heat;
  • teething;
  • ARVI, runny nose, sore throat, signs of intoxication;
  • severe concomitant pathology.

Infanrix and Pentaxim are the most common immunization drugs. Read more about the Pentaxim vaccine →

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