“Vaccination fatality statistics are very similar to lies”
The first accurate data on mortality after vaccinations At the beginning of 2021, the following information appeared
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Vaccination could replace antibiotic prophylaxis for streptococcal infections in newborns
Why is streptococcal infection more common during pregnancy? Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy,
How does withdrawal from binge drinking occur using an IV?
How does withdrawal from binge drinking occur using an IV?
Binge drinking is a severe manifestation of alcoholism in stages II and III. Condition associated with long-term use
Are vaccinations required in kindergarten and how to write a refusal?
Are vaccinations required in kindergarten and how to write a refusal?
Is it necessary to do it? The opinion of medical workers on this issue is clear - vaccinations are mandatory,
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Vaccinations in a child’s leg: which ones are given and how are they tolerated?
Everyone knows about the need to vaccinate children. There are several routine vaccinations that are given to infants.
Vaccination of employees against coronavirus: requirements for employers and new report
Various departments repeatedly commented on the issue of vaccination of employees back in the spring. Many were interested -
Vaccination against tetanus has led to the almost complete absence of the disease in countries with developed medicine
Does a child need a tetanus vaccination: a pediatrician explains
In Russia, tetanus vaccination for children is included in the national vaccination calendar, which indicates
What to do before and after artificial insemination
Unfortunately, many couples of reproductive age are faced with the problem of infertility these days.
Contraceptive injections for women during pregnancy
Injection contraception is on par with oral contraceptives (pills) in terms of effectiveness, but
Registration of consent (refusal) for vaccination
Registration of consent to vaccination (refusal to vaccination): legal aspect
Earlier in the article “Legislative requirements for preventive vaccinations (vaccinations)” we reviewed the basics of legal
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